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DeWitt Recreation Area

Small fire reported by nature trail at DeWitt Recreation Area

By Billie Owens

City firefighters are called to investigate a possible controlled burn by the nature trail at DeWitt Recreation Area off Cedar Street.

UPDATE 12:47 a.m.: Firefighters are in the area investigating. The caller reported two bicycles in the vicinity of the blaze.

September events at Genesee County Park & Forest and DeWitt, preregister

By Billie Owens

There are several adventures offered next month at Genesee County Park & Forest and DeWitt Recreation Area. These September recreational opportunities include: a Full Moon Hike; Orienteering with the Rochester Orienteering Club; Geocaching at DeWitt; and Learning About Wild Turkeys.

Here are the details:

Orienteering at the Genesee County Park & Forest with Rochester Orienteering Club

Come explore the active and adventurous sport of Orienteering at the Genesee County Park & Forest with Rochester Orienteering Club from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14th. Beginner class and basic training takes place from 9 to 10 a.m. Orienteering start is open 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. All courses close at 1:30 pm.

Learn how to find your way without batteries or a cell phone signal – by using a map and compass. All material provided no experience necessary.

Orienteering is a family friendly sport for people of all ages and ability levels. Perfect for individuals and families who love the outdoors. Please preregister online here; or by calling 585-344-8508, ext. 3701, and leaving your name, phone number, and number of participants.

Harvest Moon Night Hike at the Genesee County Park & Forest

Come join us on a night hike through a moonlit forest with our Harvest Moon Night Hike at the Genesee County Park & Forest from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14th.

Look and listen for nocturnal animals that can’t be seen or heard during the day! Hear tales of the full moon that comes at the beginning of fall, and learn the origins of its name.

Cost is $5/person, $10/family. Preregistration required, call 585-344-8508, ext. 3701, and leave your name, phone number, and number of participants to reserve your spot.

Geocaching at DeWitt Recreation Area

Get out and try a high-tech scavenger hunt with our Geocaching at DeWitt Recreation Area program from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21st.

Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt game that can be played anytime and anywhere. Create a personal alias or team name to let others know you were here. Sign up as a group or by yourself. No prior geocaching experience is necessary, a lesson and GPS unit is provided.

Dress for the weather and be ready for adventure! Meet at Pavilion 3 at DeWitt Recreation Area.

Cost is $5/person, $10/family. Preregistration is required. Call 585-344-8508, ext. 3701, and leave your name, phone number, and number of participants to register.

Wild Turkeys at the Genesee County Park & Forest

Did you know that wild turkeys can swim? Or that they can fly 55 miles per hour? Join the National Wild Turkey Federation and Women in the Outdoors for Wild Turkeys at the Genesee County Park & Forest Interpretive Nature Center from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28th to learn more cool facts and find out how turkeys survive in the wild.

Then head out to the forest and fields to practice turkey calls and see where they can live! This program is FREE! Recommended for ages 8 and up. Preregistration required. Reserve your spot by calling 585-344-8508, ext. 3701, and leaving your name, phone number, and number of participants.

For more information visit the park & forest website here, or contact the park office at 585-344-8508.

Genesee County Park and Forest is located at 11095 Bethany Center Road, East Bethany.

DeWitt Recreation Area is located at 115 Cedar St. in the City of Batavia.

Guided kayak tour of DeWitt Pond is Saturday, must preregister

By Billie Owens

Kayaking at the pond at DeWitt Recreation Area, which was cancelled last month due to the heat wave, will be offered this Saturday.

Preregistration is required on or before Thursday Aug. 8th, call 585-344-1122.

A maximum of 20 participants will be allowed.

Seize the day with a guided kayak tour of DeWitt Pond! Explore the pond by water and discover a new world.

  • Session 1 takes place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Session 2 takes place from 1 to 3 p.m.

Meet at the boat launch at DeWitt Recreation Area. No experience needed, a beginner kayaking lesson is provided! Rent a kayak or bring your own. Kayak rentals with life vests are provided by Adventures in Fitness Inc. Solo kayak rentals are available for ages 12 and up, tandem kayak rentals are available for kids under 12 and must be piloted by an adult.

Guided tour fee is $20/person without rental or $25/person with kayak rental per session. Fee for children under 12 is $12 per session. Maximum 20 participants per session.

For more information visit the website here, or contact Kayla Edmunds or (585) 344-1122.

Kayaking at DeWitt Pond rescheduled for next month due to heat wave

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Kayaking at DeWitt Recreation Area has been cancelled for Saturday, July 20th, due to inclement weather.

It has been rescheduled to Saturday, Aug. 10th. Preregistration is required on or before Thursday Aug. 8th, call 585-344- 1122.

Seize the day with a guided kayak tour of DeWitt Pond! Explore the pond by water and discover a new world.

  • Session 1 takes place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Session 2 takes place from 1 to 3 p.m.

Meet at the boat launch at DeWitt Recreation Area. No experience needed, a beginner kayaking lesson is provided! Rent a kayak or bring your own. Kayak rentals with life vests are provided by Adventures in Fitness Inc. Solo kayak rentals are available for ages 12 and up, tandem kayak rentals are available for kids under 12 and must be piloted by an adult.

Guided tour fee is $20/person without rental or $25/person with kayak rental per session. Fee for children under 12 is $12 per session. Maximum 20 participants per session.

For more information visit our website at, or contact Shannon Lyaski at or (585) 344-1122.

Guided kayak tours of DeWitt Pond offered July 20, must RSVP by July 17

By Billie Owens

Seize the day with a guided kayak tour of DeWitt Pond on Saturday July 20th!

Explore the pond by water and discover a new world.

Session 1 takes place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; Session 2 takes place from 1 to 3 p.m. Meet at the boat launch at DeWitt Recreation Area, located off Cedar Street in the City of Batavia.

No experience needed, a beginner kayaking lesson is provided! Rent a kayak or bring your own.

Kayak rentals with life vests are provided by Adventures in Fitness Inc. Solo kayak rentals are available for ages 12 and up, tandem kayak rentals are available for kids under 12 and must be piloted by an adult.

Guided tour fee is $20/person without rental or $25/person with kayak rental per session. Fee for children under 12 is $12 per session. Preregistration is required by Wednesday July 17th, call 585-344-1122!

For more information visit our website at, or contact Shannon Lyaski at or (585) 344-1122.

Reminder: Free fishing day at DeWitt is June 29, with derby and chance to win prizes -- gear/bait provided

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Join the Genesee County Parks along with the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club and try out fishing at DeWitt Recreation Area from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 29th.

Kids up to age 16 can join the fun and get the chance to win a prize with the Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby, sponsored by the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club. Prize includes fishing gear donated by Cabela’s of Cheektowaga.

No fishing license required, this is part of the NYSDEC’s Free Fishing Weekend. Perfect for beginners!

Program meets at Pavilion 3. Friendly guides will be on hand to assist you.

Fishing gear provided or bring your own. Bait provided through a generous donation by Walmart of Batavia.

Call 585-344-1122 register or walk-ins also welcome.

For more information visit the parks' website here, or contact Shannon Lyaski at or (585) 344-1122.

Free fishing derby for kids and teens up to 16 is June 29 at DeWitt Recreation Area

By Billie Owens

Press release:

East Bethany – Join the Genesee County Parks along with the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club and try out fishing at DeWitt Recreation Area from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 29th.

Kids up to age 16 can join the fun and get the chance to win a prize with the Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby, sponsored by the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club. Prize includes fishing gear donated by Cabela’s of Cheektowaga.

No fishing license required, this is part of the NYSDEC’s Free Fishing Weekend. Perfect for beginners!

Program meets at Pavilion 3. Friendly guides will be on hand to assist you.

Fishing gear provided or bring your own. Bait provided through a generous donation by Walmart of Batavia.

Call 585-344-1122 register or walk-ins also welcome.

For more information visit the parks' website here, or contact Shannon Lyaski at or (585) 344-1122.

Photo: DeWitt sunrise

By Howard B. Owens

Guy Clark, owner of Cedar Street Sales and Rental, shared this photo from earlier this week of a sunrise over DeWitt Recreation Area.

19th annual Earth Day Celebration at DeWitt Recreation Area is April 20

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Earth Day is your chance to give back to your community and take care of the Earth! Join us at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia for the 19th annual Earth Day Celebration and help with park cleanup from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 20.

Let's celebrate Earth Day early (it's actually Monday, April 22) and help keep the park beautiful and the habitat safe and healthy for wildlife.

Leanr to make cool things from recycled materials and enjoy a naturalist-guided hike to discover the natural wonders in the park.

Enjot wild ganes, free fun and more.

Service groups, students, 4-H'ers and Scouts can earn community service hours and meet badge requirements.

Don't miss a special presentation by theBuffalo Zoomobile from 2 to 3 p.m., weather permitting!

Special thanks to the Genesee Finger Lakes Cahpter of the Air & Waste Management Association for their generous support of this Earth Day celebration.

Meet at Pavilion 2 for all activities. DeWitt Recreation Area is located at 115 Cedar St. in the City of Batavia.

This event and all activities are free and open to all. Please preregister for activities by calling (585) 344-1122.

Here's the day's schedule of activities:

  • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -- Park Cleanup Projects
  • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -- Recycled Crafts
  • 12 to 1 p.m. -- Wild Planet Games
  • 1 to 2 p.m. -- Wild Planet Guided Hike
  • 2 to 3 p.m. (weather permitting) -- Special Guest: World Safari by the Buffalo Zoomobile -- Meet fascinating animals from all different places on planet Earth!

Photo: Sunrise at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

John Michaels took this picture at DeWitt Recreation Area yesterday morning.

RESCHEDULED: Guided kayaking tour of DeWitt Pond is July 21, must register by July 14

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Seize the day with a guided kayak tour of DeWitt Pond on Saturday, July 21st! It is rescheduled to Aug. 10 due to inclement weather. Pregister on or before Aug. 8 by calling 584-344-1122.

Explore the pond by water and discover a new world.

Session 1 takes place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Session 2 takes place from 1 to 3 p.m. Meet at the boat launch at DeWitt Recreation Area off Cedar Street in Batavia.

No experience needed, a beginner kayaking lesson is provided!

Rent a kayak or bring your own. Kayak rentals with life vests are provided by Adventures in Fitness Inc. Solo kayak rentals are available for ages 12 and up, tandem kayak rentals are available for kids under 12 and must be piloted by an adult.

Guided tour fee is $20/person without rental or $25/person with kayak rental per session. Fee for children under 12 is $10 per session. Pre-registration is required by Saturday July 14th, call 344-1122!

For more information visit the website here, or contact Shannon Lyaski at or (585) 344-1122.

To learn more about the 38-acre pond, a former sand and gravel quarry donated to the county in 1992, click here.

A total of 44 children took part in Saturday's Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby at DeWitt

By Billie Owens

Above photo: Derby winners Chloe Lutrell, age 8, who caught a 13” bass, and Jose Vanegas, age 16, who caught a 9 1⁄4” sunfish.

Submitted photos and press release:

Free Fishing Day and the Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby took place at DeWitt Recreation Area on Saturday, June 23rd.

A total of 44 kids ages 16 and under participated in the fishing derby, catching a variety of panfish and bass.

Prizes were awarded for the largest fish caught each by a boy and a girl.

This was the fifth annual Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby held at DeWitt Recreation Area. Each year the derby is sponsored by the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club.

Friendly fishing guides were on hand to assist newbies with baiting a hook and learning how to fish. This event was the result of collaboration between Genesee County Parks, Recreation & Forestry, the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club, and ACORNS.

Fishing tackle and bait were provided by a generous donation from Smith’s Great Outdoors, formerly Hunters Landing. Fishing poles were provided through a grant awarded by Cabela’s of Cheektowaga.

As part of the NYSDEC’s Free Fishing Weekend, no fishing license was required to participate.

Families from 10 local cities and towns including Rochester and Lancaster, joined in the free outdoor fun.

All participants received fishing tackle prizes, while each derby winner took home a new rod and reel and tackle box.

Derby winners: Chloe Lutrell, age 8, who caught a 13” bass; and Jose Vanegas, age 16, who caught a 9 1⁄4” sunfish.

Special thanks to the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club, ACORNS, Cabela’s, and Smith’s Great Outdoors for making this event possible!

It's NY's Free Fishing Weekend -- try out kids' fishing derby at DeWitt

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Join the Genesee County Parks along with the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club and try out fishing at DeWitt Recreation Area today, June 23rd, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! Perfect for beginners!

Program meets at Pavilion 3. DeWitt is located on Cedar Street, Batavia. Friendly guides will be on hand to assist you.

No fishing license required, this is part of NYSDEC’s Free Fishing Weekend!

Fishing tackle and bait provided by Smith’s Great Outdoors, formerly known as Hunters Landing. Fishing poles provided by Cabela’s of Cheektowaga or bring your own.

Kids up to age 16 can join the fun and get the chance to win a prize with the Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby, sponsored by the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club!

Fishing Derby takes place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This program is FREE! Call 585-344-1122 register or walk-ins also welcome! See you there!

Grass fire reported at DeWitt park

By Howard B. Owens

A grass fire is reported at DeWitt Recreation Area on the north side of the pond.

Access would be behind WNY Concrete.

City fire responding.

UPDATE 1:04 p.m.: A dispatcher got WNY Concrete on the phone and confirmed it is behind their building but they don't know if the fire department can get to the location from behind their building.

UPDATE 1:06 p.m.: City crew on scene at WNY Concrete confirms there's no good access from that location.

UPDATE 1:07 p.m.: Best entrance, a crew member reports, probably behind Upson Maybach.

UPDATE 1:16 p.m.: There are several small fires. Firefighters are extinguishing with water cans now.

UPDATE (By Billie) 1:43 p.m.: They ended up using a tanker to put out the fire. The assignment is back in service. Parks personnel on at the scene.

Photos: Earth Day at DeWitt Recreation Area

By Howard B. Owens

The County's Parks Department hosted an annual Earth Day event at DeWitt Recreation area, which included events for children, a nature walk, park cleanup, and of course, plenty of people showed up to fish.

The lake is at near record-high levels, which is quite a turn around from about a year ago when you could walk on dry land out to the island.

Reminder: Earth Day Celebration at DeWitt, Night Hike at county Park & Forest

By Billie Owens

Earth Day Celebration at DeWitt on Saturday

Earth Day is your chance to take care of your planet and your wild neighbors! Join us at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia for our “Earth Day Celebration” from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 21st.

Help clean up the park to keep the habitat safe and healthy for wildlife! Learn to make cool stuff from recycled materials. Enjoy wild games and a naturalist-guided hike to see where animals live and discover what good things you can do for them!

Scouts can earn badge requirements and service hours! Help keep the community ecologically healthy and undeniably beautiful! Meet at Pavilion 2 for all activities. Celebration is FREE and open to the public.

Please preregister for activities by calling 585-344-1122!

Earth Day Night Hike at Genesee County Park & Forest

Celebrate the magic of spring with our Earth Day Night Hike at the Genesee County Park & Forest from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 21st!

Meet at the Interpretive Nature Center and explore the forest by moonlight as we search for animals, hear nature folklore and listen to the wild chorus of the night. Visit the headwaters of Black Creek and find out why April’s moon is called the Fish Moon.

Create a memory this Earth Day! Cost is $5/person, $10/family. All ages welcome. Preregistration is required, call 585-344-1122 to register!

For more information visit our website at, or contact Shannon Morley at or (585) 344-1122.

Photos: Skating under the lights at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

About a dozen kids showed up over the course of the evening for skating under the lights at DeWitt Recreation Area last night. The Batavia Kiwanis Club served free hot cocoa.

Ice rink at DeWitt open today, evening skate with free hot cocoa planned

By Howard B. Owens

It is once again cold enough to open the outdoor skate rink at DeWitt Recreation Area.

County Parks Director Paul Osborn said the rink will be open all day until 7:30 p.m.

The Kiwanis Club of Batavia is hosting the evening skate and will serve free hot cocoa this evening.

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