Photo by Howard Owens.
Press Release:
As Halloween approaches, the Batavia Police Department wants to ensure a fun and safe experience for all trick-or-treaters and their families. To make this Halloween a memorable one, we've put together some essential safety tips for both pedestrians and drivers.
Pedestrian Safety:
- Stay on the sidewalk: Whenever possible, stick to sidewalks and avoid walking in the street. If there's no sidewalk, walk on the edge of the road facing traffic.
- Use crosswalks: When crossing the road, use designated crosswalks and follow traffic signals. Be visible: Wear bright or reflective costumes to increase visibility, especially at night.
- Stay in groups: Trick-or-treat in groups, and make sure there's adult supervision for children.
- Avoid distractions: Put away phones and other electronic devices to minimize distractions while walking.
Driver Safety:
- Slow down: Be cautious and reduce speed in residential areas, especially during peak trick-or-treat hours.
- Be aware of pedestrians: Keep an eye out for children and adults walking, as they may be difficult to see in dark costumes.
- Use headlights: Turn on your headlights to increase visibility, even during the day.
- Avoid distractions: Put away phones and other electronic devices to minimize distractions while driving.
By following these simple safety tips, we can all contribute to a fun and safe Halloween experience for everyone. Remember, safety is everyone's responsibility! Happy Halloween from the Batavia Police Department!