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Darien Lake hosts WNY Emergency Services Appreciation Day

By Billie Owens

Darien Lake Resort will host the inaugural WNY Emergency Services Appreciation Day on 9/11 -- to honor the heroic contributions of emergency services personnel on that day in 2001.

It will honor fallen heroes and raise funds for charity. Firefighters and their families are invited to enjoy the day together with fun activities and raffles that provide guests with the chance to win amazing prizes.

Event Date and Time

Batavia Business and Professional Women's Club meets Thursday

By Daniel Crofts

The Batavia Business and Professional Women's Club meets on the first Thursday of every month from September through June. This month, the group will meet at the Cornerstone Church, at 2583 Main Road (at the corner of Slusser Road) in East Pembroke.

A social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:15. The event is scheduled to last until 9 p.m. 

Event Date and Time

Rummage sale at Batavia First United Methodist Church

By Laura Porter

Batavia First United Methodist Church

 8221 Lewiston Road, Batavia 343 4708

will hold it's ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 2010-- 9am to 3pm

Something New this year--- Bountiful Harvest

Also a Formal Clothing Rack, Baked Goods and lots of "STUFF" on sale

Event Date and Time

Community clothing giveaway at First Presbyterian

By Billie Owens

The First Presbyterian Church of Batavia is holding a Community Clothing Giveaway from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 30.

There will be clothing for infants, boys, girls, men, women, including shoes, sneakers, purses and hats. Winter clothing and work/business clothes are available, too.

For questions or more information, contact the church at 343-0505.

Event Date and Time

Community clothing giveaway at First Presbyterian

By Billie Owens

The First Presbyterian Church of Batavia is holding a Community Clothing Giveaway on Sunday and Monday, Aug. 29 and 30.

Sunday's will be held from noon to 4:30  p.m. On Monday, it will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The church asks the public to drop of clean, gently used clothing at the church, located at 300 E. Main St., from noon to 3 p.m. today and Thursday (Aug. 26). (There were previous drop-offs, too.)

Event Date and Time

Clor's holds chicken barbeque to benefit Oakfield family

By Daniel Crofts

John Hatch, pastor of Batavia's United Pentecostal Church, will be hosting a Chicken Barbeque with Clor's Meat Market, at 4169 W. Main St. Road in Batavia, from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Friday. The proceeds will benefit the family of Matthew Ware, a 22-year-old Oakfield resident who was killed in a car accident earlier in the month.

Ware was a graduate of Oakfield-Alabama High School and a member of the Pentecostals of Genesee in Batavia. His pastor and family hope for a generous response from the community.

Event Date and Time

10th Annual Public Swiss Steak Dinner

By Kim Gloskowski

10th Annual Public Swiss Steak Dinner

All You Can Eat

Saturday, September 18th     Serving 5-7 p.m.

Emmanuel Baptist Church (handicap accessible)

190 Oak Street, Batavia

Adults $8.50   6-12 $4    5 & under-Free

Dinner includes:

Swiss steak, real mashed potatoes, gravy, coleslaw, green beans, rolls, dessert & beverage

For reservations & more information call 219-4855.

Event Date and Time

'Silly Bandz Swap' at Byron-Bergen Public Library

By Daniel Crofts

Hey kids -- like Silly Bandz? Then come to the Byron-Bergen Public Library at 7 p.m. Thursday for a Silly Bandz Swap! You'll have the chance to swap with other Silly Bandz fans as well as play games, enjoy refreshments and win prizes!

This event will take place at the library, at 13 South Lake Ave. in Bergen. For further details, call the library at 494-1120.

Event Date and Time

Toastmasters club meets at the Richmond Memorial Library

By Daniel Crofts

Want to learn how to communicate well in any situation, whether you are a blue-collar worker, stay-at-home mom, a student or retiree? Interested in learning the fine art of communication in a nonjudgmental atmosphere, where everyone is your peer, assignments are designed for self-paced learning, and effort is always applauded?

Event Date and Time

Second Annual Alabama Jam set for 2 to 10 p.m. Saturday

By Billie Owens

The Second Annual Alabama Jam will take place at the Alabama tee-off Saturday afternoon.

There will be live music by local bands from 2 until 10 p.m., including "Savage Cabbage," "The Trolls," "Duck and Cover," "Above the Fog", and the "Nichols Brothers."

The public is welcome and it's sure to be a great, fun event!

Event Date and Time

Local author Bill Kauffman to speak at Stafford Historical Society

By Daniel Crofts

The Stafford Historical Society invites the public to attend a presentation by local author Bill Kauffman -- father of Batavian correspondent Gretel Kauffman -- who will be giving a talk on "The Demise of the One Room Schoolhouse." Kauffman's presentation will begin at 7 p.m. and last about an hour on Thursday, Aug. 26.

Event Date and Time

Open house and hoopla for new School of Nursing facilities Friday afternoon

By Billie Owens

There will be an open house for the new School of Nursing facilities at MedTech Park from 3 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 20.

Genesee Community College and Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) will jointly celebrate the opening of the Dr. Bruce A. Holm Upstate MedTech Centre on Stephen Hawley Drive. It includes the college's new School of Nursing, the headquarters of GCEDC and the Physical Therapy Department of United Memorial Medical Center.

Event Date and Time

Demo of ancient art of 'wax encaustics' at GoArt!

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Society of Artists will have a demonstration by an artist from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 14 at GoArt!, located at 201 E. Main St.

The artist is Linda Metcalf, known by many for her vibrant work in watercolors. This time however, she will be demonstrating and displaying some of her work in "wax encaustics."

Wax encaustic art work dates back to 800 B.C. To explain this art form briefly, the word encaustic means to “burn in” and the technique uses pigmented beeswax.

Event Date and Time

Batavia Players 2010 Summer Youth Theatre production of 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'

By Loren Penman


Batavia Players 2010 Summer Youth Theatre Production of

"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 19, 20 and 21, 2010

7:30 PM in the Batavia High School Auditorium

Tickets available online at

$10.00 ($8.00 for students/senior citizens)

Event Date and Time

Genesee County YMCA hosts NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition

By Billie Owens

Young pro football fans will have the opportunity to exhibit their football skills when the
Genesee County YMCA hosts an NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition on Aug. 21 at VanDetta Stadium in Batavia.

It starts at 9 a.m. and runs until approximately noon, depending on the number of competitors.

The competition is free and open to boys and girls ages 6-15. Age classification is as of Dec. 31 of the current year. For competition information, call The Y at 344-1664.

Event Date and Time

Oakfield Rod & Gun Club starts 'Open Trap Shooting' Aug. 14

By Billie Owens

The Oakfield Rod & Gun Club will commence “Open Trap Shooting," starting Saturday, Aug. 14 and continuing each Saturday thereafter.

It runs from 2 to approximately 7 p.m., weather permitting. The club is located at 3199 Maltby Road in Oakfield.

Prepare for your fall hunting. The public is welcome.

Event Date and Time

OR&GC to vote on amending bylaws

By Billie Owens

Here's a notice to all Oakfield Rod and Gun Club members.

The OR&GC will hold a meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, Sept. 13, 7 p.m., at which time the club will discuss and vote on amending Article XVII of the OR&GC bylaws.

This Article involves Honorary Members and members attaining age 65 being
exempt from dues.

Event Date and Time

Dave Ruch's 'Musical Fun Concert' at Byron-Bergen

By Daniel Crofts

The Byron-Bergen Public Library invites everyone to join them in celebrating the end of their Summer Reading Program with a concert by Dave Ruch, whose music is both interactive and entertaining!

This program is made possible by the New York State Council for the Arts' "Decentralization Program." It is free, open to the public, and lasts from 7 until 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 10.

For more details, please call 494-1120.

Event Date and Time

Elba Historical Society dedicates maple tree to longtime resident

By Daniel Crofts

The Elba Historical Society invites the community to attend the dedication of a maple tree planted in memory of Sophie Smith. She was a longtime Elba resident, teacher and a charter member of the historical society.

The dedication will run from 2 until 4 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 29 at the Elba Historical Society Museum, at the Maple Avenue exit in Elba. Refreshments will be served.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call 344-2707.

Event Date and Time

Keuka College 'ASAP' information session at GCC

By Daniel Crofts

Representatives from Keuka College will be at Genesee Community College's Batavia Campus, at 1 College Rd., to talk about the Accelerated Studied for Adults Program (ASAP).

This will take place in Room T121 of the Conable Tech Building from 6 until 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 16.

Event Date and Time

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