Press Release:
Organizers with GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare unveiled plans for the third annual career exploration event for students interested in career pathways and opportunities in the healthcare sector. Approximately 600 students from grades 8-12 from 28 schools will gather at Genesee Community College on March 17, 2025, to connect with various healthcare businesses and organizations to learn about careers in the healthcare sector across the GLOW region.
“GLOW With Your Hands and the GLOW region workforce development ecosystem are providing opportunities for students to learn about career opportunities right in their own backyard,” said GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare Co-Chair, Karyn Winters. “Whether it is manufacturing or healthcare our goal is to educate our local students about the many alternative pathways available for them after high school.”
Representatives from hospitals and health systems and professionals in nursing, mental health, social services, and emergency responders will be on hand to interact with students to discuss their careers and pathways into their respective fields. While some careers might begin immediately after high school, attendees will also be able to explore educational pathways in the healthcare sector through BOCES and degrees available at local colleges and universities.
“Our facility has been serving the community for 100 years and we are proud to participate in this event because we want to ensure we have the best possible talent from the next generation of our workforce to provide a high level of care,” said Marc Shurtz, CEO, Medina Memorial Health. “The healthcare sector is in dire need of workers, especially in rural communities, and we want to convey to the students that they can have a successful and rewarding career in healthcare without having to leave the area because they think these opportunities don’t exist here.”
“The support and participation of so many healthcare organizations in this annual event have generated significant interest among hundreds of students about careers in healthcare of which they simply are not aware,” said Kelly Kiebala, Director, Orleans County Job Development Agency. “The interaction between students and healthcare professionals allows for meaningful conversations where students learn what skills, credentials and training are required for a career in the healthcare sector.”
Among the businesses and organizations supporting the 3rd annual event are the M&T Charitable Foundation, Western New York Rural Area Health Education Center, Goodwill Vision Enterprises, and the New York State Department of Labor.
“Like our partners in the manufacturing sector, the healthcare entities associated with this flourishing event are excited to have this opportunity to meet so many students and perhaps get them started on a pathway in the healthcare field,” said Angela Grouse, Co-Chair of GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare. “The support of these businesses and organizations as well as the hundreds of volunteers make this such a worthwhile event for students across the region and in turn is building the foundation for the next generation of the healthcare workforce.”
There are still sponsorship opportunities for the March 17 event at the Platinum ($5,000), Gold ($2,500), Silver ($1,000) and Bronze ($500) levels.
For more information about GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare visit www.GLOWWithYourHands.com/healthcare or contact Chris Suozzi at csuozzi@gcedc.com.