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Steve Hawley

Hawley criticizes majority's budget proposal as 'financially irresponsible'

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) slammed the Majority’s one house budget proposal today for its inability to address the needs of everyday New Yorkers and its financial irresponsibility.

This initiative outlines the Majority’s wishlist for what they would like to see in the final state budget. Their proposal is roughly $4.5 billion more than Gov. Hochul’s executive budget proposal, which stands at an astonishing $256.5 billion, ranking nearly the highest state budget in the nation.

“The trend of government waste and out-of-control spending was on full display in Albany today,” said Hawley. “Earlier this year, Gov. Hochul gave her own bloated budget proposal, but the Majority refused to be outdone. With a final price tag of over $256 billion, this isn’t a budget, it’s a recipe for disaster. Working families are already struggling to make ends meet and increasing spending at this level will do nothing but exacerbate the problem. The Majority needs to work with both sides of the aisle to create a budget that works for all New Yorkers.”

Hawley celebrates Read Across America Day with students at local schools

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) visited T.J. Connor Elementary, Wolcott Street School and Dorothy B. Bunce Elementary for Read Across America Day. Hawley read There’s No Place Like Space to students as they learned about topics such as the solar system. This event has been a longstanding tradition for Hawley and his office, and he is proud to be able to host it for another year.

“Read Across America Day highlights the important role books have in our classrooms,” said Hawley. “Through reading, our students are able to expand their minds and create a passion for learning. I want to thank all of the schools, teachers and staff members for making this event possible and for putting their time, talent and energy into educating the next generation.”

Submitted photos.


Assemblyman Steve Hawley sponsors 3 blood drives across Genesee County in March

By Press Release

Press Release:

March is American Red Cross Month, a time to recognize the vital role the Red Cross plays in our communities. Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) is demonstrating his commitment to this important cause by sponsoring a series of blood drives throughout the month. Hawley is hosting seven drives total, four in Genesee County and three in Orleans County.

The blood drives are as follows:

  • Monday, March 10: Pavilion Fire Department Recreation Hall, 11302 S. Lake Rd., Pavilion, from 1:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Friday, March 14: Lyndonville Presbyterian Church, 107 N Main St., Lyndonville, from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 18: Albion Elks Lodge 1006, 428 W State St., Albion, 12:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 18: First United Methodist Church, 8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 20: Holy Name of Mary, 2707 Angling Rd., East Pembroke, 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 29: Hoag Library- Albion, 134 S. Main St., Albion, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Schedule an appointment by going to or call 1-800-RED CROSS 1-800-733-2767.

“Red Cross Month is an important time to honor the mission of saving lives through giving blood,” said Hawley. “I encourage everyone who is able to take the time to give blood and make a lifesaving difference. Your generosity can provide hope and healing to patients in need.”

Hawley honors women's suffrage legacy by visiting the Susan B. Anthony Museum and House

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) visited the National Susan B. Anthony Museum and House in Rochester today in commemoration of Susan B. Anthony Day earlier this month. Western New York has a long history in the women’s suffrage movement, including one of Hawley’s relatives, Ella Hawley Crossett. 

Ella was an influential leader at the local level and was a long-tenured member of the executive board of the New York State Woman Suffrage Association (NYSWSA). Hawley is proud of Western New York’s history during the suffrage movement and hopes these local heroes will serve as an inspiration for future generations.

“It was an honor to be able to visit the Susan B. Anthony house today,” said Hawley. “Our region has a rich history in the fight for women’s suffrage and equal rights. I hope everyone takes time to learn more about our history and the impact figures like Susan B. Anthony and my relative, Ella Hawley Crossett, had on our nation.”

Submitted photos.


Hawley gets view of homegrown success story in first visit to Craft Cannery in Bergen

By Howard B. Owens
Photo by Howard Owens.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley and Craft Cannery owner Paul Guglielmo Thursday in Bergen.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley loves learning about successful entrepreneurs who set up shop in his district, and on Thursday, Hawley met Paul Guglielmo, owner of Craft Cannery in Bergen, for the first time.

"This is what we all read about and hear about from yesteryear, in a lot of ways, an individual who has an idea -- he missed his Grandpa's Italian sauce, that Sunday tradition -- and he missed that so much that in his heart and his mind and his wallet, he said, 'Maybe I can do this and make Grandpa's sauce,'" Hawley said during a tour of the plant. "Here we are today. A great, great example of what you can do if you put your mind, hard work and long hours into an idea."

Guglielmo started bottling Grandpa's sauce in 2016, moved into the Bergen plant in 2019, and he and partner Tom Riggio purchased it in 2020.

He said his company's manufacturing capacity in 2019 was about 200 gallons of sauce and related products a day, and now the plant produces 1,000 gallons a day. That includes Guglielmo's branded sauces as well as sauces and similar products for other brands.

"We're doing about 10 times what we were doing in 2019 in terms of gross revenue. Employee-wise, this was a three-employee operation on May 1, 2020, which is the day we actually took over the plant," Guglielmo said. "It was three employees. And today, we're at 19. The square footage went from the back of that old pizzeria, which was 5,000 square feet to today, it's 11,600 square feet."

Hawley said he hadn't spoken with Guglielmo specifically about possible trials and tribulations of starting a business in the challenging regulatory environment of New York, but the fact that Guglielmo has succeeded here is a testament to his hard work.

"If you put your mind on anything, no matter where you are, and you you give it your all, there never is a guarantee in life, but oft times, you're rewarded because of that hard work, that investment, and the belief in yourself and your product," Hawley said. "So it's New York, but we hope more people come, and we hope more people stay."

hawley tour craft cannery
Photo by Howard Owens.
hawley tour craft cannery
Photo by Howard Owens.

Hawley hosts annual Valentines for Veterans program at Jackson Primary School

By Press Release
File photo by Howard Owens.

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) will be hosting his annual Valentines for Veterans Program Friday morning, February 14.

Hawley will collect valentines from students at Jackson Primary School and will deliver them to veteran residents living at The New York State Veterans Home at Batavia. Hawley is proud to be able to put this event on for another year and hopes it will raise awareness of veterans' issues in New York.

 “This event is a great opportunity every year to show my appreciation for our veterans and all of the sacrifices they have made to keep us free,” said Hawley. “As a veteran myself, I know the hard work and dedication these brave men and women have given over the years, and I hope events like this can serve as a way to give back.”

Hawley pushes for waiver proposal to opt out of statewide zero-emission school bus mandate

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) attended a press conference with his colleagues to promote a proposal that would authorize school districts to submit a waiver to the commissioner of education allowing them to officially opt out of certain zero-emission school bus requirements being implemented statewide. Across New York, there are more than 700 school districts facing full implementation of the zero-emission school bus mandate by July 1, 2027. Hawley believes this mandate is unrealistic for rural school districts and will result in higher costs for local schools.

“The Majority’s plan to mandate the purchase of electric vehicles for all new school bus purchases is not only unrealistic, it’s completely unattainable,” said Hawley. “Our schools are already substantially underfunded yet this administration seems hell-bent on punishing rural districts in order to promote their radical climate agenda. These out-of-touch policies will not work for Western New York. We must take action now to protect our schools.”

Albion resident delivers seven handmade wooden canes to Genesee County for veterans

By Howard B. Owens
Stephen Babcock, Frank Babcock, Bill Joyce, Steve Hawley.
Photo by Howard Owens.

The many years that Frank Babcock took his family camping resulted in a hobby that will help area veterans be a little more stable in their walk through life.

"We used to camp a lot. I had a big motor home," said Frank Babcock, an 89-year-old Albion resident. "We camped, and it (Frank's hobby) was something to pass the time. You always were near or in the woods. It was something just to pass the time."

Babock passed the time by walking through the woods looking for interesting saplings, ideally, a young tree that nature (perhaps because of the placement of a rock) had grown with an L-shaped root. The L-shaped root makes for the perfect cane handle.

The prize sapling grew up with a vine wrapped around the trunk, giving it a corkscrew shape.

Babock hasn't kept track of how many years he's been making canes.  

He's often given them away while out camping, but the idea to donate 21 of them to area veterans came to him during a trip to Walmart.  He saw a man walking with a wooden cane, and he asked where he got it, the man said he was a veteran, and Assemblyman Steve Hawley gave it to him.

Babcock told his son Jimmy, and Jimmy called Hawley's office.

The canes are being distributed to the three counties that Hawley serves in the 139th Assembly District.  They are being distributed according to the population in each area Steve serves -- five to Orleans County, three to Monroe County, and seven to Genesee County.

On Friday, Babcock, with the help of his son Stephen, delivered the seven canes to William Joyce, veterans services officer for Genesee County.

"It just so happened this started just before Christmas," Hawley said. "The timing was absolutely unbelievable. Those psychological and heartfelt gifts from one veteran to another. Fellow veterans are going to use Frank's canes to get around. And that's what it's all about: fellow comrades helping one another, regardless of the branch of service, regardless of how old we are, regardless of whether we served in combat or not. We want veterans who served to have these canes."

Joyce said he was grateful for the generous donation.

"I have a couple of veterans in mind right now that as so I had these available, I was going to give them a call, because they can use one," Joyce said. "They get one issued by the VA and they're not really happy with them. I think they are going to feel more comfortable walking with one of these."

Frank Babcock shows Steve Hawley his favorite cane, one he's keeping for himself, with its corkscrew shape and a handle that looks like a snake head. 
Photo by Howard Owens.
Frank Babcock holds his "whittling" knife. 
Photo by Howard Owens.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Hawley says governor’s proposed budget ‘out of touch’

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Steve Hawley.

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia):

“Another year, another out-of-touch budget proposal from Gov. Hochul. It’s no wonder our state has one of the highest out-migration rates in the country when we continue to spend money we don’t have on programs we don’t need. Increasing spending by nearly $10 billion is not in our best interest, and New Yorkers aren’t buying it this time around. This is a $252 billion disaster that we cannot afford to implement. Our state needs a balanced budget that helps bring down costs for working families rather than taking more money out of their pockets.


Hawley vows to help ‘bring down costs, clean up the streets,’ as new legislative session begins

By Press Release

Press Release:

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“Last year, New Yorkers faced a rising cost of living and record-high crime and inflation brought about by a Majority that cares more about appeasing downstate special interests than helping upstate communities. During this year’s session, I will continue to work to bring down costs, clean up our streets, and bring common sense back to Albany.”

Hawley receives committee assignments for upcoming session

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) has received his committee assignments for the upcoming legislative session. Hawley will be a member of the Agriculture, Insurance, Rules, Veterans' Affairs and Ways and Means Committees. Hawley is proud to have received these appointments and looks forward to bringing common-sense policy back to Albany.  

“I am proud to once again announce the appointment of Assemblyman Steve Hawley as Deputy Minority Leader. His proven leadership and wealth of experience will be invaluable to our conference as we navigate the challenges of the 2025 Legislative Session. I have every confidence in his ability to remain a strong voice for a better, more affordable New York,” said Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski).

“Right now, New Yorkers are facing record-high inflation and costs at the gas pump and checkout line. As elected officials, it should be our primary goal to ensure working families cannot just get by, but thrive in our state,” said Hawley. “I’m proud to be able to continue this work as both a committee member and leader in our Conference to bring common-sense policies back to New York.”

Bergen's mainstay Viking Valhalla honored as one of state's historic businesses

By Howard B. Owens
Joseph Chimino, mayor of Bergen, Chris Sardou, Tom Sardou, owners of Viking Valhalla and Rose Bowl, and Assemblyman Steve Hawley. (The Christmas tree on the left is 65 years old).
Photo by Howard Owens.

Doc and Mary Sardou bought the Rose Garden Restaurant -- 30 years in business at the time -- in 1954, added a bowling alley three years later and renamed it Viking Valhalla in 1966.

The business is now run by Tom Sardou and his wife, Chris, and this year, Viking Valhalla celebrated its 70th anniversary as a Sardou family business, which helped the restaurant earn a spot on the New York Historic Business Preservation Registry.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley presented Tom and Chris a certificate on Wednesday commemorating the honor.

"We have a great history here of businesses that have been successful," noted Hawley at the start of his remarks, adding, "The fact that you're still here means an awful lot to folks that are here."

Village of Bergen Mayor Joseph Chimino agreed.

"Viking Valhalla is a great asset to our community," he said. "It's a fine place for dining and entertainment, and to say it's been here 70 years is incredible. On behalf of the community, we want to thank you for all your services."

The HBPR was established in 1920. The registry highlights the legacy of local businesses that have significantly impacted their communities, offering them recognition and support to continue growing and serving the public.

Tom Sardou said inclusion in the registry was a great honor. Chris added that it was an exceptional award.

"We just celebrated our 70th anniversary, and now to be inducted into the state's historic registry, it means a lot."

Turning to Tom, she added, "I think your parents are looking down and saying, 'Great.'"

Previously (from 2010): Genesee County Business of the Year: Viking Valhalla Restaurant

Hawley grateful for support of constituents in the 139th Assembly District

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) has won his reelection bid for state Assembly in the 139th District. First elected in 2006, Hawley has an extensive record of delivering results for Western New York. During his reelection campaign, Hawley ran on the platform of bringing back conservative principles to our state while bringing down costs for working families and supporting our law enforcement officers. Hawley is grateful to have received the support of the 139th Assembly District and looks forward to bringing common-sense policies back to Albany. 

“I want to thank the residents of the 139th Assembly District for their unwavering support in this year’s election,” said Hawley. “I spoke with countless voters throughout this campaign all the way from Albion to Batavia and I’m beyond grateful for the words of encouragement and support I received along the way. Last night, we saw an incredible return to conservative values that built our nation and our state. Now more than ever, New Yorkers want meaningful change and homegrown representation. I’m honored to be your choice to be a part of that change in Albany for the next two years. I will continue to support policies that will keep our community safe and affordable as we create a better future for Western New York.”

Chapin, Max Pies honored as historic businesses in New York

By Press Release
max pies and steve hawley
Steve Pies, Phil Pies, and Assemblyman Steve Hawley
Photo by Howard Owens
Andris Chapin and Assemblyman Steve Hawley
Submitted photo

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C-Batavia) was proud to honor Chapin International and Max Pies Furniture, two staple businesses in Western New York, on Tuesday, Oct. 29, for being officially designated on the New York Historic Business Preservation Registry (HBPR). Established in 1920, the HBPR highlights the legacy of local businesses that have made a significant impact in their communities, offering them recognition and support to continue growing and serving the public.

On Tuesday, Oct. 29, Assemblyman Hawley presented certificates to both businesses in honor of their recognition. This recognition represents their long-standing service and dedication to their community, enriching the Batavia area.

Assemblyman Hawley admires the businesses, stating, “Both Chapin International and Max Pies Furniture have built a legacy of hard work, integrity and service to the people of Batavia and the greater part of Western New York. Recognizing these historic businesses is about honoring their contributions to our communities and supporting their continued success,” said Hawley. “Their presence has been a pillar in Batavia, and I am honored to celebrate their achievements.”

The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Commissioner Pro Tempore Randy Simons said, “The New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry is a remarkably diverse collection of businesses across the state that have demonstrated generations of dedication to their local economies and communities. We welcome the opportunity to recognize businesses like Max Pies Furniture Company through this honorific program and appreciate receiving nominations from state elected officials to help this registry grow. With more than 200 businesses now listed, it is a fascinating history lesson on New Yorkers’ ongoing ambition, ingenuity and perseverance.”

The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Commissioner Pro Tempore Randy Simons said, “The New York State Historic Business Preservation Registry is a remarkably diverse collection of businesses across the state that have demonstrated generations of dedication to their local economies and communities. We welcome the opportunity to recognize businesses like Chapin Manufacturing through this honorific program and appreciate receiving nominations from state elected officials, who will help this registry continue to grow. With over 200 businesses now listed, it is a fascinating history lesson on New Yorkers’ ambition, ingenuity, and perseverance.”

Hawley endorsed by NYS Troopers Police Benevolent Association

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) was recently endorsed by the New York State Troopers Police Benevolent Association (NYSTPBA). More than 7,000 active and retired uniformed members of the New York State Police from the rank of trooper through the rank of major are represented by the NYSTPBA.

“I’m deeply honored to receive the endorsement of the New York State Troopers Police Benevolent Association,” said Hawley. “As a lifelong resident of Western New York, I understand the vital role our law enforcement plays in maintaining the safety and security of our neighborhoods. These brave men and women put their lives on the line every day, and I will always advocate for the support and resources they need to do their jobs effectively.”

“With the challenges facing law enforcement today, it’s more important than ever to stand together. Having served on the Genesee County Legislature and engaged with various community organizations, I’ve seen firsthand the impact of strong public safety policies. With the backing of NYSTPBA, I will continue to fight for policies that respect and empower our officers,” Hawley concluded.

Hawley partners with Adelphi to promote breast cancer awareness and support

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) is teaming up with the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program as a part of its Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign. Since 1980, the program, a project of the Adelphi University School of Social Work, has provided New Yorkers with information and emotional support as they battle breast cancer.

The campaign encourages individuals to take care of their breast health in three ways: getting a mammogram, learning about breast cancer programs in their community and talking to someone who can help. This year’s motto is “When Survivors Unite, Hope Ignites.” The hotline, which is staffed by volunteers who are breast cancer survivors, directs callers to resources and provides a listening ear.

The program can be reached by phone at 800-877-8077 or online at

“I’m proud to be partnering with the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to spread awareness and increase support,” said Hawley. “Every year, more than 2 million women worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer. This is why it is important to know the risk factors and get regular screenings. I encourage all residents of the 139th Assembly District to take advantage of these free resources as we continue to raise awareness this month.”

Photos: Patriot Tour in Washington, D.C.

By Staff Writer
hawley patriot trip

Assemblyman Steve Hawley and two busloads of veterans left on Hawley's annual Patriot Trip on Thursday morning.

The trip gives area veterans an opportunity to visit some of the most significant monuments and museums in Washington, D.C.

Submitted Photos.

hawley patriot trip
hawley patriot trip
hawley patriot trip
hawley patriot trip

Hawley's 2024 Patriot trip for local veterans is set to embark on September 19

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) will be embarking on this year’s Patriot Trip with local veterans on Thursday, Sept. 19. This trip will give veterans and their families the opportunity to tour the nation’s capital and its numerous monuments and landmarks that honor those who served. 

This year’s trip will feature stops at several notable locations in the D.C. area including the WWII, Korean, and Vietnam War memorials as well as Arlington National Cemetery.

“Taking our local veterans on these annual Patriot Trips is one of the most rewarding parts of my job,” said Hawley. “I’m glad we’re able to put this event on for another year and show our veterans the gratitude and appreciation they deserve.”

Hawley calls for delay to advanced clean truck regulation enforcement

By Press Release

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) drafted a letter to Gov. Hochul yesterday requesting that the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) regulation delay its enforcement start date from January 1, 2025.

Following conversations with constituents and local business owners who rely on trucks for their operations, Hawley has learned that the implementation of the program – which resulted from an effort to curb excess emissions from shipping trucks – is already producing problems businesses are struggling to accommodate in this short timeframe. Hawley is asking for the delay until the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority conducts and concludes the highway and depot charging needs evaluation.

“The New York State Automobile Dealers Association (NYSADA) and the Trucking Association of New York (TANY) have already expressed concerns with the regulation’s implementation next year, and their claims need to be heeded” Hawley said.

“As a government we need to start listening to all stakeholders who will be affected by decisions New York State makes.  In this case, it would appear that truck dealers and trucking businesses have never been consulted. Unfortunately, this happens over and over again with the State of New York” Hawley said.


Chapin's CEO and Steve Hawley discuss state's business environment during plant tour

By Howard B. Owens
Tim Onello and Steve Hawley Chapin International
Chapin CEO Tim Onello and Assemblyman Steve Hawley.
Photo by Howard Owens.

The seemingly anti-business posture of New York's government dominated a conversation on Tuesday at Chapin International in Batavia during Assemblyman Steve Hawley's visit with CEO Tim Onello and other Chapin executives.

Onello said it would help the state's business climate by lowering taxes and reducing mandates and regulations.

"There's just all the extra laws and things you have to maneuver when you're in New York," said Onello, a Buffalo native who became CEO four months ago.

The barriers to business expansion drove Chapin, said Bill Kegler, VP of operations, to open a plant in Kentucky a few years ago.

"We had to go out of state ... unfortunately, because the environment in New York is restrictive and tough, just tough to grow a business," Kegler said. "It's just not conducive to success, to the continued company success."

Hawley noted the echo of history.  Chapin occupies the former Sylvania factory, which relocated to Tennessee in 1976.

"It has been a recurring theme economically speaking and business speaking for many, many decades," Hawley said. "Apparently, we didn't learn from our past mistakes."

Onello said Chapin has no specific legislative requests at the moment and with the Legislature in between sessions, Hawley didn't have much to offer in the way of possible business-related bills the Legislature might consider.

After the talk, Hawley was provided a tour of the factory.

Previously: Genesee County's oldest manufacturing company celebrates 140 years in business

Tim Onello and Steve Hawley Chapin International
Onello, Hawley, and Kegler on the factory floor.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Tim Onello and Steve Hawley Chapin International
Tim Onello and Steve Hawley Chapin International
Photo by Howard Owens.

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