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City Fire

Photos: City fire rescue training on Ganson Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

City firefighters were at a house on Ganson Avenue this afternoon for training. The house is scheduled for demolition in a couple of weeks, but before it comes down, City crews will use it for numerous training drills.

Today's scenario was dealing with a first-floor fire at a time (such as the middle of the night) when there might be people upstairs sleeping. While one crew attacks the fire, another enters through a second-story window and searches for anybody who might be trapped, injured or just sleeping and unaware of the fire.

Photo: Funeral procession for Peter Yasses, retired city firefighter

By Howard B. Owens

Peter Yasses, 81, a 23-year veteran of the Batavia City Fire Department, was lain to rest today and his funeral procession was escorted from the J. Leonard McAndrew Funeral Home on Bogue Avenue to St. Joe's Cemetery by Ladder 15. Yasses passed away Wednesday. For his full obituary, click here.

Photos: New Ladder 15, a first look

By Howard B. Owens

City firefighters got a first look at their new ladder truck today as it stopped by the fire hall on its trip to Hamburg, where it will receive final setup before being ready to go into service.

After that setup and training for fire crews, it will go into service, about a month from now.

The truck is a dealer's demo built in early 2015 and cost the city $912,000.

Firefighters ready to climb 38 flights of stairs to help raise funds for American Lung Association

By Howard B. Owens

A group of city firefighters will climb 38 floors, 800 steps, in Buffalo on March 12 to help raise funds for the American Lung Association.

The effort is part of the Fight for Air Climb and takes place at the HSBC Tower.

Firefighers have an increased risk for lung disease, including lung cancer, from the exposure to gases, chemicals and smoke in the line of duty. Funds will be used for research, education and patient programs to assist firefighters.

The Fight for Air Climb has so far raised $114,000 and Batavia Local 896 has raised $1,372.

To donate, visit and enter Batavia L896 in search.

Pictured are Jerry Yoder, Adam Palumbo, Christine Marinaccio and Zack Gowanlock.

City firefighters set up 'traveling boot' displays at local businesses to boost MDA fund raising

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Members of the City of Batavia Fire Department IAFF Local 896 pair up with the Muscular Dystrophy Association every June to participate in the annual Fill the Boot fundraising campaign to benefit children and adults with muscle disease throughout the Greater Rochester and Buffalo areas. Members volunteer their time to fan out on city streets with boots in hand to raise money from local traffic.

To help the MDA throughout the year, members have created several “traveling boot” displays. With approval from local businesses, these displays have been placed in various business locations throughout the city. The “traveling boot” will stay in one location for a short period of time, before moving to a new location.  Customers and patrons can place loose change and dollars in the boot and help raise money for the MDA. The first boots have been placed in Dunkin’ Donuts and Southside Deli.

Batavia’s Fill the Boot drive is organized by firefighters Chris Morasco and Mark Sacheli.

“The communities’ generosity as well as great participation from our members has continued to make this program a success. The 'traveling boots' are a way that we can give back to the MDA more than just one day a year. It is a great cause, and we look forward to a successful fundraising campaign for the 2016 year.”

City appoints interim fire chief

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

City Manager Jason Molino today announced the immediate appointment of Capt. Dan Herberger to the position of Interim Fire Chief.

“Captain Herberger is well respected at all levels within our fire department and also in the local emergency services community,” Molino said. “I am grateful that Dan has accepted this important transitional responsibility and look forward to working with him.”

Capt. Herberger has served as a member of the City of Batavia Fire Department since 2002 and was appointed to his current position of Fourth Platoon Captain in September 2013.

“I am honored and humbled to serve the people of the City of Batavia in this capacity,” Herberger said. “I look forward to working with the talented and dedicated men and women of this department and appreciate the expressions of support and confidence as we move forward through this transition.”

Capt. Herberger will serve as Interim Chief until a permanent Chief is appointed, which Molino estimates will be sometime mid-Spring. 

The Batavian broke the news of Jim Maxwell's sudden retirement on Saturday.

City's fire chief abruptly retires

By Howard B. Owens

Members of the City of Batavia Fire Department were surprised to learn Friday that their fire chief, James Maxwell, retired with no apparent notice.

Contacted by phone this morning, Maxwell said he wasn't in a position to comment on his retirement, but did confirm it was not announced prior to the decision.

City Manager Jason Molino confirmed last night that Maxwell retired. We have not yet been able to reach him this morning for further comment.

We've spoken with several members of the fire department and all were surprised by Maxwell's departure and said they've been told nothing further about Maxwell leaving the department. One member said they were told to refer questions to Molino.

UPDATE 10:51 a.m.: Jim Maxwell asked to include the following statement: "I enjoyed my time with the department and the opportunity to work with the professional men and women of the organiztion. I wish them all the best in the future."

We're expecting to speak with Molino later. He said he has a statement.

Also, we've learned there was a civil service posting for the position Dec. 2. 

UPDATE 3:29 p.m.: Jason Molino and I have been unable to connect by phone today. He e-mailed over this statement: "The City thanks Chief Maxwell for his years of service to the community. We wish him the best in his future endeavors."

UPDATE 3:32 p.m.: A person familiar with the civil service process says the exam was not posted Dec. 2. That was the last filing date for the exam. If a job opening had been posted, the reader suggests, City fire personnel would not be surprised by the retirement.

Photos: Firefighters hand out winter coats at Jackson School

By Howard B. Owens

City of Batavia firefighters, members of IAFF Local 896, made their annual trip to Jackson School this afternoon to hand out winter coats to students who needed them.

The children received brand new, 100-percent American-made winter coats. The donations are part of a national effort sponsored by the not-for-profit Operation Warm.

This is National Child Passenger Safety Week -- free seat check at city fire hall Saturday morning

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department joins the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Council (GTSC) to commemorate National Child Passenger Safety Week (Sept. 13-19).

Safety seats, if used correctly, can dramatically reduce the risk of fatality or injury to children involved in car crashes. Therefore, even if you think you have your child in the right car seat, you should check again to be sure, as the latest data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that approximately 59 percent of car seats are misused. Furthermore, in 2013 more than one-third of children killed in car crashes were completely unrestrained – meaning that they were not in car seats, booster seats or wearing seat belts.

Child Passenger Safety Week is a nationwide community effort sponsored by NHTSA to provide education on how to use car seats, booster seats and seat belts for children. The week concludes with National Seat Check Saturday on Sept. 19th, when certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians across the country will be available at local car seat inspection stations to offer advice and instruction to parents and caregivers about choosing the right car seat for their child, the importance of registering car seats with the manufacturer, and what to expect if the seat is subject to a safety recall.

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be hosting the National Seat Check Saturday event on Saturday, Sept. 19th from 10 a.m. to noon at the City of Batavia Fire Department (18 Evans St.). The event will be held rain or shine. Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians will be on hand to ensure the proper installation and use of child safety seats.

City Fire Department announces third annual Fire Prevention Week Poster Contest

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department is sponsoring the third Annual Fire Prevention Week Poster Contest. This poster contest is open to students from grades one through five.

The 2015 Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 4-10) theme is “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep: Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm.”

“Our hope is to get the children to discuss fire safety with their teachers and fellow students, as well as parents and guardians,” said City of Batavia Fire Department Lt. Greg Ireland.

This poster contest can be a take home project, individual class project or an art class project. Information has been distributed to City schools, but we wanted to include any City area home schooled children as well.

“Our first year doing the contest was met with a great response," Ireland said. "Last year was even better! We are hoping this will be the biggest year yet. We hope that both kids and adults get exposure to fire safety and safe practices, helping to reduce injury and death; maybe even changing some habits along the way. We encourage all eligible students to participate.”

Did you know that some homes don’t even have smoke alarms, and those that do don’t test their smoke alarms as often as they should? When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. You need working smoke alarms to give you time to get out.

The students' posters should highlight the importance of having and testing smoke detectors in their homes and bedrooms. Ideas and more information can be found at the Fire Prevention Week Web site

Any posters to be entered in the contest need to be at the Fire Station located at 18 Evans St. in Batavia no later than 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8. Schools/groups/families may contact us via phone or e-mail to arrange in school pick up of posters.

Posters are to be drawn horizontally on white paper, 8 ½” x 11”. The back of the poster must contain the student's name and phone number, school and grade, and teacher’s name.

Judging of the posters will take place between Oct. 9th – 11th.

The winner of each group will receive a ride to school on a City fire engine, and be invited to a special awards luncheon with their family held at the fire station in late October. Second- and third-place finishers in each group will also be invited to the fire station awards luncheon.

The best of luck to the students! Full rules are available at the City of Batavia Fire Department on Evans Street or by contacting us via e-mail.

City firefighters will flush hydrants Wednesday and Thursday around Main, Bank and State streets

By Billie Owens

Press release from Batavia Fire Capt. Robert L. Fix II:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flushing fire hydrants from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.on Wednesday, Sept. 16th, and Thursday, Sept. 17th in the general area of Main Street, Bank Street and State Street. Homes and businesses nearby will be affected.

These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area. As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored. If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about five minutes or until clear.

City firefighters will flush hydrants Friday south of West Main and west of Jackson

By Billie Owens

Press release from Lt. Jeff Whitcombe, City of Batavia Fire Department:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flushing fire hydrants on Friday, Sept. 4, from approximately 9 a.m. to noon in the general area south of West Main Street and west of Jackson Street, including Walnut Street, Pearl Street and South Main Street. Homes and businesses nearby will be affected.

These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area. As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored. If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about five minutes or until clear.

City Fire Capt. Loren J. Michel's memorial plaque installed

By Billie Owens

(Photo submitted by Adam L. Palumbo, president, Firefighters Union Local 896.)

Firefighters Union Local 896 President Adam Palumbo says: "Captain Michel's memorial plaque was installed Saturday at headquarters (on Evans Street) by Derrick Monument Company. Local 896 would like to thank everyone who assisted in making the 50th anniversary memorial ceremony a success. Captain Michel will not just be a name on the wall, he will forever be remembered."

Fallen firefighter remembered 50 years after his death for dedication, service, friendship

By Howard B. Owens

From this day forward, when city firefighters pass down the hall leading into the aparatus bay to answer an alarm for a fire or medical call, they will pass a picture of Capt. Loren J. Michel, the only city firefighter to ever die in the line of duty.

The memorial to Michel also contains his badge, ID and the page from the logbook of his final call Aug. 5, 1965.

Looking over the mementos of his late friend, Bill Benedict stared at each item intently. It was a sad, sad day, the day he died, Benedict said.

"A lot of sadness that day," he said. "I was there that day. I was driving the aerial truck. I was on the top floor ventilating the roof. After I cut a hole in the roof, I nearly passed out with the gas. It was bad, bad gas."

The structure fire was reported at 402 Bank St. and a resident indicated her two children might still be inside. As acting chief that day, Michel led his crew into the house, kicking down the front door. As firefighters entered ahead of him, a fireball of flames exploded out of the house and Michel apparently inhaled the flames, burning his lungs. His face was also burned.

Michel was not wearing an air pack and staggered out of the house to get some oxygen. Wilbur Hinz, president of the Western New York Volunteer Firemen's Association, helped Michel walk to the truck.

Hinz drove Michel to Genesee Memorial Hospital.

Michel told Hinz to go to his house and tell his wife and daughter that he would be OK. By the time Hinz returned to ER, Michel was dead.

The service today, attended by members of Michel's family, included prayer and remembrances. A plaque was dedicated that will be placed on the outside of the fire hall and a wreath was lain at the grave of Michel in Grandview Cemetery.

The service was intended to recall the kind of man Michel was and his dedication to firefighting. He was an instructor, instrumental in creating the mutual aid and emergency management coordination that is still in place today.

He served the city for 24 years and was an honorary member of every volunteer fire company in the county.

"Capt. Michel's death was a devastating loss to his family, his community and the entire fire service," said Adam Palumbo, president of Local 896.

Palumbo and firefighter Mike Dorgan took the lead in organizing today's service.

Leonard Smatak, a firefighter and son-in-law of Michel's, recalled how this fallen hero devoted his life to serving others.

He shared one story of a structure fire that started with a boy who accidently lit his sister's bed on fire. The alarm was sounded quickly and the house was saved, but the boy was nowhere in sight when it was all over. Firefighters and police began a neighborhood search, but Michel said he would handle matters.

He figured the boy was hiding in the house, and he was right. Soon he and the boy came walking out of the house hand-in-hand. Michel sat the boy on the front seat of a fire truck and had a private chat with him. Smatak said that to this day, that boy, now a man, credits Michel with changing his life.

"To truly honor Capt. Michel in all that you do, do it right the first time, take no shortcuts, do it by the numbers, just as you were all trained to do," Smatak said.

Standing before the memorial, all city firefighters will pass from this day forward. Benedict said he'll never forget his friend or that tragic day.

"He was a nice man, a good leader," Benedict said. "Everybody liked him. He was well respected. We all miss him."

Firefighter Greg Ireland presents the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of the service.

Firefighter and Local 896 President Adam Palumbo with opening remarks.

City Fire Chief Jim Maxwell.

Firefighter Ryan Hendershott sounds the final bells for Capt. Michel.

Michael Szustak and Michel Lujan

Retired firefighter, Capt. Mike Mullen.

The service pin, as shown above, is the same one city firefighters will wear from now on on their Class A uniforms to honor Capt. Michel and the date of his death.

The laying of the wreath at Grandview Cemetery.

Four of the county's volunteer firefighters pay tribute to Capt. Michel.

50th anniversary ceremony to honor fallen Batavia fire captain

By Traci Turner

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be holding a ceremony to remember Capt. Loren J. Michel, who died after helping fight a house fire 50 years ago.

The memorial ceremony will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5 at the City of Batavia Fire Headquarters on Evans Street. A new station plaque donated by the firefighters' association will be dedicated. Members of Firefighters Local 896 organized the ceremony to honor Capt. Michel's sacrifice.

Capt. Michel was the only city of Batavia firefighter to die in the line of duty.

Marty Phelps, firefighter, remembers getting the call for a house fire at 402 Bank St. around 2:30 p.m. on Aug. 5, 1965. Phelps was in the truck going down Ellicott Street on his way to the scene and saw Capt. Michel pointing to the sky.  

"It looked like Pearl Harbor," Phelps said. "The whole sky was black from black smoke and we knew we had a real serious fire."

When they arrived at the scene, a lady almost knocked Phelps down and screamed that her two boys were trapped inside the house. No one knew the boys were watching firefighters battle the blaze from the backyard.

Firefighters started fighting the fire and cut a hole in the roof. According to Phelps, an explosion occured and a "massive fireball" came from the first floor of the house and down the stairway over two firefighters. They couldn't get into the house.

"Capt. Michels was standing in the doorway when the fire came down over the top of two of the firefighters," Phelps said. "The fire was so intense it flipped him and he inhaled the fire, burning his lungs."

Michels was not wearing an air pack and staggered out of the house to get some oxygen. Wilbur Hinz, president of the Western New York Volunteer Firemen's Association, helped Michels walk to the truck.

Phelps recalls the last thing he heard Capt. Michel say before Hinz drove him to Genesee Memorial Hospital.

"He flipped his face back and you could see his face was burned and his eyes were red," Phelps said. "He was gurgling and said, 'I want to see my wife and daughter.' "

Thirty minutes later Capt. Michel collapsed in the emergency room and died due to smoke inhalation. Hinz had gone to tell Michel's wife, Carol, that he was receiving oxygen at the hospital but would be home soon. Hinz returned to find Michel's dead. An autopsy confirmed his cause of death as pulmonary edema.

Capt. Michels served the department for 24 years. In March 1965, he was awarded "Fireman of the Year" for his role as a Genesee County mutual aid instructor for 17 years. 

Currently, a plaque honoring him is outside the fire department. The plaque will be moved inside when the new one is dedicated Wednesday morning.

Photos: Fill the Boot for 2015

By Howard B. Owens

Members of City Fire, IAFF Local 896, are in the midst of their annual fundraising effort on behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Association this morning, asking passing motorist to "fill the boot."  The firefighters are on Main Street and Ellicott Street around Court Street and will be in place until 1 p.m.

City of Batavia firefighters and MDA celebrate '60+ years strong' - Fill the Boot for local MDA families

By Traci Turner

Press release:

Members of the City of Batavia Fire Department, along with the Muscular Dystrophy Association, will celebrate their 60+year partnership and kick off the firefighters' annual Fill the Boot fundraising campaign to benefit children and adults affected by muscle disease throughout the Greater Rochester and Buffalo areas.

Members of the Batavia City Firefighters from IAFF Local 896 will fan out across the streets with boots in hand for this year’s drive on Friday, June 26th.

Batavia’s Fill the Boot drive is organized by firefighters Jeff Stevens and Greg Ireland. 

“In 2014, our members with the generous help of the community helped raise $9,950 for the MDA! We are going to try our best to top the $10,000 mark for this great cause.”

City of Batavia Firefighters 

Fill the Boot 

to Benefit MDA        

Friday, June26th

9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the intersection of

Main Street (Route 5) and Court Street


Elliott Street (Route 63) and Court Street                    

Authentically Local