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DeWitt Recreation Area

Photos: Earth Day clean-up at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens

Troop Leader Melissa Sciortino holds a trash bag while Girl Scouts Lana, left, and Kennedy, gather garbage dropped on the ground by people at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia.

Also helping from Troop 60870 in Spencerport was Isabella.

The girls were earning badges for environment, hiking and wilderness.

The clean-up was part of the Genesee County Parks Department celebration of Earth Day at DeWitt.

Public invited to celebrate Earth Day tomorrow at DeWitt

By Press Release

Press release:

Earth Day is your chance to give back to your community and take care of the earth!!

Join us at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia for the Earth Day Park Cleanup on Saturday, April  23rd from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Celebrate Earth Day and help keep the park beautiful and the habitat safe and healthy for wildlife! Learn to make cool things from recycled materials and enjoy a naturalist-guided hike to discover natural wonders in the park. Enjoy wild games and find out what you can do each day to help the earth! Service groups, students, 4H and scouts can earn community service hours and badge requirements. Meet at Pavilion 2 for all activities. Celebration and all activities are FREE and open to the public. 

Schedule of Activities:

  • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Park Cleanup Projects: Make the park beautiful and healthy for wildlife!
  • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Recycled Crafts 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Field Games for Kids 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Guided Hike

Celebration and all activities are FREE! Please pre-register for activities by calling 585-344-1122! 

ILGR announces first in-person fundraising event since beginning of COVID-19 pandemic

By Press Release

Press release:

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is excited to announce our very first in-person event since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic! Join us in celebrating the 31st anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act with our 2nd Annual Walk, Run & Roll!

The event takes place Monday, July 26, from 3 to 7 p.m. at Pavilion 2 of DeWitt Recreation Area, 115 Cedar St. in Batavia, rain or shine.

To register, go to

For $25, participants can walk, run or roll the distance of their choosing. All participants receive an event T-shirt.

Food trucks will be present, plus a basket raffle, a 50/50 raffle and a caricature artist.

Please bring your own chair! COVID-19 guidelines will be followed.

For more information, call Donna Becker at (585) 815-8501, ext. 411.

Thanks to our sponsors: BW’s Restaurant and Banquet Facility, United Refining Company, RESTORE Sexual Assault Services, R.A. Haitz Co. Inc., Assemblyman Stephen Hawley, GEICO, Fidelis, National Grid and Ken Barrett Chevrolet-Cadillac.

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is a member of the Western New York Independent Living, Inc. family of agencies that offers an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.


You have the power to Stop The Spread! Together, we can protect our communities and stop the COVID-19 pandemic. Get vaccinated!

In the last year, we saved NYS taxpayers over $118 million by helping individuals leave or avoid institutionalization through practicing the principles of education, empowerment and equality for persons with disabilities.


Connect with us on social media!




Second annual Walk, Run & Roll July 26 at DeWitt to mark 31 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act

By Press Release

Press release:

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is excited to announce our very first in-person event since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic!  Join us in celebrating the 31st anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act with our Second Annual Walk, Run & Roll!

The event takes place Monday, July 26, from 3 to 7 p.m. at Pavilion 2 of DeWitt Recreation Area, 115 Cedar St. in Batavia, rain or shine.

To register, go to

For $25 participants can walk, run or roll the distance of their choosing. All participants receive an event T-shirt.

Food trucks will be present, plus a basket raffle and a 50/50 raffle will take place.

Please bring your own chair! COVID-19 guidelines will be followed.

For more information, call Donna Becker at (585) 815-8501, ext. 411.

Thanks to our sponsors: BW’s Restaurant and Banquet Facility, United Refining Company, RESTORE Sexual Assault Services, and R.A. Haitz Co. Inc.

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is a member of the Western New York Independent Living Inc. family of agencies that offers an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.

Free fishing and Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby at DeWitt June 26

By Press Release

Press release:

Join the Genesee County Parks along with the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club and try out fishing at DeWitt Recreation Area on Saturday, June 26th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.! No fishing license is required, this is part of the NYSDEC’s Free Fishing Weekend. Perfect for beginners!

No experience required, friendly fishing guides will be on hand to assist you. Fishing gear provided or bring your own.

Kids up to age 16 can join the fun and get the chance to win a prize with the Kendra Haacke Memorial Fishing Derby, sponsored by the Oakfield-Alabama Lions Club!

This program is FREE!

DeWitt is located at 115 Cedar St. in the City of Batavia. Meet at Pavilion 2.

Masks are required for unvaccinated individuals when unable to maintain six feet of social distance. Participants are encouraged to wash hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.

Call (585) 344-1122 to register or walk-ins also welcome.

Video: Sunscreen dispensers installed at DeWitt

By Press Release
Video Sponsor
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Press release:

Summer is quickly approaching and many children are eagerly waiting to hear the final school bell so they can enjoy a couple months of fun in the sun, including some family outings to the local park. New this year, families who forget to pack sunscreen at DeWitt Recreation Area won’t have to worry. 

United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) and the Genesee County Parks Department are partnering to prevent park visitors from getting skin cancer. Through a grant provided to UMMC’s Healthy Living Program, five sunscreen dispensers have been installed throughout DeWitt Recreation Area for the 50,000 people who frequent it each year.

“Skin cancer rates are increasing every year,” said Laurie Thornley, UMMC’s Healthy Living manager. “It’s the country’s most commonly diagnosed cancer and it can be prevented. By putting these sunscreen dispensers in our local parks, we’re making sun protection more accessible. Sunscreen is a vital part of sun safety and we’ve put the solution right there for you in the park.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), five million people are treated for skin cancer in the United States every year; with 37 percent of U.S. adults reported having been sunburned in the past year.

“If you forget the sunscreen at home you don’t have to worry about burning your skin,” Paul Osborn, Deputy Highway superintendent. “We want the community to enjoy the many activities DeWitt Recreation Area has to offer, from fishing and kayaking to hiking and having a picnic, but to do so in a safe manner.”

This project is supported by Health Research Inc. and the New York State Department of Health with funds from the Centers for Disease Control.

Video: Rotary Club-backed kayak project celebrated at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Members of the Batavia Rotary Club along with officials from the county and city were on hand today at Dewitt Recreation Area for a ribbon cutting at a new dock/kayak boat launch on the pond.

The refurbished dock is the result of grants and donations put together by the Rotary Club in cooperation with the Batavia Youth Bureau and the County Youth Bureau. The project includes 10 kayaks that will be available for youth bureau programs.

The dock and fishing pier are also open to the general public and are ADA compliant. 

Official ceremony for new kayaks and launch dock on DeWitt pond is tomorrow

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Department of Parks, Recreation & Forestry and Rotary Club of Batavia invite you to a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the DeWitt Recreation Area at 11 a.m. on Friday, May 7th.

It's for the new launch dock installed on the ADA floating fishing pier at the DeWitt Recreation Area and the kayaks that will be available to all recreational programs throughout the City of Batavia and the surrounding towns and villages. The dock is a stabilizing device that makes it safer to enter and exit your kayak. The launch dock is free to use.

Please feel free to stop by and share in the moment and even try out one of the 10 kayaks purchased.

This activity is a culmination of efforts of the Rotary Club of Batavia, City of Batavia Youth Bureau, Genesee County Youth Bureau, City of Batavia, Genesee County Legislature and County Parks to bring kayaks and an accessible kayak launch site to Genesee County Parks.

The donation was made possible by Rotary Club International/ Regional grant program, which provided funding to the Rotary Club of Batavia.

DeWitt Recreation Area is located at 115 Cedar St. in the City of Batavia.

Video: Earth Day cleanup projects in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Volunteers turned out in droves yesterday for two big Earth-Day-related cleanups of public spaces in Batavia.

First was an effort to pickup litter along the Ellicott Trail. Also, County Parks officials hosted an Earth Day event at DeWitt Recreation Area that included not just a cleanup but Scouts involved in projects and games and information booths about taking care of our planet.

Council member dissects 'gray areas' of resolution for city to accept Rotary Club grant for youth kayaking

By Mike Pettinella

Batavia City Councilperson-at-Large Robert Bialkowski and Interim City Manager Rachael Tabelski engaged in several minutes of Q & A on Monday night over the particulars of the city’s acceptance of a Batavia Rotary Club/Rotary Foundation grant. It would be used purchase kayaks and related equipment, which then would be “gifted” to Genesee County for use as a youth outdoor recreation activity.

Council, at its Business Meeting at the City Centre Council Board Room, was preparing to vote on the resolution to receive the $6,000 in what Tabelski termed “a pass-through” transaction since the Rotary Club wished to donate the funds directly to the City Youth Bureau.

When Paul Viele, who was running the meeting in place of City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr., asked for discussion, Bialkowski was ready with a series of questions.

Bialkowski said he was concerned by recent discussions with a couple of county legislators who said they knew nothing about owning anything, stating that “they will just store it for us.”

City Council learned about the resolution at its Oct. 26 Conference Meeting.

At that time, Jocelyn Sikorski, City and Genesee County Youth Bureau executive director, advised Council that the city would “gift” all equipment from the grant – kayaks, kayak launch, paddles and vests – to Genesee County, which will maintain and store it at the DeWitt Recreation Area on Cedar Street.

She also said that county workers will build a trailer for hauling the equipment back and forth.

The resolution stipulates that the city would accept the grant from Rotary for the period of Oct. 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 “to provide assistance to expand outdoor recreation and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education.”

Fast forwarding to last night, following is the back-and-forth between Bialkowski and Tabelski -- with Viele interjecting his thoughts toward the end of the mini-debate:

Q. Who will be purchasing the kayaks?

A. It will be purchased through the city and then it will be gifted to the county, so we have no liability for the kayaks or the docking.

Q. Why are we giving the county money?

A. When Mrs. Sikorski was here at the last meeting, she discussed that because it is the city Rotary, they wanted to do the grant with the city. But after myself and the county manager looked at it, it will be housed in a county park.

Q. Why are we … transferring the actual funds to the county if we’re buying the kayaks?

A. We’re not transferring the funds, we’re transferring the material after purchase – the kayaks and the docking.

Q. Because the resolution implies we are transferring the funds.

A. No, it will be purchased through the city’s procurement policy. The city will gift the equipment from this grant to Genesee County Parks who will assist with the maintenance and the storage of program equipment once purchased, and they will be responsible for the insurance for that as well.

Q. Then who will own the kayaks?

A. Genesee County. We will not own them.

Q. There seems to be some gray areas here. Who will be instructing in the use of the kayaks?

A. I know the YMCA was a partner in it and when we have youth programming, again through whatever means we do, I think it would be incumbent upon that person to have an instructor there when they bring children out there.

Viele jumped in at that point, stating that “we’re going to buy the kayaks and gift them to the county, very simple.”

Bialkowski pressed on, however, saying that “the county doesn’t know anything about us donating kayaks, and they’ll probably be plastic throwaway kayaks … the inexpensive ones, and the longer they’re in the sun, the shorter the shelf life.”

To which Tabelski replied that Paul Osborn, county parks supervisor/forester, was building a shed and a place to store them.

Q. Who will be responsible to replace them?

A. The city would not be responsible moving forward. We’re basically acting as a pass-through … (for the kayaks) to be housed at the county park, along with the docking system that we discussed at the last meeting that has the handicap accessibility.

Bialkowski said he was surprised the county doesn’t know about this, and Tabelski reemphasized that the vote on the table was to accept the grant, purchase the equipment and give it to the county.

Viele said he was sure the county knows about it.

“They have to know about it, if we’re doing this. They have to know about it, if we’re voting on it,” he said. “Maybe the legislator hasn’t read his email to see what is going on.”

Bialkowski said he didn’t think a couple of legislators would do this, but Viele said since the city is not liable, “don’t worry about it.”

After Bialkowski signified his concern about the status of an instructional program for youth, Viele remarked, “It would be a good job for you. You could teach them.”

In the end, Council voted in favor of the resolution, with Bialkowski casting the lone "no" vote.

Legislature Chair Weighs In

The Batavian contacted County Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein today about this matter and although she wasn’t aware of the details, she indicated that it was likely to come up at the next Human Services meeting, which is scheduled for Nov. 30.

“Basically, this is an opportunity that Rotary wanted to focus onto the city youth recreational program, and it has been working on for well over a year,” she said. “The fact that those kayaks could be donated to the DeWitt park area, it just enhances what we already have going on there and it gives opportunity for the city youth at the same time.”

Stein acknowledged the “fluid situation right now with youth services, (so) we are following our process and our procedure because we certainly want to be a good partner.”

“Everybody has a job to do and we all have steps to take to get to where we need to be,” she said.

When asked about instruction for the youth, she said the county has a kayak program that is run by the Interpretative Center staff.

Video: Outdoor Tai Chi at DeWitt Recreation Area

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Nancy Wee's Tai Chi class at DeWitt Recreation Area. The classes are at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday and Sunday. They are free and open to everybody. Masks and social distancing required.

Combining books and a walk outdoors: 'Storywalks' offered at Richmond library and DeWitt Recreation Area

By Press Release

From Shannon Lyaski, Conservation Education program coordinator, Genesee County Park & Forest:

A new experience awaits visitors at the Richmond Memorial Library and at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia!

The Richmond Memorial Library is excited to provide one Storywalk for the library grounds and two Storywalks for the DeWitt Recreation Area through the NIOGA Library System.

"Storywalks" are books that have been enlarged and placed onto lawn signs to be used outdoors. They encourage young readers to read for fun while getting active and enjoying a walk!

Storywalks also help children keep reading during the summer and provide a fun alternative to storytime readings at local libraries, which are difficult to conduct while social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Storywalks set up along the quarter-mile walking track at DeWitt Recreation Area currently feature “Crunch, the Shy Dinosaur” by Cirocco Dunlap and “A Chair for My Mother” by Vera B. Williams.

The Storywalk at the Richmond Memorial Library currently features “All Are Welcome” by Alexandra Penfold.

Each Storywalk sign at DeWitt Recreation Area has pages of one book mounted on one side, and pages of the other book mounted on the other side. Readers can walk clockwise around the walking track and read one story, then reverse direction and read the other story as they walk around counterclockwise.

These two titles will be on loan at DeWitt Recreation Area through the NIOGA Library System starting today, Aug.14th, through Monday, Sept. 6th.

After Labor Day weekend, the stories will change every two weeks and highlight seasonal events, happenings in nature, and more. An information box located on the title page sign for each story provides an author summary, a list of similar titles, and fun activities for kids.

We are excited about this opportunity for outdoor exercise and great reading for kids! Special thanks to the Richmond Memorial Library and the NIOGA Library System for making this new recreational experience possible.

For more information visit our website, or contact Shannon Lyaski at or (585) 344-1122.

Photo: Geese gather in DeWitt Recreation Area

By Howard B. Owens

Stacey Foose shared this photo of geese roaming around DeWitt Recreation Area yesterday. She said they were getting close to the playground. She said, "I thought maybe they wanted to go for a slide or try to climb the monkey bars. LOL."

Deadline extended until Wednesday for guided kayak tours of DeWitt Pond

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Spots are still available for guided kayak tours of DeWitt Pond in Saturday, July 25. Deadline for preregistration has been extended until Wednesday, July 22.

Seize the day with a guided kayak tour of DeWitt Pond on Saturday, July 25th and discover a new world.

  • Session 1 takes place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Session 2 takes place from 1 to 3 p.m.

Meet at the boat launch at DeWitt Recreation Area of Cedar Street in Batavia. No experience needed, a beginner kayaking lesson is provided!

Rent a kayak or bring your own. Kayak rentals with life vests are provided by Adventures in Fitness Inc. Solo kayak rentals are available for ages 12 and up, tandem kayak rentals are available for kids under 12 and must be piloted by an adult.

Masks are required when unable to maintain six feet of social distance. Participants are encouraged to wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; or use hand sanitizer with at least 60-percent alcohol and rub hands together until dry if soap and water are not available.

Guided tour fee is:

  • $20/person without rental per session;
  • $25/person with kayak rental per session;
  • Fee for children under age 12 is $12 per session (must be piloted by an adult).

Preregister by Wednesday July 22nd by calling (585) 344-1122.

For more information visit our website.

Or contact Shannon Lyaski via email.

Video: Cold water rescue training at DeWitt

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Firefighters from four counties were in Batavia over the weekend to learn from NYS instructors how to handle cold water/ice rescues. On Sunday they put into practice the previous day's classroom training at DeWitt Recreation Area.

UPDATE: Press release from Genesee County Emergency Management:

Eighteen fire personnel endured the weekend’s cold temperature to complete 16-hour advanced level ice rescue training. The Ice/Cold Water Rescue Technician Level course included instruction in self-rescue, shore-based ice rescue techniques and on ice rescue techniques.

Effects of cold water on victims, ice rescue techniques, offshore techniques, and ice rescue equipment were also addressed. Students participated in a significant amount of hands-on ice time for skill practice.

Participants included:


  • Michael Pfendler
  • Ryan M. Thompson
  • Joseph Uhrinek


  • Joshua K. Boyle
  • Dwane J. Fonda Jr.
  • Clayton A. Gorski
  • Conor P. Wilkes


  • Mitchell D.Bates
  • Jayden D. Eck
  • Tyler G. Lang
  • Matthew P. Lenhard


  • David A. Martin


  • Nicole M. Boldt
  • Michael J. Schad

HENRIETTA (Monroe County)

  • Patrick R. Kelly


  • Vito J. Muoio


  • Andrew R. Poreda

WRIGHT’S CORNERS (Niagara County)

  • Zachary W. Wodo

Visit your local fire department to find out more about volunteer opportunities.

Photos: Today at the sand wash

By Howard B. Owens

Photographer Ray Williams shared these photos with us that he took today at the sand wash at DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia.

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