Press release:
The Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program (FLYAP) held its annual “Signing Day” ceremony at the Genesee Community College’s BEST Center on Thursday, March 9, 2023. Nearly 40 students from the Batavia Campus of the Genesee Valley BOCES signed up for job shadows and paid co-ops at a dozen advanced manufacturing companies in the region.
“Students from the Genesee Valley BOCES in Batavia are already receiving some of the best career and technical education training in the classroom which is preparing them for the 21st-century workforce,” said Rich Turner, RTMA Director of Workforce Development. “The Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Programs compliments these students’ classroom training by connecting seniors and juniors to a one-of-a-kind job shadow or paid co-op at manufacturing companies across the region.”
The Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program was created in 2018 and is the first youth apprenticeship program for students interested in manufacturing in New York State. FLYAP partners with every BOCES and Career and Technical Education high school throughout the greater Rochester and Finger Lakes region.
“We are so very proud that through Genesee Valley BOCES and our relationships with amazing business partners, students receive experiences that will lead them into successful careers,” added GV BOCES Batavia Campus Executive Principal Rachel Slobert. “Whether it is a job shadow or paid internship, these opportunities allow students to get real-world experience prior to graduation.”
FLYAP is a program of the Rochester Technology and Manufacturing Association (RTMA) and is supported by Monroe Community College (MCC) and the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC). The Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program is also supported with funding from the Rochester Gas & Electric Economic Development Grant and Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation.
“The students at the Genesee Valley BOCES and our region’s career and technical education centers are entering the manufacturing and skilled trades workforce with career-ready skills and experiences,” said Chris Suozzi, GCEDC Vice President of Business & Workforce Development. “The Youth Apprenticeship Program builds on those experiences with a direct pathway to rewarding careers at our region’s employers.”
To date, more than 400 high school juniors and seniors and nearly 150 businesses have participated in the program. in addition to the students’ work experiences, most take college-level courses at no charge through a dual enrollment agreement between participating schools and MCC. Entering this year, participants have taken more than 350 classes.
The next FLYAP “Signing Day” ceremony will be on Tuesday, March 14 at the Orleans Niagara BOCES in Medina, Orleans County. Additional programs can be found at www.flyap.org; or you can contact FLYAP at info@fingerlakesyouthapprenticeship.org or (585) 510-4278.
To view photos, click here.
Photos by Steve Ognibene

Rich Turner Director of Workforce Development, Rochester Technology and Manufacturing Association

Chris Suozzi, Genesee County EDC – STAMP VP Business & Workforce Development

Karli Houseknecht - Tambe Electric

Hunter Meyers - Tambe Electric

Robert McCarthy - Grahams Corporation

Students left to right Bradley Burdett - Maris Systems Design, Bailey Burdett - Nortera Foods and their parents