After hearing his victim call him a monster and a disgusting and sick person, Scott Reed cried as he told Judge Robert Zambito in Genesee County Court this morning that he's come to realize there is nobody to blame but himself for his 10-year course of sexual abuse of a girl in Elba.
Reed came to that realization only after undergoing psychological therapy.
When he was first arrested, and in his first meetings with officials, he blamed his victim for approaching him first.
She would have been less than 11 years old at the time.
"This is all my fault," Reed said. "No matter how I slice and dice it, it all comes back to me. I did this."
In the process, he's destroyed his marriage and broken up his family, according to statements from Reed and attorney Benjamin Bonarigo.
Zambito heard from his victim through a videotape that had been supplied to the court and to the defense prior to today's hearing.
The victim detailed her years of abuse by Reed and, though she said she knew her request for a harsh sentence wouldn't change the outcome of the case, she said Reed should get a year in prison for each of the 10 years he abused her.
The 51-year-old defendant came into court in faded blue jeans, a short-sleeved white dress shirt, and dark tie. He read a written statement and started to sob some as he recalled how he came to realize that he was totally responsible for his own actions and the damage it caused.
"I hope she can get the help she needs and go on with her life," Reed said.
He entered a guilty plea in April to a course of sexual conduct with a sentence cap of six months in jail and 10 years probation, which is exactly what Zambito did.
Mindful of Reed's long-standing employment that he could lose if sent to jail for six months, and the need for Reed to continue providing financially for his family, Zambito said he couldn't justify a weekend incarceration arrangement or shorter term.
"I can't overlook that this went on for 10 years," Zambito said.
The judge said he hoped, given Reed's reputation as a productive employee, that his job will be waiting for him when he gets out or that he will be able to find suitable employment.
Reed was arrested in May 2016 along with his wife Deborah S. Reed, 52, of Elba. Deborah Reed eventually entered a guilty plea in Elba Town Court to endangering the welfare of a child.
Arrested at the same time in Wyoming County was Reed's son Jonathan M. Reed, 23, who was charged with several counts of second-degree rape, second-degree criminal sexual act and endangering the welfare of a child in the Town of Perry, and with second-degree rape, third-degree rape and third-degree criminal sexual act in the Town of Lancaster.
Jonathan Reed eventually entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to two and a half years in prison.
Tie Them All To One Tree in
Tie Them All To One Tree in the Bergen Swamp!!! NO CURE!!!
6 MONTHS in jail for RUINING
6 MONTHS in jail for RUINING a young girl's life??? 10 YEARS of sexual abuse??? WTH is this world coming to? This PREDATOR should be LOCKED in a CAGE for at LEAST ten years and have to register as the sex offender that he is FOREVER!!!!!!!! What is wrong with the legal system to let this happen? This girl was younger than 11 years old when this guy started abusing her! Because he is suddenly sorry, and sees that it was HIS fault he gets a slap on the wrist??? Really??? Excuse me while I got vomit now! SO sorry for the victim and her family. I hope she can get some peace and heal and recover from this evil CHILD PREDATOR! This is sickening.
Plea deals in cases like this
Plea deals in cases like this are common to avoid putting the victim through testimony in a public courtroom.
But the victim did a
But the victim did a statement on camera. She should have (and was obviously) emotionally strong enough to testify on camera and put this guy AWAY!
<<<Zambito heard from his victim through a videotape that had been supplied to the court and to the defense prior to today's hearing.
The victim detailed her years of abuse by Reed and, though she said she knew her request for a harsh sentence wouldn't change the outcome of the case, she said Reed should get a year in prison for each of the 10 years he abused her.>>>
I'll bet she was a strong enough young woman to stand up to him in court, like Elizabeth Smart. The victim is the one who should decide if they can testify in public, NOT the lawyers.
First, my comment isn't
First, my comment isn't specifically about this case, just a general observation.
However, She didn't appear in court. I've seen victims appear in court before to make statements at sentencing. She made a video.
Second, and more generally, making a victim statement is a whole different matter from testifying, with detailed questioning and cross examination, and a defense attorney who's very job is to find weaknesses in testimony.
But to be clear, I know nothing about the decision matrix in this case as to why the plea offer was made and that specific offer. Just a general observation because I think a lot of times people don't think about the full ramifications of what it takes to get a harsher sentence in sex crime cases.
This is a travesty, he should
This is a travesty, he should have gotten 6 years.
Oh Yeah,, another thing,,,,,
Oh Yeah,, another thing,,,,, find a second tree for heather ace! Who is running the show up there?? DWI = Attica Prison. Burn your kids to death for a 40 ounce, and do despicable things to a child = a slap on the wrist?? WE NEED CAPITAL PUNISHMENT in NY State!!! `Ole Sparky is still collecting dust in Auburn Prison!!
I see his son has also been
I see his son has also been arrested for a similar crime. Could it be that Reed also molested his own children and that is how his son learned that behavior? Child molesters do not just molest a single victim. My guess if that he has left a trail of victims in his wake.
Candace, Mam, that is why
Candace, Mam, that is why they all need to be tied to a tree in the Bergen Swamp. NO CURE!! p.s. worms and maggots got to eat?
Thomas, you sound angry ....
Thomas, you sound angry ....
Julie, what makes you say the
Julie, what makes you say the young girls life is ruined? and from what Thomas has stated, he feels she should be taken to the Bergen swamps and fed to the worms and maggots. I'd like to think she has a chance at a future like most everyone else.... try to be positive, please.
Dave, I NEVER SAID SHE!!!! The PERPETRATORS--CHILD MOLESTOR, AND BABY BURNER, NOT THE VICTIMS!! Dave -- A Wise Man Once Said " DON`T SHOOT YOUR MOUTH OFF,,,, UNLESS YOUR BRAIN IS LOADED!!! That little girl is scared FOREVER,,,And,,, heather ace`s Baby`s are DEAD FOREVER!! This Thanksgiving, one will be looking at girls in Elementary School, and the Other will be Jonesing for a 40 ounce and some weed!!!
Thomas scroll up and read
Thomas scroll up and read your post. in reply to candace you said..." they all need to be tied to a tree in the Bergen Swamp. NO CURE!! p.s. worms and maggots got to eat?"...... now when you say ALL you are referring to the son of the molester as this is who candace was talking about. .... with some help I still believe this young lady can lead a happy life.
Dave there IS a difference
Dave there IS a difference between a perpetrator and a victim. Believe what you want. Anyone with a hunk of brain, can see what was said. I bet you got beat up a lot?? A wise Man Once Said - " It is better to keep quite and let people think you are stupid,,, than to open your mouth,, and remove all doubt!!" This Fall when those Monsters get out of Jail,, why don't you let them move in with you?? Then you and ed, and frank, can ALL LIVE Happily Ever After...
Thomas,leave me out of your
Thomas,leave me out of your fantasies.You should take the wise mans advice instead of repeating it.
frank, don't flatter yourself
frank, don't flatter yourself. I think of you when I have to use kaopectate. You and ed and dave, along with heather ace, and the child molesters, should all live on an island somewhere far, far away!! No food, just each other!
I'm assuming (always a dangerous endeavor) that you were referring to me in your comment. As I hadn't posted a comment on this subject, I'm not quite sure why my name suddenly appeared.
You haven't been listening to We Five lately, have you?
"When I woke up this morning,
You were on my mind,
And you were on my mind;
I got troubles, whoa-oh,
I got worries, whoa-oh,
I got wounds to bind."
Seriously, though, I did want to ask you a question. I have quite a few cousins (some of them are Callan's) from out your way (Cal-Mum area) who I haven't seen in decades. One in particular I've often wondered about is "Tucker" Callan. He and I had some pretty good times at the former "West Winds" (Caledonia), Le Roy Bar & Grille, and Dargan's. Did you know him?
Oh, and, to answer your question from months ago, yes, that was probably me you saw playing pool at Dargan's. In fact, in the mid-90's, I talked the owners of Dargan's (Deiter Schultz, and Manny) into sponsoring an 8-ball "tavern league" team, "Dargan's Devils". We were quite successful. I still have the Director's Division Regional 1st Place trophy in my collection.
Ed, cant help ya. I think
Ed, cant help ya. I think that guy "Tucker" died the same way Nelson Rockefeller did. I never hung out in those sinful establishments. Too many dope dealers. I am just a Nice Irish Boy living on the trout stream. I was deeply saddened to hear about Marcia, I always liked her.
Well Thomas,your still
Well Thomas,your still spewing crap,so get a refund on the KO,it apparently isn't working for ya.I'm guessing in your case,you may need prescription strength,or even industrial strength.
I'm not sure how Nelson went
I'm not sure how Nelson went - I'll have to look that one up. You're not the first person I've heard speak of dope in those places. Guess I must've been distracted by the glare of the pool table light.
Thanks for the kind words about Marcia.
Ed, I remember ya. You used
Ed, I remember ya. You used to come in carrying your own cue stick in a case. Wearing a vest and derby hat. When you chalked up, it was like the RCA dog, or E.F. Hutton speaking. You were almost as good as me!
Awe frank,,, are you cross at
Awe frank,,, are you cross at me again??? Me and Ed are friends. ( I think)?
Thomas. As for the Nipper
Thomas. As for the Nipper (the RCA dog) comment, I can only guess that you meant the "screeching" sound chalk makes. You make me laugh.
Oh, for the record, I haven't donned a Derby since 1974, and, back then, I used the "house" cues. By the 80's/90's, I had switched to a Fedora (and, a 2-piece cue).
Oh, Thomas. D'ya know if your family tree is connected to the "Le Roy" Callans? My mom was the youngest child of John and Maude Callan. Their children were Claude, Floyd, Gladys, Hazel, and Doris (Callan). I was told that Claude moved to California (I "think" in the 30's - I never met him). The rest of them stayed in the Le Roy "general" area.
There were some around
There were some around Pavilion and Oakfield. No relation. My people were famine refugees (County Cork-Ireland) who went up the Hudson, turned west at Albany (Fort Orange) to Rochester, then went south to Scottsville on the Valley Canal and settled in Scottsville. Our cousins the Skelly`s settled in Caledonia and farmed west of Ganeodia (Big Springs). The County named two roads after them where they settled. I have traced my Father`s kin back to 1845 or so. My Mother`s side has fought in every war or skirmish since King Philip`s War in the late 17th. century. Cool Stuff.
Thanks, Thomas. One of my
Thanks, Thomas. One of my nephews has traced both of his grandfather's roots back several hundred years, but, I'm not sure if he's done too much on his grandmother's side. I do have the link to his "search", so I might take a look at it again.
There used to be a show
There used to be a show called S.O.H.(Save our History) That was mostly sites. Then after Professor Gates got in trouble with the cops for being a racist jerk. o`bama made the non drinking WHITE cop have a beer with him at the White House?? The cop witnessed Gates B&E his own home,, then flipped out when the cop asked what he was doing? Talk about double standards. So, Henry Lewis Gates III has a show to trace your roots. -- I think it was a fedora.