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Deadline for beginning farmers to sign up for Cornell Extension's workshops on 'Starting a Livestock Farm'

By Billie Owens

There are many aspects to consider when starting a livestock farm, such as land, what to sell, and how to sell it. Cornell Cooperative Extension’s specialists Nancy Glazier and Joan Sinclair Petzen are offering a beginning farmer educational series via Zoom beginning 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24; second session is Wednesday, March 10.

The two sessions will cover resource assessment, business planning, basic bookkeeping and budgeting. Time will be available each evening for discussion. Follow-up sessions will be held biweekly if there is enough interest.

Event Date and Time

Preregister for free COVID-19 testing clinic at Fire Training Center for Genesee County residents

By Billie Owens

Genesee County will hold a free COVID-19 Testing Clinic for Genesee County residents on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at the Fire Training Center, 7690 State Street Road, Batavia.

Time is 1 to 3 p.m.

There are 309 appointments available: 

Here's the link to register.

Phone: (585) 344-2580

Event Date and Time

Fundraiser for St. Paul Lutheran School -- order online for pickup from Applebee's in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In order to earn funds for tuition assistance, St. Paul Lutheran School of Batavia is “hosting” a Carryout for a Cause Fundraiser through the local Applebee’s.

The event will run all day on Wednesday, Jan. 27 (11 a.m. until close at 10 p.m.).

Supporters simply have to order To Go, online via or the Applebee’s mobile app and use Promo Code “DOINGOOD” at checkout.

Event Date and Time

Old Hippies livestream home-to-home concert #46

By Billie Owens


A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL! We, Bill & Kay McDonald (Old Hippies) are so thankful for meeting new friends and to everyone who has joined us in our and for those who will in the future.

Event Date and Time

Deadline to order takeout-only pulled-pork dinners from Ascension Parish

By Billie Owens

Ascension Parish is hosting a takeout-only pulled-pork dinner from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30.

Cut off date to preorder is Jan. 27. Dinner are presale only/$10 each, take out only.

Dinner is pulled pork, roll, mac & cheese, and baked beans.

Payment due prior to pickup either by (mail, collection basket or office door slot).

To order call Parish office at (585) 343-1796 and leave a message. "To order electronically see your flocknote email." 

Event Date and Time

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County -- Annual Organizational Meeting via Zoom

By Billie Owens

The Board of Directors for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will hold its Annual Organizational Meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 26.

Meetings are currently being held via Zoom and in keeping with NYS Open Meeting Laws; Genesee County residents may attend virtually.

Please contact Yvonne Peck at to register and receive link.

Any questions should be directed to Peck at (585) 343-3040, ext. 123.

Event Date and Time

Old Hippies livestream home-to-home concert #45

By Billie Owens
"IT"S A BEAUTIFUL MORNING!" -- the coffee's good, dog's on my lap, a time to heal and to say Y'ALL ARE INVITED SATURDAY, Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. for our LIVESTREAM HOME to HOME CONCERT SERIES FOR THE COMMON GOOD#45.
A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL! We, Bill & Kay McDonald (Old Hippies) are so thankful for meeting new friends and to everyone who has joined us at our Home to Home Concert series for the common good and for those who will in the future. . .
Event Date and Time

Free COVID-19 testing today until 4 p.m. at Fire Training Center, Batavia -- no preregistration needed

By Billie Owens

From Vickie Muckle, executive assistant to the county manager:

There are several spots open at the free COVID-19 testing clinic today at the Fire Training Center at 7690 State Street Road in the Town of Batavia.

Because the State system is down today, folks do not need to preregister they can just show up. We will be there until 4 p.m. today.

Event Date and Time

Old Hippies livestream home-to-home concert #43

By Billie Owens
"IT"S A BEAUTIFUL MORNING!" the coffee's good, dogs on my lap and time to remember to write 2021 and to say Y'ALL ARE INVITED this evening........SATURDAY, Jan. 9, at 7 p.m. for our LIVESTREAM HOME to HOME CONCERT. (Please see links below for viewing).
A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL! We, Bill & Kay McDonald (Old Hippies) are so thankful for meeting new friends and to everyone who has joined us at our Home to Home Concert series for the common good and for those who will in the future. . .
Event Date and Time

CANCELLED: Winter Fun Night Hike tonight

By Billie Owens

Enjoy the forest in winter and track the secret lives of wild animals on a guided hike! 

Hikes will go, snow or no snow. Snowshoes may be used, weather permitting, and are available for rent or you may bring your own. Snowshoeing lesson provided, no previous experience needed.

Rental is included in the price, $5/person, $15 max/family. Recommended for ages 3 and up. Space is limited. Preregistration is required, call (585) 344-1122.

Event Date and Time

Old Hippies livestream home-to-home concert #43

By Press Release

Y'ALL ARE INVITED. SATURDAY Jan. 2 at 7 p.m. LIVESTREAM HOME to HOME CONCERT SERIES #43. (Please see links below for viewing).

A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL... We, Bill & Kay McDonald (Old Hippies) are so thankful to all who have joined us at our Home to Home Concert series for the common good and for those who will in the future. . . Please share.

Event Date and Time

GLOW Women Rise free monthly virtual series 'Ready, Set, GLOW!' -- Vision Board Happy Hour

By Billie Owens
GLOW Women Rise (GWR) has a FREE online monthly event series called, Ready, Set, GLOW! to provide area women with fun and upliftment during these stressful times. People can register at
Event Date and Time

GLOW Women Rise free monthly virtual series 'Ready, Set, GLOW!' -- Practical Self-care and Adult Bingo

By Billie Owens
GLOW Women Rise (GWR) has a FREE online monthly event series called, Ready, Set, GLOW! to provide area women with fun and upliftment during these stressful times. People can register at
Event Date and Time

Annual WBTA Toy Drive at Ken Barrett car dealership -- live broadcast

By Billie Owens

The Salvation Army of Batavia is proud to announce, for the 37th year in a row, WBTA’S annual toy drive with Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet. COVID-19 has hit The Salvation Army especially hard, with the need for services being at an all-time high and funding down nearly 40-50 percent. 

The annual drive for new, unwrapped toys will take place at the car dealership this Friday, Dec. 11, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is located at 229 W. Main St. in the City of Batavia. WBTA will broadcast live.

Event Date and Time

Drive thru Country Christmas displays and food at WNY Gas & Steam Engine grounds, Alexander

By Billie Owens

Western New York Gas & Steam Association cordially invites you to the DRIVE THRU COUNTRY CHRISTMAS LIGHT DISPLAY – WITH DRIVE THRU FOOD COURT every Friday and Saturday through Dec. 19. From 5 to 9 o'clock each evening.

Admission is $10 a vehicle.

Take a half-mile ride through our grounds and enjoy our thousands of Christmas lights and unique/ amazing displays.

Event Date and Time

Drive thru Country Christmas displays and food at WNY Gas & Steam Engine grounds, Alexander

By Billie Owens

Western New York Gas & Steam Association cordially invites you to the DRIVE THRU COUNTRY CHRISTMAS LIGHT DISPLAY – WITH DRIVE THRU FOOD COURT every Friday and Saturday through Dec. 19. From 5 to 9 o'clock each evening.

Admission is $10 a vehicle.

Take a half-mile ride through our grounds and enjoy our thousands of Christmas lights and unique/ amazing displays.

Event Date and Time

Drive thru Country Christmas displays and food at WNY Gas & Steam Engine grounds, Alexander

By Billie Owens

Western New York Gas & Steam Association cordially invites you to the DRIVE THRU COUNTRY CHRISTMAS LIGHT DISPLAY – WITH DRIVE THRU FOOD COURT every Friday and Saturday through Dec. 19. From 5 to 9 o'clock each evening.

Admission is $10 a vehicle.

Take a half-mile ride through our grounds and enjoy our thousands of Christmas lights and unique/ amazing displays.

Event Date and Time

Drive thru Country Christmas displays and food at WNY Gas & Steam Engine grounds, Alexander

By Billie Owens

Western New York Gas & Steam Association cordially invites you to the DRIVE THRU COUNTRY CHRISTMAS LIGHT DISPLAY – WITH DRIVE THRU FOOD COURT every Friday and Saturday through Dec. 19. From 5 to 9 o'clock each evening.

Admission is $10 a vehicle.

Take a half-mile ride through our grounds and enjoy our thousands of Christmas lights and unique/ amazing displays.

Event Date and Time

UPDATE: GSO flute trio concert at HLOM, YouTube livestream only -- no live audience at museum

By Billie Owens

UPDATED Dec. 18: The Holland Land Office Museum will host a flute trio of the Genesee Symphony Orchestra via livestream on its YouTube Channel tonight at 7 o'clock.

This is Wonderland of Trees celebration sponsored in part by Tompkins Bank of Castile.

Plans to allow a small audience of 12 people were cancelled due to heightened coronavirus precaution.

Paul Figlow of Figlow Productions is livestreaming the performance on the museum's YouTube channel. Here's the link.

Event Date and Time

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