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Hawley celebrates Read Across America Day with students at local schools

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) visited T.J. Connor Elementary, Wolcott Street School and Dorothy B. Bunce Elementary for Read Across America Day. Hawley read There’s No Place Like Space to students as they learned about topics such as the solar system. This event has been a longstanding tradition for Hawley and his office, and he is proud to be able to host it for another year.

“Read Across America Day highlights the important role books have in our classrooms,” said Hawley. “Through reading, our students are able to expand their minds and create a passion for learning. I want to thank all of the schools, teachers and staff members for making this event possible and for putting their time, talent and energy into educating the next generation.”

Submitted photos.


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