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Pete's Bright Idea: Spend a night forecast for rain at T.F. Brown's listening to DSP Jazz Trio

By Billie Owens

Actual dialogue:

"Hey, Skip!"

"Yeah, Pete"

"What's the weather supposed to be like for this Thursday, July 15 say between 5 and 8 p.m.?"

"Well Pete -- I think they are calling for more rain."

"That's what I thought, Skip. I guess as long as folks have to be indoors they should show up at T.F. Brown's."

"Good idea Pete!"

(DSP Jazz Trio will be performing.)

Event Date and Time

Nocturnal Fliers: Insects that Go Bump in the Night at GC Park & Forest, must preregister

By Billie Owens

It’s a different world when the sun goes down in the forest! Join us for a nocturnal insect adventure at the Genesee County Park & Forest on Saturday, July 10th from 9:30 – 11:30 p.m.

Wayne Gall, Ph.D., will attract night-flying insects to a white sheet with a mercury vapor light and identify them. See these mysterious insects up close and learn cool facts about their natural history!

Event Date and Time

Summer Concert at Elba Village Park with lots of music, food, beer, wine and more

By Billie Owens

The Elba Betterment Committee is pleased to announce the first concert in their summer concert series -- EBC Music and More 2.0 this Saturday, July 10 at the Elba Village Park.

Rockin' the Gazebo at Elba Village Park

It is located in the center of the Village on east side of Main Street.

Event Date and Time

Slaughter replaces Skid Row for July 23 concert at Batavia Downs

By Billie Owens

Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel announced today that due to circumstances beyond their control, the concert on July 23 will no longer feature Skid Row. Batavia Downs hopes to welcome Skid Row to the summer concert series in the future.

On Friday, July 23rd, 2021, Slaughter will perform at the Rockin’ The Downs Summer Concert Series.

The legendary rock 'n' roll band has been making music for three decades and is known for performing such hits as "Up All Night," "Fly to the Angels," and "The Wild Life."

Event Date and Time

HLOM's Guest Speaker for July is Bill Kauffman talking about 'The Congressional Journal of Barber Conable'

By Billie Owens

On Wednesday, July 28th at 7 p.m. the Holland Land Office Museum is proud to welcome our next presenter for our Guest Speaker Series. The museum welcomes back local author Bill Kauffman as he debuts his latest work "The Congressional Journal of Barber Conable, 1968-1984."

Kauffman is the editor of the work, which is a compilation of entries from Congressman Barber Conable about the machinations of Congress and the American government at the highest level.

Event Date and Time

Return of the 'roar and excitment' of the AFD's Tractor Pull

By Billie Owens

This weekend the Alexander Fire Department E.S.P. Tractor Pull returns!

It will be held Friday and Saturday, July 9 and 10, at 7 p.m. at the Recreation Hall grounds, 10708 Alexander Road, Alexander.

Cost: Adults: $16; children 6-12: $8; 5 years and under free.

Classes include: Super Farm, Light Super Farm, Limited Pro Stock Diesel Truck, Heavy Super Stock and Modified Tractors.

Friday at 5 p.m. will include a take-out only Chicken BBQ by the Ladies Auxiliary.

Event Date and Time

Old Hippies free, live Home to Home Concert with special guests in Jackson Square

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Old Hippies present the free Home to Home Concert Series For the Common Good on Saturday July 3 in Jackson Square in Downtown Batavia.

Featured artists are:

  • The Static -- William Levinstein, Sebastian Kitt and Jack Crandall
  • Deanna Spiotta -- Selections from her new debut EP "The In Between"
  • Don Thomas -- Peaceful acoustic guitar
  • Ghostriders -- With many "Guest" musicians
  • And, of course, The Old Hippies themselves -- Bill and Kay McDonald

All are welcome!

Event Date and Time

Genesee Chorale holds virtual concert 'Like A River In My Soul' -- tickets are $5

By Billie Owens

The Genesee Chorale invites you to join them for a unique Spring virtual performance at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 26.

The performance is titled "Like A River In My Soul." The music the Genesee Chorale has chosen uses images and themes of nature meant to inspire and provide joy and hope.  

Event Date and Time

Batavia Concert Band performs free finale of the season in Centennial Park, Gold Sponsor: Great Lakes Insurance Services Group (Batavia)

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Concert Band performs its final free concert of the season at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4 in Centennial Park, located at 151 State St. in the city.

Event Date and Time

Batavia Concert Band performs free in Centennial Park, in memory of John Arent by his Gold Sponsor family, and Bronze Sponsors GCASA and Brighton Securities

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Concert Band performs a free concert at 7 p.m. every Wednesday through Aug. 4 in Centennial Park, located at 151 State St. in the city.

These concerts are "made completely possible through local funding."

Upcoming concerts and/or their sponsors:

Event Date and Time

Batavia Concert Band performs free in Centennial Park, sponsored by Batavia Rotary Club and Turner & Co., Bohm-Calarco-Smith, Burdett & Sanford Funeral Homes

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Concert Band performs free at 7 p.m. every Wednesday through Aug. 4 in Centennial Park, located at 151 State St. in the city.

These concerts are "made completely possible through local funding."

Upcoming concerts and/or their sponsors:

Event Date and Time

Batavia Concert Band performs free in Centennial Park, in memory of Neil Hartwick

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Concert Band performs free at 7 p.m. every Wednesday through Aug. 4 in Centennial Park, located at 151 State St. in the city.

These concerts are "made completely possible through local funding."

Upcoming concerts and/or their sponsors:

Event Date and Time

Batavia Concert Band performs free in Centennial Park, in memory of Bob Knipe, Gary Bird, Dave Funston and Ange Pillo

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Concert Band performs free concerts at 7 p.m. every Wednesday through Aug. 4 in Centennial Park, located at 151 State St. in the city.

These concerts are "made completely possible through local funding."

Upcoming concerts and/or their sponsors:

Event Date and Time

Join the Richmond Reads Committee as it reveals the 2021 title selection we all read together, registration is requested

By Billie Owens

Join the Richmond Reads Committee on Thursday, July 8 at 7 p.m. to celebrate the reveal of the 2021 title selection! 

Richmond Reads is a community one book program that began in 2019 at Richmond Memorial Library. Each year, a committee reads dozens of titles and selects a work of fiction to share with the community. Programs and discussions are then created around the selected title.

Event Date and Time

Free concert at GC Park & Forest w/ Batavia Swing Band/Combo, must preregister, limited to 200 attendees

By Billie Owens

Enjoy a free concert on a summer night at the Genesee County Park & Forest on Saturday, Aug. 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.! Meet us at Pavilion D for a concert featuring the Batavia Swing Band/Combo.

Bring a lawn chair and your favorite people! First come, first served seating at picnic tables. Limit 200 participants. Preregistration is required, call (585) 344-1122! Space is limited, this concert is FREE.

Event Date and Time

Dine at Settler's from 4 to 8 p.m June 29 and Crossroads House gets 20 percent of pre-tax receipts

By Billie Owens

Enjoy a GREAT meal at Settler’s Family Restaurant on Tuesday, June 29th and support comfort care in our neighborhood, at the same time.

From 4 to 8 p.m. 20 percent of the evening’s pre-tax receipts will be generously donated to Crossroads House.

Settler’s is located at 353 W. Main St. in the City of Batavia.

No grocery shopping, no cooking, and no dishes to wash, just a delicious dinner in a casual, family-friendly atmosphere. (No coupon is necessary.) We hope to see you there!

Event Date and Time

More Pride Game Night fun at Batavia Presbyterian church: free make-and-take baby sunflowers, sidewalk chalk art

By Billie Owens

The Little Free Pantry will be hosting a FREE Make-and-Take Baby Sunflower Station and sidewalk chalk art as part of the Pride Game Night and Royal Court Crowning at Batavia First Presbyterian Church, 300 E. Main St., Batavia, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday, June 11.

Make and take your own baby sunflower -- soil, seed and containers provided.

A Plant Sale by donation will also be offered. It features an assortment of potted plants and garden vegetable plants (tomatoes, peppers, cukes, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)

Event Date and Time

Oakfield Community Bible Church hosts second annual Summer Craft & Vendors Event

By Billie Owens

Oakfield Community Bible Church will host its second annual Summer Craft & Vendors Event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 12.

The church is located at 82 N. Main St., Oakfield.

There will be crafts, vendors, food trucks and much more!

Vendors include:

Event Date and Time

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