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City Fire

Firefighting in Batavia: From bucket brigades to ladder trucks

By Anne Marie Starowitz
ladder truck 15 batavia
Photo by Anne Marie Starowitz

If you were a volunteer fireman in the early 1800s, you also had to own and bring your leather bucket to every fire.  As a homeowner, you must have a bucket of water at your front door in case of a fire. A bucket brigade would be used to put out a fire.  People would line up and hand a bucket down the line to the last person, who would throw the water on the fire.

A way to alert volunteers was to use a wooden ratchet. The homeowner whose house was on fire would bang the ratchet to sound the alarm. Each ratchet had a distinctive sound, so the location of the fire could easily be identified. 

If we go back to 1837, we would have seen fire engines made of wood pulled by men. The volunteers would fill the tank at the nearest cistern. One man held the hose at the fire while the others pumped the water.

The first volunteer fire department in Batavia lasted until 1865.  The clang would notify the volunteer of an alarm from a belfry.  If you were a volunteer, you would leave your job, wear a red shirt, and run to the fire.  The types of alarms used throughout our history were the iron triangle church bell, factory steam whistle, electrically operated siren, fire alarm box signals (one is on display at the entrance of our fire department on Evans Street), a telephone operator, and today, by calling 911.

In 1916, all six volunteer fire companies that served the village were disbanded. 

As a result, in 1916, Batavia set up a semi-paid fire department with six men on full-time duty, each receiving $60 a month. Twelve men were on call for $.12 an hour, and William H. McBride, the Fire Chief, earned $1,000 yearly. The single company served the city for five years. In November 1921, the voters approved a proposal to increase the department to twelve full-time men plus a fire chief. The men were stationed in two firehouses on either side of the train tracks. 

The first fire headquarters was on Court Street in a building previously owned by the Richmons and the Hooks.  It served as Fire Headquarters until moving into a remodeled Municipal Building at 3 West Main Street in 1948.  The second station was on Ellicott St in the Durham building at 305-307 Ellicott Street.  This building was leased to the city as the second fire station.  In 1946, the building was sold to the Wortzman family, who needed the space for their furniture business.  A new building was constructed at 43 Ellicott Street and served as Fire Station 2. 

In 1974, the City Council discussed building a new fire headquarters building. The new concrete structure, built by Louis Viele Construction Company, was on Evans Street.  In 1978, the new fire department was opened.  It had offices for the Chief, the Assistant Fire Chief, and the Duty Officers at the front of the building, with dormitory facilities, a kitchen, and a recreation area behind.  The fire equipment was housed in the garage.  Paramedic service began in May 1986. 

In 2009, the city discontinued the fire department’s ambulance service.

Today, the City of Batavia Fire Department comprises 38 members, including 28 Firefighters, 4 Captains, 4 Lieutenants, a Chief, and a Senior Typist.

The early fire companies in Batavia, along with their volunteers, established the foundation for our well-equipped fire department. Today, our fire department and the nearby volunteer fire companies continue to dedicate themselves to keeping the citizens of Genesee County safe from the tragedies of fire. 

The materials used for this article are from  "The History of the City of Batavia" (1993) by Ruth M. McEvoy.

Photos: Police, Fire duke it out in Third Annual Battle of the Badges

By Staff Writer
battle of the badges hockey game

Batavia police officers and firefighters clashed on the ice on Sunday in the Third Annual Battle of the Badges hockey game.

The annual event is a David McCarthy Memorial Foundation fundraiser and is sponsored by CAN-USA Sports.

“Having some fun on the ice, highlighting these great city departments, and raising money for charity has been great these past few years. The David McCarthy Memorial Foundation has helped so many families in our community over the years and we are excited to donate the proceeds to such
a meaningful organization again this year," said Detective James DeFreze and firefighter Mark Sacheli in a joint statement.

The police roster: Connor Borchert, Matthew Lutey, Felecia Martinez, Matthew Smith, Chance Hutson,
Steve Quider, Adam Tucker, Richard Messmer, Steve Cronmiller, Aric Perkins, Bryan Moscicki, and John Gombos.

The fire roster: Josh McCarthy, Ryan Whitcombe, Chris Morasco, Matt Morasco, Mark Sacheli, Bob Tedford, Jeff Whitcombe, Colin Cooper, Nick Call, 
Noah Whitcombe, Andy Laforce, Frankie Falleti.

Photos by Nick Serrata

battle of the badges hockey game
battle of the badges hockey game
battle of the badges hockey game
battle of the badges hockey game
battle of the badges hockey game
 battle of the badges hockey game

Cause of massive fire at dog food processing plant in Batavia deemed 'undetermined'

By Howard B. Owens
howard street fire
File photo by Howard Owens.

The damage was too extensive from an industrial fire at 20 Howard St., Batavia, on Nov. 9 for investigators to determine the cause of the blaze.

The massive fire destroyed a 4,160-square-foot structure, built in 1941, where Baskin Livestock processed dry dog food into feed for hogs.

The fire investigation team of Captain Jamie Call, Captain Michael Morris, and Firefighter Christina Marinaccio determined the fire started in the southwest corner of the structure.

City Fire was dispatched to the call at 7:47 a.m. after dispatchers received reports of a large quantity of black smoke coming from the building.

When Captain Mike Morris opened truck bay doors when he arrived on scene, he confirmed a large fire and requested a second alarm.

Because it was a heavily involved fire already, Morris, the incident commander, determined the priority for firefighters was protecting other buildings nearby. 

He requested a third alarm.

A short time later, Chief Josh Graham arrived on scene and assumed command.

Fire crews worked the fire for over 12 hours, with a single crew remaining on scene until 10 p.m.

"Due to the difficulty with access and size of the structure, crews were working on and off for the next four days," Graham said. "This also included the use of an East Pembroke Fire Department utility vehicle, which aided us in getting to hard-to-reach spots."

Graham indicated that investigators put a lot of effort into trying to determine the cause of the fire.

“I applaud the fire investigation team for their tireless work as well as all of the crews that responded to this incident,” Graham said.

Graham reported two minor injuries to city firefighters at the scene. They were evaluated by Mercy EMS medics and continued working the fire after being checked out.

The City of Batavia Fire Department was assisted by the City of Batavia Police Department, Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center, the Town of Batavia Fire Department, the Leroy Fire Department, Stafford Fire Department, East Pembroke Fire Department, Mercy EMS, Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, City of Batavia DPW, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City of Batavia Codes Department, NYS DEC, National Grid, and National Fuel.

howard street fire
File photo by Howard Owens.

Three children rescued from fire in upstairs apartment on Vine Street, Batavia

By Joanne Beck

Three children were rescued from a fire reported at 3 Vine St. in the city of Batavia at approximately 12:30 a.m. Thursday, Sgt. Kevin DeFelice of Batavia Police Department said. 

The Batavia City Fire Department and three ambulances from Mercy EMS arrived at the scene, and firefighters assisted the children out of the home, DeFelice said to The Batavian. A second alarm was put out for the town of Batavia. 

The fire was knocked down by 1:06 a.m. as the dwelling's downstairs neighbor, Dennis Say, heard a smoke alarm detector going off, he said, and he tried to contact the upstairs neighbor to find out if he had heard anything.

"Maybe he had toast burning or something, I don't know, and he wasn't, he's not answering his phone," Say said. And I came outside on my side of our porch, and the room above it was on fire, flames coming from the upstairs apartment," he said. "And I still couldn't get a hold of nobody. So I came to the front door, knocking and banging on the door, and the kids were yelling out the window that they were trapped and couldn't get out, and I was on the phone at the fire station, and I just couldn't get the door. I got all my family out downstairs and everybody I could out downstairs. And then the fire department came down. I think they might have come on the ladder with two of the kids and then only carried somebody out the front."

The three children were transported to to UMMC for evaluation and treatment.

DeFelice said a Batavia PD will put out a press release once they have more information about the fire.

Photos by Howard Owens


Structure fire at Howard Street in city of Batavia

By Joanne Beck
edward street fire

A structure fire at 20 Howard St. in the city of Batavia has called out the city fire department Saturday morning.

Flames and heavy smoke were still visible as of 8:20 a.m. 

Photos by Howard Owens.

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edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire
edward street fire

Photo: Jackson School first grader rides to school in fire truck

By Howard B. Owens
city fire coloring contest
Photo by Howard Owens

Isabell Herdlein, a 1st grader at Jackson Primary School, rode to school today in City Fire's ladder truck as her prize for winning the department's annual coloring contest at her school.  Joining her in the photo with the firefighters is her teacher, Lexi Wahr.

Photo: St. Paul student wins ride to school in fire truck

By Howard B. Owens

Josephina Varland, a student at St. Paul Lutheran School, got a ride to school on Thursday morning in Batavia Fire's Engine 12.

The ride was Varland's reward for winning CIty Fire's safety coloring contest for her school.

Photos by Howard Owens.


Photo: City Fire gives John Kennedy student a lift to school

By Howard B. Owens
city fire coloring contest

Eight-year-old Amara Thomas got a ride in City Fire's Ladder Truck 15 to school at John Kennedy on Wednesday.

Amara was the John Kennedy winner in the department's annual fire safety poster contest, sponsored by IAFF Local 896.

Photos by Howard Owens.

city fire coloring contest

City fire captain awarded for going above and beyond during heatwave

By Anthony Stone
Bob Fix getting honored
City of Batavia Fire Captain Bob Fix being honored at Erie County Fair.
Submitted Photo

During a heatwave in early July, Premier Genesee Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation faced several related challenges:  the nursing home’s HVAC system faltered, the mechanical room overheated, and the elevators broke down, creating a potentially hazardous situation for the senior residents.

When City of Batavia Fire Captain Bob Fix was called to the scene, he didn’t merely give a standard response. He exceeded expectations, Supervising Administrator Samantha Vagg says.

"Captain Fix stuck out because of how he guided younger firefighters and frequently called back after his team left to make sure our facility was okay,” Vagg said to The Batavian.  

His proactive approach, including collaborating with nursing home staff and coordinating with National Grid, prevented further issues, Vagg said, which prompted her to nominate Fix for Erie County Fair’s Firefighter Honoree Award.

The award, which was presented to Fix on Aug. 18, is given to individuals who exemplify the highest standards of the fire service, showcasing a notable record of service, achievement, and selflessness.

City Fire Chief Josh Graham spoke highly of Captain Fix, emphasizing that the department’s standard is to go above and beyond. He added that the entire department takes pride in Fix’s recognition, which reflects the collective dedication that defines the firefighters’ work.

"Captain Fix is a dedicated professional and a true asset to our community,” Graham said. “We are honored to have him represent Local 896 as Sunday's Firefighter Honoree.”

Fix, a 21-year veteran of the fire department, said that no matter how bad his day might be going at work, “whoever’s calling for help is having a worse day than me.”

“If I can do a little extra, why not?” he said, remaining rather modest about the recognition. "I'm just the guy that got nominated for the award."

He deflected praise aimed at him instead to his entire team and the nursing home staff, who he said played a crucial role during the emergency. Vagg said that she would have nominated the whole department if she could have since it “is so professional every time we interact.”

Firefighting is not just a career but a calling in his family, Fix said. Being honored at the fair became a full-circle moment for him, combining his love for the community with his lifelong commitment to public service. He’s also quick to point out that the department does so many other things within the community.

"My father was a firefighter, and I've been going to the fair for as long as I can remember,” he said. "We’re there for car accidents, technical rescues, building safety inspections, and more. In October, we’ll focus on fire prevention, going into schools to teach fire safety. It’s all part of the job."

City Fire's hot bats dominate Batavia PD in Battle of the Badges at Dwyer Stadium

By Staff Writer
batavia battle of the badges

Batavia PD's softball team could have used somebody to put out the fire at Dwyer Stadium on Sunday, but City Fire was a little busy fanning the flames on the way to a 23-3 victory in the annual Battle of the Badges.

In four matches, the boys in blue have managed only one victory.

Photos by Nick Serrata.

batavia battle of the badges
batavia battle of the badges
batavia battle of the badges
batavia battle of the badges
batavia battle of the badges
batavia battle of the badges

City Fire conducting hydrant flushing today and Tuesday

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flushing fire hydrants on Monday & Tuesday, July 8 & 9, 2024 from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the general area of North of E. Main St. and East of Bank St. Homes and businesses nearby will be affected.  These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area.  As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored.  If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about 5 minutes or until clear.

This annual testing is essential to maintain the community class III Insurance Services Office (ISO) public protection classification and to assure that fire hydrants are operating efficiently for fire protection purposes. Along with maintaining the fire rating, the test monitors the health of the city's water system, identifies weak areas in the system, and removes material that settles in the water lines. Checking each hydrant improves fire department personnel's knowledge of the hydrant locations. 

If you have any questions or should notice a hydrant needing repair, please contact the fire department at 585-345-6375.

BHS upperclassmen view mock DWI accident

By Press Release

Press release:

On Tuesday, members of the City of Batavia Police Department, alongside members of the City of Batavia Fire Department, Town of Batavia Fire Department, Mercy EMS, Mercy Flight, the Genesee County Coroner, H.E. Turner's Funeral Services and the Genesee County DA's Office conducted a mock DWI fatal accident simulation for juniors and seniors of the Batavia City School District to raise awareness regarding the consequences of impaired driving. 

Members of the BCSD drama club played the roles of victims, the "drunken driver," and the distraught parent in the scenario.

The demonstration showed the very real consequences of impaired driving, including the extraction and treatment of "victims" by the Fire Departments and Mercy EMS, and the landing of a Mercy Flight helicopter to transport a seriously injured patient. 

The simulation also showed the processing and "arrest" of the suspected drunken driver by City Police Officers along with documentation, collection of evidence and photographs of the scene by members of the Police Department's Detective Bureau. 

The Genesee County Coroner was on hand to demonstrate the role of the Coroner's Office, and H.E. Turner's Funeral Services was on hand to remove the "deceased." 

Students also heard from District Attorney Kevin Finnell on the legal consequences of the decision to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while impaired.

The Department wishes to thank the Batavia City School District for hosting this event. We also want to recognize the work of Officer Connor Borchert, School Resource Officer for the Batavia High School, in coordinating the simulation and all departments involved.

City Fire announces hydrant flushing for Tuesday and Wednesday

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will flush fire hydrants on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, Wednesday, June 5, and Thursday, June 6, from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the general area North of E. Main St. and East of Bank St. Homes and businesses nearby will be affected.  

These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area.  As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored.  If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about five minutes or until clear.

This annual testing is essential to maintain the community Class III Insurance Services Office (ISO) public protection classification and to assure that fire hydrants are operating efficiently for fire protection purposes. Along with maintaining the fire rating, the test monitors the health of the city's water system, identifies weak areas in the system, and removes material that settles in the water lines. Checking each hydrant improves fire department personnel's knowledge of the hydrant locations.

If you have any questions or should notice a hydrant in need of repair, please contact the fire department at 585-345-6375.

Police vs. Fire hockey game raises $2,660 for McCarthy Foundation

By Staff Writer
batavia police vs. fire hockey

In a charity hockey game on Sunday at the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena, Batavia PD beat the City Fire Department pretty handily, 11-3, but more importantly, 598 people attended, and the event raised $2,660 for the David M. McCarthy Memorial Foundation.

Photos by Philip Casper.

batavia police vs. fire hockey
batavia police vs. fire hockey
batavia police vs. fire hockey
batavia police vs. fire hockey
batavia police vs. fire hockey
batavia police vs. fire hockey
batavia police vs. fire hockey

City Fire honors past firefighters with "push in" ceremony for new Engine 12

By Howard B. Owens
batavia city fire pushing in ceremony engine 12
City of Batavia firefighters push in the new Engine 12 in a ceremony officially putting it in service at the Fire Hall on Evans Street, Batavia, on Wednesday.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Back in the day, explained City Fire Chief Josh Graham, fire engines were horse-drawn, and since horses couldn't back up well, firefighters, when they returned the wagon to the hall, pushed it into its bay.

With the arrival of combustion engines, it became a tradition, Graham said, for firefighters to push in the new engine into the hall as part of a ceremony putting it into service.

"I was kind of shocked to find out a lot of the firefighters had never heard of a pushing ceremony, and I thought it was a pretty common knowledge thing, but it's just kind of paying tribute to the past firefighters," Graham said.

So that is what Batavia's firefighters did at the fire headquarters on Evans Street in Batavia on Wednesday. They pushed in the new Engine 12, which the city purchased for nearly $800,000.  Most of that was financed through a low-interest loan from the United States Department of Agriculture. The city paid about $100,000 up front from its capital reserve fund.

Graham characterized the new apparatus as one of the best pieces of firefighting equipment he's come across in his career, praising the committee of firefighters and officers who came up with the specifications and design for Engine 12.

"The committee did a lot to think through the entire process on what was best for us and our needs and the city's needs," Graham said. "The way they laid it out, decided to go with a side mount pump, giving more room, the way they put the equipment, how they put the ladders on there. I mean, everything from top to bottom, even the lights that signify how full the tank is. They thought through everything. And it turned out extremely well. I couldn't be more pleased with it."

Capt. Jamie Call headed up the committee and said they were impressed with the manufacturer, Spartan, and are glad they selected that company to put the engine together according to their specifications.  It means, among other things, faster delivery time.

"Their turnaround time is very short compared to some other brands right now," Call said. "I mean, it was a little less than a year. Now some of these other brands out there, they're out to 48 months to get delivery. This went really well."

He said the committee was comprised of members from all four of the department's four platoons and that a lot of thought did go into designing an engine that would meet the needs of the city for the next couple of decades.

"We are so very proud of what it is," Call said. "I'm very happy that we could all be part of this and have this great vehicle."

batavia city fire pushing in ceremony engine 12
City of Batavia firefighters push in the new Engine 12 in a ceremony officially putting it in service at the Fire Hall on Evans Street, Batavia, on Wednesday.
Photo by Howard Owens.
batavia city fire pushing in ceremony engine 12
Chaplin Dave Erhart blesses the new Engine 12 and the men and women who will serve on it.
Photo by Howard Owens.
batavia city fire pushing in ceremony engine 12
The old Engine 12, after 22 years of service, is out of service, and once City Council approves it as surplus, it will be put up for auction, said Chief Josh Graham. Potential buyers include overseas fire companies, farmers, and entrepreneurs with ideas for creative uses. 
Photo by Howard Owens.

JK students help provide Thanksgiving Day dinners to 12 Batavia families

By Staff Writer
thanksgiving dinner john kennedy school

Twelve families in Batavia will likely have a more filling and flavorful Thanksgiving than might otherwise have been possible, thanks to the students at John Kennedy Intermediate School, City Fire, and Batavia PD.

The students packed Thanksgiving dinner prep kits to be delivered by Batavia PD to the selected families.

Firefighters delivered turkeys and all the fixings for a complete holiday dinner.

Photos via Batavia City Schools

thanksgiving dinner john kennedy school
thanksgiving dinner john kennedy school
thanksgiving dinner john kennedy school
thanksgiving dinner john kennedy school
thanksgiving dinner john kennedy school

Fire prevention coloring contest winners announced

By Press Release
Thomas VanRemmen -Jackson Primary,
Submitted photo colored by Grade K-1 first place winner Thomas VanRemmen (Jackson Primary, Mrs. Restivo Kindergarten).

Press Release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department is proud to announce the winners of our 10th Annual Fire Prevention Coloring Contest. With over 400 entries from Batavia Schools, this contest was very difficult to judge.

Congratulations to the following winners:

Grade K-1

First Place - Thomas VanRemmen -Jackson Primary, Mrs. Restivo Kindergarten

Second Place - Everleigh D.- St. Josephs, Mrs. Case, Kindergarten

Third Place - Bryson Lee -Jackson Primary, Mrs. Reeves- 1st grade

Grades 2-3

First Place - De’Aungelo Rolle- John Kennedy, Mrs. Antinore 3rd Grade

Second Place - Josephina Varland- St. Paul Lutheran- Ms. Austin 3rd Grade

Third Place - Claire Lutey- St. Josephs School- 2nd Grade

Grades 4-5

First Place - Caleb Janis- St Paul Lutheran School- Mrs. Dunn 5th Grade

Second Place - Raven Casey Batavia Middle School St. Mrs. Falleti, 5th Grade 

Third Place - Lyla McClellan- St. Paul Lutheran School, Mrs. Dunn, 5th Grade

An awards luncheon will be held Saturday, Oct. 28 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the City of Batavia Fire Station located at 18 Evans St. for all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The 1st place winner of each group will receive a ride to school on a City of Batavia Fire Engine. Congratulations to all the winners.

De’Aungelo Rolle-
Submitted photo colored by 3rd Grade first place winner De’Aungelo Rolle (John Kennedy, Mrs. Antinore).
Caleb Janis-
Submitted photo colored by 5th Grade first place winner Caleb Janis (St Paul Lutheran School- Mrs. Dunn).

New fire truck on its way to Batavia, 20-year payment plan

By Joanne Beck


josh grahm batavia fire chief
2022 File Photo of City of Batavia Fire Chief Josh Graham, who is anticipating delivery of the department's latest fire truck in November.
Photo by Howard Owens 

As Batavia’s city fire department prepares to welcome a shiny new, customized fire truck into a bay at the renovated Evans Street site, City Council dealt with details of the $800,000 purchase Monday evening at City Hall.

Council voted on three resolutions:

  • Approve the purchase of the fire truck project completion;
  • Authorize and provide for the “incurrence of indebtedness” for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of acquiring, constructing, enlarging, improving and or extending its new fire truck facility to serve an area lawfully within its jurisdiction to serve; and 
  • Authorize a general bond to finance the acquisition.

The city will pay for Engine 12 with a $665,000 loan at 2.5 percent interest for 20 years, a $100,000 grant and city fire reserves of $36,681.

Councilman-at-large Bob Bialkowski wanted to know more about the second resolution regarding the incurrence of indebtedness for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and enlarging the truck’s new facility in Batavia. Does that mean there will be more work done at the first station, which has recently been updated with a new driveway apron and other interior upgrades?

There’s no extension of the building, City Attorney George Van Nest said.

“This is draft language from USDA. This is a standard USDA resolution that they require;  it’s part of the closing package,” Van Nest said. “The entire statement says resolution of the City Council of the City of Batavia authorizing and providing for the incurrence of indebtedness for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of acquiring construction, enlarging, improving and/or extending its fire trucks. So, in that case, cross everything out except for acquiring fire trucks, and we're good to go.”

Engine 12 will put Engine 11 into reserve, and the current reserve will go to surplus, Fire Chief Joshua Graham said. 

“They’re out there right now to do the final inspection, which they’ve been doing all day and tomorrow at the factory,” he said. “Once they finish the inspection, we’re estimating it to be shipped to Colden Enterprises in Kenmore sometime around the first of November, and they’ll have it outfitted with tools and accessories. And then sometime in mid-November, it’ll be delivered to us, and the only thing we’ll have to do with it is the detailing.”

City Manager Rachael Tabelski, who reviewed the financial plan, said that she appreciated the interest rate the city was able to get as part of the deal.

“I'm just very glad we were able to get a 2.5 percent interest rate because we do have almost enough in reserves to pay this off. But at this point, the funding and reserves is making more interest being there than what we pay out,” Tabelski said. “And with the help of (City Clerk/Treasurer) Heidi, who does a really nice job with all of our investments, looks at each of these opportunities, and we're actually able to make a little bit more on our investments in our reserve funds.”

Council members, all of whom had previously voted for the purchase of the fire truck, approved the resolutions. 

“I hope it lasts us many, many years,” Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. said. 

After the meeting, Graham said that the current reserve engine dates back to 2002, and its age means “it’s starting to have a lot of maintenance issues.”

“So moving the current first-run engine back to reserve, and then implementing this new version first,” was his primary reason for necessitating a new truck purchase, he said. “The truck itself is completely built in the factory, and the crews are out there now going over it with a fine toothcomb. The only thing they're doing when it comes up here is that it doesn't come with the mounts for our tools and things to put the tools on it. So they install those on the truck up here. Then it'll come over to us, and then the city actually makes the decals.”

He plans to take the new pumper on a little cruise through the city to show the citizens the new vehicle, most likely sometime in mid- to late November. 

Free child safety seat check Saturday

By Press Release
File photo from 2021 by Howard Owens

Press Release:

On Saturday, Sept. 23 the City of Batavia Fire Department hosting a free child safety seat check at the fire department at 18 Evans St. Batavia.

Nationally certified technicians will be on hand to answer questions, check recalls, and assist with making sure your seat is correctly installed. 

Contact City Fire Headquarters for more information at 585-345-6375.

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