The young man whose body was found on Labor Day in the lake at DeWitt Recreation Area has been identified by police as 25-year-old Kyeongseop Woodhams.
Woodhams is originally from South Korea and notification of the next of kin required the assistance of Sen. Charles Schumer's office.
The cause of death has not yet been determined and investigators are awaiting results from toxicology tests to see if that provides any clues.
There were no signs of trauma.
Investigators are asking that anybody who may have seen Woodhams between Sept. 3 and Sept. 5 to contact Det. Todd Crossett at (585) 345-6353.
The park opened at 6 a.m. on Labor Day and a fisherman discovered Woodham's body at 8:54 a.m. and immediately called police.
The body was partially submerged.
A scuba team searched the area where the body was found, in the southeast corner of the lake, behind the land bridge created by historically low water levels, but investigators have not revealed if any items of interest were located.
No further information has been released about Woodhams.
poor guy soo sorry for the
poor guy soo sorry for the family...was probably put there...who knows..so young so sad