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DeWitt Recreation Area

Photo: Night skating at DeWitt Recreation Area

By Howard B. Owens

On Friday nights, the lights are on for outdoor skating at DeWitt Recreation Area, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Batavia.

This coming Friday, Kiwanis members will be serving hot cocoa from Tim Hortons to skaters who show up between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Above, Kiwanis member Peter Guppenberger.

Ice skating hours at DeWitt extended on Fridays beginning Dec. 29 until mid-March

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Parks, Recreation & Forestry has partnered with the Batavia Kiwanis Club to extend hours for ice skating on Fridays at the DeWitt Recreation Area! The hours will be extended till 7:30 p.m. beginning Dec. 29 until mid-March.

A true community effort continues to make it all happen with the City of Batavia Fire Department initially filling the rink with water, the Town of Oakfield Highway Department providing outdoor lighting, and Cedar Street Rentals assisting with keeping the ice surface clear of snow. Use of the rink is FREE and available at posted times.

DeWitt Recreation Area is located at 115 Cedar St. in Batavia. The outdoor rink is not monitored by staff during posted hours nor are skates provided. Skate at your own risk.

This beautiful community skating area is constructed and maintained by volunteers and staff, so we ask for your help in keeping it safe and clean for all to enjoy. Please stay off the ice on warm days and respect the “closed for maintenance” signs. Keeping off the ice when it is warm will ensure a quick reopening of the rink when the weather turns cold again!

See the parks website here for full rules and details.

Rink Hours:

Public Skate:
(Sticks and pucks are prohibited on the ice during public skate.)

  • Monday, Wednesday, Saturday -- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Thursday -- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Friday (beginning Dec. 29) -- 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Stick & Puck:

Tuesday, Thursday 2 to 4 p.m.​ (No figure skating during Stick & Puck time.)

For more information visit our website here, or contact Shannon Morley at or (585) 344-1122.

'Capturing Nature' photography program at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Come experience the grandeur and beauty of nature like never before with our “Capturing Nature” program! Join us for Capturing Nature at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, July 8th.

Learn nature photography tricks of the trade and explore DeWitt Recreation Area with a naturalist guide.

Meet at Pavilion 1. Bring your camera or phone and create awesome art from the view right under your nose!

Cost is $5/person, $10/family. Pre-registration is recommended. Call 585-344-1122 to reserve your spot!

DeWitt is located at 115 Cedar St.

Geocaching fun set for Saturday morning at DeWitt Recreation Area, must preregister

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Get out and try a hi-tech scavenger hunt! Join us for Geocaching at DeWitt Recreation Area from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 10th.

Create a personal alias or team name to let others know you were here. Sign up as a group or by yourself. Never geocached before? No problem! No prior geocaching experience is necessary. A tutorial will be provided, along with GPS units.

Dress for the weather and be ready for adventure.You never know what you’ll find in a geocache. Meet at Pavilion #2 at DeWitt Recreation Area, location at 115 Cedar St. in Batavia.

Cost is $5/person, $10/family. Preregistration is required. Call 585-344-1122 to register and reserve your spot.

For more information visit our website at, or contact Shannon Morley at or (585) 344-1122.

County will build bridge through wetlands at DeWitt for Ellicott Trail

By Howard B. Owens

Plans continue to move forward for construction of the Ellicott Trail, a 4.6-mile, east-west pedestrian and bicycle path through the Town of Batavia and around and in the City, connecting parks and other points of interest.

Yesterday, the County's Public Service Committee recommended approval of an inter-municipal agreement between the Town and the County to construct the portion of the path through DeWitt Recreation Area, with a bridge over some wetlands.

The path will pass north of the lake and come out at Route 5 near the Tractor Supply store.

The bridge would be made of aluminum, said Highway Superintendent Tim Hens.

"We wanted to avoid pressure-treated timber because when it gets wet it gets slimy and slippery," Hens said.

The bridge cost is $85,000 plus $30,000 in in-kind county labor expense, which will assist the Town of Batavia in meeting matching funds requirements for grants.

The funds will come from capital reserves already set aside for improvements to the park.

"It's a pretty sharp bridge," Hens said.

The total Ellicott Trail project is expected to cost $1.7 million, and 80 percent of the cost will be covered by a state grant.

For prior coverage of the Ellicott Trail, click here.

Photos: Earth Day at DeWitt Recreation Area

By Howard B. Owens

Volunteers of all ages came out to DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia today -- Earth Day -- to help clean the park and participate in various learning activities.

One of the activities was an "emerald ash borer game," where several children were emerald ash borers, two were volunteers and one was a park ranger. The emerald ash borers had 10 seconds to lay their eggs in as many ash trees in a wooded area (represented by small, green disks). Then volunteers would identify infected trees and the park ranger would come along and replace the ash trees with another kind of tree. The game illustrated how much faster an infestation can spread than forest rangers can act to do anything about it.

Outdoor hockey at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

Conditions were just right this afternoon for a group of young hockey players to get some practice time in at the outdoor skating rink at DeWitt Recreation Area.

County's new outdoor ice skating rink has ice

By Howard B. Owens

Tim Hens clears snow from the new outdoor ice skating rink at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia and he said the rink should open today, but if not today, tomorrow.

The rink was made possible when the Town of Oakfield donated it to the county for use in DeWitt.

Most days while there is ice will be open skating, Hens said, but he anticipates having puck and stick days (no hockey games, and there are no nets) on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Staff from Cedar Street Sales and Rentals are helping maintain the rink during the winter.

Water level rises in local aquifer

By Howard B. Owens

All summer, we've watched the water level drop at the lakes off Cedar Street, including DeWitt Recreation Area, where a land bridge that probably hasn't been seen since the 1970s re-emerged as WNY has suffered through a rare drought.

Yesterday, County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens told county legislators that the level has been dropping about a third of a foot every two weeks, but this afternoon we learned that trend may be reversing.

Jim Ficarella, superintendent of water & wastewater for the City of Batavia, said he took a new measurement of the aquifer this morning and found it has risen more than a third since his previous measurement.

The aquifer not only supplies some of the city's water, it also replenishes the lakes.

The aquifer level and the lake levels have dropped pretty much in unison, Ficarella said, but there may be a lag in replenishing the lakes as the aquifer comes back.

Of course, it will take more rain, and in the winter, more snow, for the levels to recover to pre-drought levels.

Meanwhile, the city and county have an ample water supply from the Monroe County Water Authority.

Highway superintendent provides department review to County legislators

By Howard B. Owens
As part of his department review before the Public Service Committee on Monday, County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens said the water level in the lake at DeWitt Recreation Area is at a historic low, at least in the time that it's been part of a park, because of the ongoing drought. Hens said he's heard rumors, and received media inquiries, about a nearby production plant drawing more water from the aquifer, causing water levels to drop. He said that's not true. The aquifer is lower because of the drought, which means the lake isn't getting fed as much water. It has nothing to do with any unusually high usage by the plant or the city. The water level continues to drop about a third of a foot every two weeks, Hens said.


Highlights from the department review presented yesterday by Tim Hens, county highway superintendent, to the Legislature's Public Service Committee:

  • When Hens started in 1998, County Highway had 45 employees. Now there are 27 doing more work. "We're definitely way more efficient," Hens said. "Still, we could use another body or two."
  • The county received no federal aid this past year for bridge and culvert replacement and repair, Hens said. He said the county continues to fall behind on maintenance needs. There were five culverts replaced in 2016. "We're trying to chase down more grants," he said. 
  • Shannon Morley, Genesee County conservation education programs coordinator, is doing a great job of creating programs that get people out to the park, Hens said. A recent meteor shower event attracted 90 people out to Genesee County Park & Forest. About 80 percent of her salary is paid for by two grants totaling $36,000.
  • The sewer and water connections for the new bathrooms at DeWitt Recreation Area are completed. Now the county is waiting on National Grid to complete electrical hookups and then the interior can be completed. Ideally, the work will be done by winter, because ideally, it will be a good winter for ice skating and the county can install and get up and running with the ice-skating rink donated by the Town of Oakfield. Hens said several people have stepped forward and volunteered to help run and maintain the rink, including Cedar Street Sales and Rentals, which has offered to "sort of adopt" the rink. There's just some liability issues to work out, Hens said. 
  • Bids will go out soon for stone restoration work at the County Jail/Genesee Justice building. 
  • The airport continues to be cash-flow positive for the county, Hens said. Jet fuel sales continue to rise, in part because the county keeps its prices lower than competitors. The strong cash flow will help the county more quickly pay down the bond debt for the new terminal and hangar. Next up for construction work at the Genesee County Airport is demolition of the old terminal building. Grants have already been secured for that project. Plans are in the works for two more 10-bay hangars. Each of those should generate about $30,000 a month in lease payments. The county has about $600,000 in state grants for the $900,000 project.

More info released on man whose body was found in water at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens
     Kyeongseop Woodhams

UPDATED 8:50 a.m.

The 25-year-old man from South Korea whose body was found in the lake at DeWitt Recreation Area on Labor Day went by the name locally of Kevin.

His maiden name was Kim.

According to Det. Todd Crossett, Kyeongseop Woodhams lived in Genesee County and his only family in the United States was his husband. He has not been identified.

His husband reported him as missing to the State Police sometime Saturday, according to Det. Todd Crossett.

The cause of death has not been determined. Investigators are waiting on the results of toxicology tests, which could take a couple of months.

Woodhams was identified first by a person at the scene when his body was found shortly before 9 a.m., Sept. 5. His identity was confirmed with his visa, according to Crossett.

There were items found at the scene, including fishing gear, but Crossett did not specify what other items might have been found. (CORRECTION: We missed the word "not" in the e-mail message from Crossett. We apologize for the error).

Crossett said Woodhams was last seen late Friday night or early Saturday morning.

Anybody with information that may assist in the investigation is asked to contact Crossett at (585) 345-6353.

Man whose body was found in water at DeWitt identified as South Korean

By Howard B. Owens
     Kyeongseop Woodhams

The young man whose body was found on Labor Day in the lake at DeWitt Recreation Area has been identified by police as 25-year-old Kyeongseop Woodhams.

Woodhams is originally from South Korea and notification of the next of kin required the assistance of Sen. Charles Schumer's office.

The cause of death has not yet been determined and investigators are awaiting results from toxicology tests to see if that provides any clues.

There were no signs of trauma.

Investigators are asking that anybody who may have seen Woodhams between Sept. 3 and Sept. 5 to contact Det. Todd Crossett at (585) 345-6353.

The park opened at 6 a.m. on Labor Day and a fisherman discovered Woodham's body at 8:54 a.m. and immediately called police.

The body was partially submerged. 

A scuba team searched the area where the body was found, in the southeast corner of the lake, behind the land bridge created by historically low water levels, but investigators have not revealed if any items of interest were located.

No further information has been released about Woodhams.

No ID, cause of death yet in case of body found at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

Investigators are awaiting the results of toxicology tests to help determine the cause of death of a man whose body was found in the lake at DeWitt Recreation Area on Labor Day.

The victim's name has not been released because authorities are having a hard time getting in touch with appropriate family members for the purpose of notification.

Det. Todd Crossett said he expects notification to happen today and the identity of the victim to be released Monday.

"It should be clear when the information is released why this is taking so long," Crossett said.

The autopsy has been completed, but that procedure did not lead to a determination of the cause of death, Crossett said.

Asked if the extensive search of the area conducted after the body was found turned up anything related to the case, Crossett said he couldn't comment on that until information was released on Monday.

Crossett said he wasn't on scene Labor Day, so he doesn't know if identification was found on the victim, but he said somebody who saw the body did recognize him.

In past fatalities, it has taken a couple of months for toxicology reports to come back from the crime labs.

Batavia PD clarifies timeline around discovery of body in lake at DeWitt yesterday

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Police Department has been investigating the discovery of a deceased male in the sand wash at DeWitt park. The City of Batavia Police Department is issuing a clarification in the timeline of the originally reported events.

The timeline is as follows:

  • 08:54HRS: Fisherman discovers deceased male, contacts Genesee County Dispatch Center 09:03HRS: Officers arrive on scene
  • 10:30HRS: Genesee County Coroner Douglas pronounces time of death
  • 11:13HRS: City of Batavia Fire Department and Batavia Police Department Detectives perform water recovery

Cause of death is still under investigation. The Batavia Police Department will not be releasing the identification of the deceased male until the next of kin has been notified. The Batavia Police Department will update the media with any new information as it becomes available. 

Cause of death yet to be determined for male body found in DeWitt lake today

By Howard B. Owens

It likely will be days before we know how a man whose body was found partially submerged in the lake at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia died.

A fisherman first noticed the body some time after 6 a.m., which is when the Cedar Street park opened, and he notified a member of the park maintenance staff.

Batavia PD was notified at 8:54 a.m.

Officer Marc Lawrence, who briefed media earlier this afternoon at DeWitt, said he couldn't speculate on why there was a delay between the body being spotted and police being contacted.

Lawrence said there is no information available indicating the age or race of the deceased.

The body was found at the far end of the lake from the main entrance, in the northeast corner, on the other side of the land bridge that has been exposed by the drought.

As of early this afternoon, a scuba-diving team was still searching the lake for any potential evidence that might be connected to the incident.

At this time, the investigation is being handled as a criminal investigation, pending new information that might indicate otherwise.

There have been two recent missing person reports in the area, but there's no information at this time connecting those reports to this incident, Lawrence said.

DeWitt Recreation Area main gates closed today and Tuesday due to construction project

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Department of Parks, Recreation & Forestry will be closing the DeWitt Recreation Area (DeWitt Park) Main Gate all day on Monday, July 11, 2016 and Tuesday, July 12, due to major construction within the park. Pavilion reservations will not be taken for either of the two days.

The main roadway inside the park will not be accessible due to sewer and waterline installations on those days. The walking track in the center of the lawn area will not be available either. Construction vehicles will only be allowed access through the main gate.

The South Entrance parking lot will be available for vehicles to park. Pedestrian access from the South parking lot will be limited to various areas within the park throughout the week due to the construction. The playground will still be accessible throughout the entire construction period.

Construction is anticipated to last the entire week.

For further information, please contact the Parks office at (585) 344-8508 or the Parks Supervisor at

Photos: Fishing Derby at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

Bell Barone (pictured below) was among the dozens of kids who turned out today for the annual Fishing Derby at DeWitt Recreation Area sponsored by the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club.

Photos: Water rescue training at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

Information and photos submitted by Glenn Adams.

Yesterday morning, City fire along with a group of volunteers from other departments in the county, participated in water rescue training at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia.

The boat and motor and gear were purchased with a grant from Homeland Security.

The first two shots include Ryan Hendershott of the Bethany department and DJ Pollock.

CORRECTION: Only members of City fire participated. Hendershott is a city firefighter and a Bethany volunteer.

Photos: Earth Day cleanup and nature walk at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

As part of an Earth Day observance, volunteers came out to the DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia to help with spring cleanup.

The walk around the park was about more than just trash pickup. It included a guided nature walk led by Amy Jessmer, from Albion, with a degree in environmental science from SUNY Brockport, where she is currently working on her master's degree. Jessmer spoke about native and non-native species and the environmental balance of the lake and surrounding habitat.

The water level of DeWitt is exceptionally low. George Squires, retired from the county's soil and water department, said he doesn't believe he's seen it this low since the 1980s.

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