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City Fire

Genesee County police agencies, City of Batavia FD join nationwide addiction and recovery initiative

By Mike Pettinella

Press release:

The Genesee County Health Department, Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, GOW Opioid Task Force and local police/public safety departments have come together to offer an innovative program for Genesee County residents dealing with substance use disorders.

The City of Batavia Police Department, Genesee County Sheriff’s Department, Village of Le Roy Police and, most recently, the City of Batavia Fire Department have signed on to participate in the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI).

This is a nationwide effort to provide support and resources to help law enforcement agencies create non-arrest pathways to treatment and recovery.

“We wholeheartedly believe in a ‘multiple pathways to recovery approach’ and PAARI is an important component in that philosophy,” said John Bennett, GCASA executive director. “The commitment of local law enforcement and now the Batavia City Fire Department to this program expands the spectrum to access services.”

The City of Batavia Fire Department is the first fire department in New York – and one of only a few in the nation -- to enlist in PAARI.

Fire Chief Stefano “Steve” Napolitano said he is proud to unite with the other Genesee County agencies already in the program.

“As a fire-based emergency medical services provider within the City of Batavia, we have firsthand knowledge of the opioid dilemma within our community,” he said. “In an effort to assist with this problem, we have designed an intake location within fire headquarters to provide a safe and judgment-free place where a person can come and seek assistance and interventional services. This, in turn, can prevent an overdose death and increase the safety of responding crews by having a safe setting in which to assist.”

Napolitano added that PAARI “aligns with our department’s mission to provide life safety services to all in need and, hopefully, our involvement acts as a catalyst for other fire departments to join in this endeavor.”

The foyer inside the public entrance to the fire headquarters on Evans Street has been renovated with funding from the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, a major sponsor of the GOW Opioid Task Force.

City of Batavia Police Chief Shawn Heubusch, who chairs the law enforcement work group of the GOW Opioid Task Force, has been instrumental in making the PAARI program a reality in Genesee County.

“The City of Batavia and Batavia Police Department have taken a proactive approach to assisting with the opioid epidemic by becoming part of the county-wide PAARI program,” Heubusch said. “This allows those suffering from substance abuse disorder to come to the police station, anytime of the day or night, to ask for assistance. We will then, no questions asked, contact a peer support advocate and connect that individual.”

He added that his department is “proud to do our part to help stem the opioid crisis by getting those community members that are in need into services, and by helping reduce the stigma of substance abuse.”

 “It’s important that the community knows that this program is here and that recovery is possible,” said Christen Ferraro, GOW Opioid Task Force coordinator. “On behalf of our hundreds of task force stakeholders, I would like to thank law enforcement for participating in PAARI and other initiatives and, especially, the Greater Rochester Health Foundation for its continued support.”

Ferraro noted that peer advocates are currently available for telephone and internet support during the COVID-19 situation, with normal face-to-face interventions to resume as conditions warrant.

Photo: City of Batavia Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano stands next to the plaque designating fire headquarters on Evans Street as a Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative location.

Disclosure: Story and photo by Mike Pettinella, GCASA publicist.

Interview with Stefano Napolitano, City of Batavia fire chief

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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We talking with Stefano Napolitano, City of Batavia fire chief.

City fire responded two fires today, confirms two dogs died in State Street blaze

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department responded to separately reported fires today. The first was dispatched at 10:08 a.m. for reported smoke coming from an apartment window at Batavia Gardens, 679 E. Main St.

Upon arrival responding, crews found a grease fire located on a stove that was contained to a pan. The damage was confined to the stovetop and the residence was ventilated to remove the smoke condition.

Occupants of the residence were evaluated at the scene by Mercy EMS personnel and a member of the Byron Fire Department who was working at the location.

At 12:17 p.m., City Fire Department was then dispatched to a reported residential fire at located at 236 State St. First arriving fire units were on scene at 12:21 p.m. and upon arrival, firefighters found a working kitchen fire in the rear portion of the home.

Responding crews made entrance into the residence from a side door and attacked the fire. Firefighters were able to confine and contain the kitchen area and the situation was called under control by command at 12:34 p.m. and all units were back in service at 2:33 p.m.

While the fire was contained to the kitchen area of the home, there was extensive heat and smoke damage throughout the residence due to the intensity of the fire and two dogs perished inside of the home.

At this time the City of Batavia’s Fire Investigation team is investigating the fire to determine the origin and cause. Presently, the fire does not appear to be incendiary in nature. Once a determination has been made, we will be providing an additional media release with further information.

City fire was assisted at the scene by the City of Batavia Police and Code Departments with additional support provided by Genesee County Emergency Dispatch and Office of Emergency Services.

Additionally, the Town of Batavia Fire Department assisted city fire with responding to the New York State School for the Blind for a fire alarm activation during the State Street incident.

City Fire Department makes changes in operations and service in light of COVID-19

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In light of the current pandemic, the City of Batavia Fire Department has embraced the advice of the Genesee County Health Department and implemented a number of significant changes to our operational model and service delivery.

It is our intent and a concerted effort to assist in reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus).

Our service to the public remains our main mission. We are here to serve you and we must bring about these changes to ensure that we are able to continue to provide the highest levels of service during this most unsettling time. 

As a result, the City of Batavia Fire Department has put into action the following safeguards effective immediately:

  • First and foremost, if you have an emergency call 9-1-1 immediately and the fire department will be dispatched to you as normal.
  • Fire Headquarters located at 18 Evans Street will be locked and secured at all times. Anyone requesting assistance or information can utilize the phone located in the front vestibule of the station, which will contact a member of our staff who will be able to assist you.
  • All outside activities hosted at the firehouse have been cancelled, as well as many of our internal programs.
  • We have adopted a revised EMS response model in an effort to protect our staff and our community. We continue to respond to all medical emergencies, however, the appearance along with patient contact of our staffing will be modified.
  • Firefighters will be practicing “social distancing” techniques as instructed by the County’s Health Department. Please understand that this is for your protection as well as that of fire department staffing.
  • Our community risk reduction programs, including car seat inspection and installations, commercial building inspections, EMT and CPR classes along with fire prevention and education have been suspended until further notice. However, this does not include our smoke detector installation and inspection program. Please call 585-345-6375 to schedule an appointment for fire department staffing to inspect, install or change batteries as normal.
  • If you are in need of a copy of a fire report please call 585-345-6375 before responding to the Station, you will be given directions on how to proceed with your request at that time.
  • If you would like to speak with a fire officer or the fire chief, we ask that you call 585-345-6375. Fire department staff will forward your call to the appropriate person. In the event that they are unable to assist you immediately, staff will obtain your information and someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

You, the public can help by following the recommendations of maintaining social distancing of 6 feet or more between other people, frequently washing your hands, and self-monitoring for cold or flu like symptoms such as fever, cough or upper respiratory infections.

If you do have these symptoms, please tell your medical providers right away so they can assist you in the best ways possible. We ask that you consult the Genesee County Public Health Department website for additional information about the COVID-19 virus.

Lastly, these procedures have been implemented to ensure that we can adequately respond to emergencies and to help safeguard both the public and firefighters from accidental exposure to the virus. 

As we move forward over the next several days and weeks, we value your patience and understanding as we work through these difficult days together. The fire officers and firefighters of the City of Batavia Fire Department will continue to deliver aid and assistance in any way possible to ensure that our community remains safe at all times.

Summit Street fire Monday appears accidental, firefighter injured, vehicle damaged, too

By Billie Owens

Press release from the City of Batavia Fire Department:

At 6:06 p.m. on March 9, the City of Batavia Fire Department was dispatched to a reported residential fire located at 31 Summit St. First arriving fire units were on scene at 6:09 p.m.

Upon arrival, firefighters found a working fire with heavy smoke and flames visible involving the rear portion of the home. Responding crews made an assertive attack and were able to confine and contain the fire to the rear of the home and the situation was called under control by command at 6:20 p.m.

While the fire was contained to the rear of the residence, a vehicle located in the driveway received heat damage along with a separated garage due to the intensity of the fire.

All occupants were able to self-extricate along with two dogs from the residence. A cat was rescued by firefighters and treated at the scene by Mercy EMS.

Additionally, a City firefighter was injured while fighting the fire. He was sent to United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) for evaluation.

At this time the City of Batavia’s Fire Investigation team is investigating the fire to determine the origin and cause. Presently, the fire appears to be accidental in nature. Once a determination has been made, we will be providing an additional media release with further information.

City fire was assisted at the scene by the City of Batavia Police and Bureau of Inspection with additional support provided by Alexander and the Town of Batavia fire departments, Mercy EMS and Genesee County Emergency Dispatch.

City fire chief reminds residents to change smoke detector batteries when setting clocks ahead Sunday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department reminds residents about changing smoke detector batteries when Daylight Saving time begins on Sunday, March 8.

Chief Stefano Napolitano recommends “that as residents set their clocks ahead, that they test their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.”

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that two-thirds of home fire deaths occur in homes with missing and/or damaged smoke detectors. Often times smoke detector fails to operate because the batteries were missing, disconnected or dead.

Additionally, Napolitano recommends these safety tips:

  • Install a working smoke detector on every level of the home, outside and or inside sleeping areas/bedrooms.• Be sure to install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test smoke detectors monthly using the test button on the unit.
  • Make sure everyone in the home knows the sound of the smoke detector, and knows what to do when it sounds.
  • Replace any smoke detector that is 10 years old or older.
  • Replace the smoke detector immediately if it does not respond properly when tested.
  • Batteries in traditional type smoke detectors, should be changed at least once a year, and/or in accordancewith manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Develop a plan of escape. Make sure everyone in the household knows how to get out of every room andhow to evacuate in under two-minutes. They should also know where to meet, once they are out of the house.
  • Try to avoid placing a smoke detector near a bathroom, heating appliance windows, or ceiling fans.

“Also as a reminder, if you reside in the City of Batavia and you do not have a working smoke detector or a replacement battery, the City of Batavia Fire Department will provide one smoke detector or batteries to you at no cost," Napolitano said. "Additionally, if you need assistance in testing, inspecting or changing your batteries please call 585-345-6375.

"A time will be set and members of the fire department will come to your residence and install a smoke detector, replace batteries and inspect and test the units in your home."

City firefighters unveil drop box for U.S. flags retired from use

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

IAFF Local 896 Batavia City Firefighters are proud to announce a safe and secure drop box to retire U.S. flags in our community. Firefighters have partnered with the Veness Strollo VFW Post 1602 to ensure a dignified retirement on Flag Day.

Residents are encouraged to bring their retired U.S. flags to the firehouse drop box where firefighters will, on a weekly basis empty the container, properly fold flags, and prepare them for delivery to the VFW on Edwards Street.

The idea of providing a U.S. Flag Retirement Drop Box for our community was brought up after seeing other municipalities purchase containers for proper flag retirement. Many other military organizations, along with the VFW, collect and retire U.S. flags.

We are just providing an additional central location for the community to respectfully retire their U.S. flags. Since early January our community has brought in more than 40 flags for proper retirement, thank you!

Special thanks to Kristina at the Genesee County sign shop for the professional wrap and graphics on the flag container. Our temporary install of the container was made possible by firefighters of the 1st platoon with plans to permanently install in the Spring with assistance from City Department of Public Works.

City Fire Department encourages residents to 'Adopt a Fire Hydrant'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

With winter now thrust upon us and in the event of an emergency, could firefighters find the closest fire hydrant near your home or business?

Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano and the members of the City of Batavia Fire Department are encouraging residents to “adopt a fire hydrant” near their home or business this winter season.

They are asking residents and business owners for their assistance in keeping fire hydrants clear of snow and debris.

The Chief also noted that this is an informal program and therefore it is not necessary to advise the department about which fire hydrants you will be keeping clear.

If possible, firefighters ask that the “adopted” hydrants be uncovered of snow after each snowfall and provide a clear path of approximately three feet around the hydrant.

This path will allow fire department staff to quickly locate the hydrant and obtain a water supply used in firefighting activities. Delays in locating and connecting to a fire hydrant can hamper fire suppression activities, raising the risk of injury and furthering property damage.

Additionally, the department asks residents and business owners to contact fire headquarters at 585-345-6375 if they require assistance in clearing their hydrant or notice damage to the hydrant itself or the reflective marker attached to the hydrant.

Lastly, Chief Napolitano requests people to please consider helping a neighbor who may be elderly or has a medical condition by keeping the fire hydrant clear near their residence.

“Together we can help keep our City safe this winter season,” Napolitano said.

The fire officers and firefighters of the City of Batavia Fire Department would like to thank the community for its continued support of the men and women of the department and the services that we provide.

City fire chief reminds residents of new law requiring children under 2 to ride in rear-facing car seats

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department would like to remind area residents that beginning on Nov. 1 a new law took effect requiring any child under 2 years of age to be seated in a rear-facing car seat. This new law applies to passenger vehicles as well as buses.

If a child outgrows an infant-only car seat before reaching their 2nd birthday, it is recommended that a convertible or an all-in-one car seat with a higher weight limit be used.

These seats should be installed in the rear-facing position until the child reaches the rear-facing weight or height limit set by the manufacturer; information located on the car seat.

Rear-facing seats are the best option for a young child because they are equipped with a harness, and a crash cradle that moves with the child passenger to reduce the stress on the neck and spine.

Lastly, it is common for car seats to be fitted and installed incorrectly. A recent study showed that 90 percent of all car seats are installed incorrectly. Parents and caregivers need to ensure that children’s restraints are properly installed and fitted correctly.

The City of Batavia Fire Department encourages caregivers to contact Fire Headquarters at 585-345-6375 with any questions that they may have as well as to schedule an appointment to have their car seat checked by one of our Certified Technicians.

Video: St. Joe's kindergartner rides to school in a fire truck

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Kylie Lutey, a kindergartner at St. Joe's in Batavia got to ride a fire truck to school today as an award for winning City fire's annual fire safety poster coloring contest.

Video: St. Joe's student wins poster contest, rides to school in fire truck

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Harper Ferris, a third-grader at St. Joseph School, got to ride to school in a City of Batavia fire truck because she was one of the winners in the City Fire Department's annual Fire Prevention Poster Coloring Contest.

Over the next week, two more poster contest winners will get to ride to school in a fire truck.

City fire to flush some hydrants Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flushing / testing fire hydrants on Wednesday, Oct. 30th, Thursday, Oct. 31st, and Friday, Nov. 1st from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the general area of north of Main Street, west of Bank Street and south of Main Street, east of Jackson Street.

Homes and businesses nearby will be affected.

These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area. As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored. If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about five minutes or until clear.

Time changes Sunday; city fire chief reminds everyone: 'Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department joins fire departments nationwide in promoting the annual "Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery" campaign on Sunday, Nov. 3.

Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano encourages all residents to adopt the simple, life-saving habit of changing smoke alarm batteries when they change their clocks back from daylight savings time to standard time.

“It’s an easy, inexpensive, and proven way to protect your family and your home,” Chief Napolitano said. “Plus, with winter quickly approaching and most everyone turning their heating systems on, it also makes this an ideal time to make sure your heating system is working properly.

"This is a great opportunity to check yourcarbon monoxide detectors as well.”

Today’s home fires grow in size faster than ever, typically allowing as little as one to two minutes to escape a home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds, due to current home furnishings burning faster and producing more toxic gases and smoke. One thing that is instrumental in reducing deaths is to close doors to prevent the fire from spreading and to facilitate escape.

Almost two-thirds of home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with either no smoke alarms or non- working smoke alarms. Smoke alarm failures usually result from missing or dead batteries or disconnected wires.

The peak time for home fire fatalities is between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. when most families are sleeping; a working smoke alarm provides critical extra time needed to get out safely.

According to the NFPA, the maximum life cycle of a smoke alarm is 10 years from the date of manufacture, not the date of installation. Beginning in 2002, all smoke alarms must have a manufacture date marked on the outside of the smoke alarm. If your smoke alarm does not have a manufacture date or if you’ve had it for morethan ten years, it needs to be replaced.

The City of Batavia Fire Department recommends purchasing smoke alarms with 10-year lithium batteries. All smoke alarms should be tested monthly.

“The City of Batavia Fire Department has a free smoke alarm installation program,” Fire Chief Napolitano said. “If you do not have a smoke detector or if you are unsure the batteries are working properly, members of the City of Batavia Fire Department will come to your home and ensure that you have a working smoke detector, absolutely free of charge. Call (585) 345-6375 to set upan in home appointment.”

City firefighters host luncheon at fire headquarters for winners of 2019 poster coloring contest

By Billie Owens

Today, firefighters from the City of Batavia Fire Department hosted a luncheon for the winners of this year's Fire Prevention Coloring Contest and their families at the fire headquarters on Evans Street.

The contest theme for 2019's Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 6-12) was: “Not every hero wears a cape. Plan and Practice your Escape.”

The seventh annual coloring competition was open to Batavia schoolchildren in kindergarten through fifth grade.

At a date to be determined, the first-place winners will get a ride to school in a city fire engine.

The winners, announced and posted on The Batavian Wednesday, are:

Grade K-1

First Place: Kylie Lutey -- St. Joseph School, Mrs. Case, Kindergarten

Second Place: Blaire Beachel – St Joseph School, Mrs. Fiannaca, First Grade 

Third Place: Lyla McClellan -- St. Paul Lutheran School, Mrs. Porter, First Grade

Honorable Mention: Nolan Rogers – St. Joseph School, Mrs. Fiannaca, First Grade

Grade 2-3

First Place: Harper Ferris -- St. Joseph School, Mrs. Clattenburg, Third Grade

Second Place: Olivia Gillard – John Kennedy School, Mrs. Brown/Mrs. Loney, Third Grade

Third Place: Jose Osio-Taylor – John Kennedy School, Mrs. Dobbertin, Third Grade

Honorable Mention: Madelyn DeMena – John Kennedy School, Miss Tretter, Third Grade

Grade 4-5

First Place: Gretchen Weicher -- St. Paul Lutheran School, Mrs. Porter, Fifth Grade

Second Place: Grace Allen – St. Joseph School, Mrs. Fischer, Fourth Grade

Third Place: Paige Austin – St. Paul Lutheran School, Mrs. Porter, Fifth Grade

Honorable Mention: Harmony Warner – John Kennedy School, Miss Carpenter, Fourth Grade

Honorable Mention: Azaria Burnett – Batavia Middle School, Mrs. Korzelius, Fifth Grade

(Photos courtesy of the City of Batavia Fire Department.)

City firefighters announce winners of annual Fire Prevention Coloring Contest

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia firefighters are proud to announce the winners of their seventh Annual Fire Prevention Coloring Contest. With hundreds of entries from Batavia Schools, this contest was very difficult to judge.

The 2019 Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 6-12) theme was: “Not every hero wears a cape. Plan and Practice your Escape.”

Congratulations to the following winners:

Grade K-1

First Place: Kylie Lutey -- St. Joseph School, Mrs. Case, Kindergarten

Second Place: Blaire Beachel – St Joseph School, Mrs. Fiannaca, First Grade 

Third Place: Lyla McClellan -- St. Paul Lutheran School, Mrs. Porter, First Grade

Honorable Mention: Nolan Rogers – St. Joseph School, Mrs. Fiannaca, First Grade

Grade 2-3

First Place: Harper Ferris -- St. Joseph School, Mrs. Clattenburg, Third Grade

Second Place: Olivia Gillard – John Kennedy School, Mrs. Brown/Mrs. Loney, Third Grade

Third Place: Jose Osio-Taylor – John Kennedy School, Mrs. Dobbertin, Third Grade

Honorable Mention: Madelyn DeMena – John Kennedy School, Miss Tretter, Third Grade

Grade 4-5

First Place: Gretchen Weicher -- St. Paul Lutheran School, Mrs. Porter, Fifth Grade

Second Place: Grace Allen – St. Joseph School, Mrs. Fischer, Fourth Grade

Third Place: Paige Austin – St. Paul Lutheran School, Mrs. Porter, Fifth Grade

Honorable Mention: Harmony Warner – John Kennedy School, Miss Carpenter, Fourth Grade

Honorable Mention: Azaria Burnett – Batavia Middle School, Mrs. Korzelius, Fifth Grade


The first-place winner of each group will receive a ride to school on a City Fire engine, dates TBA.

An awards luncheon will be held this Saturday, Oct. 26, from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Fire Station on Evans Street for all First-, Second- and Third-place winners and and Honorable Mention winners. These students and their families are encouraged to attend.

Thank you to all the teachers and students who participated in this year’s contest and Congratulations to our winners!

Greg Ireland
Captain / Fire Prevention Officer City of Batavia Firefighters

Firefighters wearing pink ribbons in October to support heroes fighting breast cancer

By Howard B. Owens

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the uniform T-shirt of Batavia City Fire Department is adorned with pink ribbons on the front and back so that firefighters can show their support of those who have fought or are fighting the disease.

"We want people to understand that we appreciate the fact that firefighters are often given the term heroes, however people fighting breast cancer are really the true heroes," said Chief Stefano Napolitano. "We want to support those people that have lost the battle and those that are currently fighting and those who are going to be fighting in the future."

Napolitano's own mother was successfully treated for breast cancer (though she has since passed due to other health reasons) so this is a cause that is especially important to him, he said.

"I know several other ladies that are fighting or have fought and are survivors so this is just a small way that city fire can let them know that we're here supporting them," the chief said. "We enjoy the support of the community and it's an honor and it's humbling to be able to provide that support and return to those that are fighting their own fires."

City fire and Domino's Pizza team up to promote fire safety

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Batavia Domino’s, located at 563 E. Main St., and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) are teaming up with the City of Batavia Fire Department to promote fire safety during Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 6-12).

On Oct. 9 and 10 from 6-8 p.m., anyone who orders a Domino’s pizza may be randomly selected and surprised at the door when their pizza arrives aboard a fire engine. If the smoke alarms in the home are working, the pizza is free. If the smoke alarms are not working, the firefighters will install a fully-functioning alarm or replace the batteries.

“Fire safety is extremely important,” said Allan Erwin, Batavia Domino’s franchise owner. “We’re excited to partner with the NFPA and the City of Batavia Fire Department for a program that not only promotes the safety of our friends and neighbors, but rewards those who make fire safety a priority.”

This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign theme is “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Plan and Practice Your Escape!”

Customers can call Domino’s in Batavia at 585-343-3344 to place their order and be eligible for the fire engine delivery.

About Fire Prevention Week

NFPA has been the official sponsor of Fire Prevention Week since 1922. According to the National Archives and Records Administration's Library Information Center, Fire Prevention Week is the longest running public health and safety observance on record.

The President of the United States has signed a proclamation proclaiming a national observance during that week every year since 1925. for more safety information.

An important safety message from the city's fire chief

“In a typical home fire, you may have as little as one to two minutes to escape safely from the time the smoke alarm sounds,” said Stefano Napolitano, fire chief of the City of Batavia Fire Department. “Escape planning and practice can help you make the most of the time you have, giving everyone enough time to get out.

"These steps can make all of the difference and we hope to raise awareness about them through our partnership with Domino’s."

City Fire releases results of several fire investigations

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department’s origin and cause team under the command of Captain Martin Hinz has determined through a systematic process of comparison examination, reconstruction of the fire scene, witness statements and a detailed examination of fire debris the cause of the following incidents in 2019:

  • July 4 -- 13 Hutchins St.: Under investigation
  • Aug. 26 -- 337 Bank St.: Accidental, cooking related
  • Aug. 31 -- 18 East Ave.: Accidental, electrical
  • Sept. 17 -- 511 Ellicott St.: Accidental, cooking related
  • Sept. 18 -- 11 Garfield Ave.: Accidental, mechanical failure
  • Sept. 23 -- 1 City Center (Island Hawaiian Grill): Accidental, spontaneous combustion

Chief Stefano Napolitano commends Captain Hinz and the other members of the investigation team for their dedication and diligence in determining the origin and cause of these fires.

The process of investigating is never easy, however, it is imperative that a determination is made so as to bring closure as well as enhance the possibility of not repeating the cause if possible.

The City of Batavia Fire Department was assisted in part by City of Batavia Police and the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.

Free car seat safety event this Saturday at city fire headquarters

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department along with other local agencies, will be offering free car seat inspections and education to parents and caregivers on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Fire Headquarters (18 Evans St.).

This event is part of National Car Seat Check Saturday, and will include instruction on how to choose the right car seats for children, with an emphasis on how to install them correctly.

Many parents and care givers assume they know how to choose and use the correct restraint for their child, but sadly these restraints are frequently used incorrectly. In fact, car crashes are a leading killer of children, and the latest research from the U.S. Department of Transportation shows that nearly two out of three car seats are misused or installed improperly.

Beginning Nov. 1, all children age 2 and under will have to be secured in a rear-facing car seat per New York State Law.

It is recommended keeping children rear-facing as long as possible, up to the top height or weight allowed by their particular seats. It’s the best way to keep them safe.

Once a child outgrows the rear-facing seat, he or she is ready to travel in a forward-facing car seat with a harness and tether.

After outgrowing the forward-facing car seat, a child should ride in a booster seat until tall enough to fit in a seat belt properly.

The safest place for a child under the age of 13 is in the back seat.

National Seat Check Saturday is part of Child Passenger Safety Week (Sept. 15- 21). The week is dedicated to teaching caregivers and parents about the importance of correctly choosing, installing, and using car seats, booster seats, and seat belts.

Parents and caregivers will also be reminded of the importance of registering car seats with manufacturers so they can be notified in the event of a recall.

For further information please call the City of Batavia Fire Department at 585-345-6375.

City Fire Prevention Coloring Contest is underway, deadline is Oct. 9

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department is sponsoring the seventh annual Fire Prevention Week Coloring Contest. This coloring contest is open to students from grades Kindergarten – 5.

“Our hope is to get the children to discuss fire safety with their teachers, other students and parents/guardians,” says City Fire Captain Greg Ireland.

Information has been distributed to City schools, but we want to include any City area home-schooled children as well. We encourage all eligible students to participate.

Copies of the official coloring page and contest rules can be picked up at City Fire Headquarters, 18 Evans St. 

The 2019 Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 6-12) theme is: “Not every hero wears a cape. Plan and Practice your Escape.”

Additional information can be found at the Fire Prevention Week website here

Any posters wishing to be entered need to be at the Fire Station on Evans Street no later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 9.

Judging of the posters will take place Oct. 11th – 13th.

The winner of each group will receive a ride to school on a City Fire Engine, and be invited to a special awards luncheon with their family held at the fire station. Second- and third-place finishers in each group will also be invited to the fire station awards luncheon.

The best of luck to the students!

Full rules are available at the City of Batavia Fire Department or by contacting us via email.

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