Press Release:
“We’ve Only Just Begun” Sr. Luncheon will be Tuesday, April 16 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the South Alabama Firehall, 2230 Judge Rd, Oakfield (Route 63).
This will be our Welcome Back Luncheon for 2024. Our Guest Speaker is Dan Lyon from Lifespan in Rochester. He will be presenting SCAM 101, a very important topic in our society today.
Every second of every day someone is out there trying to scam you out of something. He will be discussing Fraud, Scam, and ID theft. So let's listen and get prepared. It could happen to you!
We are open to the public just ask that you bring a dish-to-pass or make a donation at the door! Enjoy lunch and an afternoon of fun with Old and New friends.
Contact LaNora Thompson (630)-888-8966 with any questions.