Photo by Howard Owens/The Batavian reprinted in the report from the department's Police Memorial Ceremony.
In 2024, Batavia PD handled big crimes, petit crimes, and no crimes and participated in multiple community events, according to the department's annual report.
In all, the department made 635 arrests, which included a murder, nine robberies, 23 felony assaults, 56 thefts, four kidnappings, 66 drug possessions, 44 DWIs, and four sex offenses.
The department did not release a report in 2024, so 2023's arrest data is unavailable.
The 2025 report does provide comparison data for total calls for service. There were 22,116 calls for service last year and 21,617 in 2022. During the COVID years, calls for service dropped. There were 21,264 calls for service in 2019.
Those calls included 1,120 domestic incidents, which is a slight increase from the previous year, as well as 802 disturbance calls. The police investigated 920 larcenies, which was down from 2023 and 2022, when larceny reports peaked over 1,000. Mental health calls were down from nearly a thousand in 2023 to 715 in 2024.
The number of domestic violence victims has steadily decreased since 2020, when there were 248 victims reported. There were 146 in 2024.
Officers responded to 371 alarm calls, 410 9-1-1 hang-up calls, and 508 animal complaints and conducted 641 welfare checks.
Patrols conducted 3,207 traffic stops and wrote 1,790 citations.
There were 493 motor vehicle crashes reported.
The department was involved in multiple community events, including Batavia Community Night, Shop with a Cop, Trunk-or-Treat, and Juneteenth, as well as department members participating in charity softball and hockey games.
The most significant case of the year was the death of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello of the Sheriff's Office. He died while trying to deal with unruly patrons at Batavia Downs. Batavia's officers and detectives handled the investigation. Michael Elmore was eventually convicted of manslaughter in the case.
"The men and women of the City of Batavia Police Department go above and beyond each and every day to ensure the safest possible neighborhoods and streets," said Chief Shawn Heubusch in his opening message. "Our civilian staff makes sure that the department operates as efficiently as possible and are to be recognized for their hard work as well. I thank all the members of the Department for their service and sacrifice as we enter into a new year."
Officer Miah Stevens and Officer William Yung visited the Richmond Memorial Library last week to share trick-and-treat safety tips with children visiting the library. Photo by Howard Owens.
Press Release:
As Halloween approaches, the Batavia Police Department wants to ensure a fun and safe experience for all trick-or-treaters and their families. To make this Halloween a memorable one, we've put together some essential safety tips for both pedestrians and drivers.
Pedestrian Safety:
Stay on the sidewalk: Whenever possible, stick to sidewalks and avoid walking in the street. If there's no sidewalk, walk on the edge of the road facing traffic.
Use crosswalks: When crossing the road, use designated crosswalks and follow traffic signals. Be visible: Wear bright or reflective costumes to increase visibility, especially at night.
Stay in groups: Trick-or-treat in groups, and make sure there's adult supervision for children.
Avoid distractions: Put away phones and other electronic devices to minimize distractions while walking.
Driver Safety:
Slow down: Be cautious and reduce speed in residential areas, especially during peak trick-or-treat hours.
Be aware of pedestrians: Keep an eye out for children and adults walking, as they may be difficult to see in dark costumes.
Use headlights: Turn on your headlights to increase visibility, even during the day.
Avoid distractions: Put away phones and other electronic devices to minimize distractions while driving.
By following these simple safety tips, we can all contribute to a fun and safe Halloween experience for everyone. Remember, safety is everyone's responsibility! Happy Halloween from the Batavia Police Department!
Batavia PD's softball team could have used somebody to put out the fire at Dwyer Stadium on Sunday, but City Fire was a little busy fanning the flames on the way to a 23-3 victory in the annual Battle of the Badges.
In four matches, the boys in blue have managed only one victory.
File Photo by Howard Owens of Ellicott Station in downtown Batavia.
Within one day of the fencing down around Ellicott Station property in downtown Batavia, someone was found on the premises during a search Tuesday by Batavia Police.
“BPD officers observed an individual who had an outstanding misdemeanor charge in the area of Ellicott Station this morning. Officers searched the remaining portion of the original Della Penna building and located the male subject,” Assistant Chief Chris Camp said to The Batavian later Tuesday. “While we were on location, we decided to conduct a property check. BPD did locate an area where a lock was cut in the new construction. We continued to search the area and did not locate anyone else on the property who did not belong. The owner of the property was contacted and advised of the cut lock. We cleared and will have our officers monitoring the area for criminal/suspicious activity throughout their tours of duty.”
Property owner Sam Savarino has officially ceased work on the property since announcing the closing of Savarino Companies in the summer of 2023. He had previously subcontracted work crews to shore up the apartment complex’s exterior and perform routine maintenance; however, time has slipped by as weeds have grown up and around the premises.
It’s a situation the city of Batavia is not tolerating, City Manager Rachael Tabelski said.
“Savarino has been cited for grass, weeds and debris, and the city has sent a third-party vendor out to cut the tall grass,” she said, which explains Monday’s landscaping activity and the dismantled fencing. “Yes, I’m very concerned that the construction site is unsafe and that the buildings are not properly secured. The city will continue to try to work with the owner to have the buildings re-secured and the site fenced off for safety reasons.”
The Batavian also asked Chief Shawn Heubusch about his concerns about the safety of the property and the potential for transients to enter and stay inside the vacant building.
“First, it is not the Police Department’s responsibility to secure the site. We will patrol the area of the building as we do with all other areas of the city, looking for anything suspicious and addressing it as needed,” Heubusch said. “We obviously will be paying some special attention to it due to its state of construction. Of course, we are concerned with any vacant properties in the city as they can become targets for trespassing and vandalism, among safety issues that come from having an unfinished property being left vacant. We hope the owner will take the necessary steps to secure the property as soon as possible.”
Savarino has yet to respond to requests for comment sent to him on Monday.
On Tuesday, members of the City of Batavia Police Department, alongside members of the City of Batavia Fire Department, Town of Batavia Fire Department, Mercy EMS, Mercy Flight, the Genesee County Coroner, H.E. Turner's Funeral Services and the Genesee County DA's Office conducted a mock DWI fatal accident simulation for juniors and seniors of the Batavia City School District to raise awareness regarding the consequences of impaired driving.
Members of the BCSD drama club played the roles of victims, the "drunken driver," and the distraught parent in the scenario.
The demonstration showed the very real consequences of impaired driving, including the extraction and treatment of "victims" by the Fire Departments and Mercy EMS, and the landing of a Mercy Flight helicopter to transport a seriously injured patient.
The simulation also showed the processing and "arrest" of the suspected drunken driver by City Police Officers along with documentation, collection of evidence and photographs of the scene by members of the Police Department's Detective Bureau.
The Genesee County Coroner was on hand to demonstrate the role of the Coroner's Office, and H.E. Turner's Funeral Services was on hand to remove the "deceased."
Students also heard from District Attorney Kevin Finnell on the legal consequences of the decision to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while impaired.
The Department wishes to thank the Batavia City School District for hosting this event. We also want to recognize the work of Officer Connor Borchert, School Resource Officer for the Batavia High School, in coordinating the simulation and all departments involved.
City Council President Eugene Jankowski, Brian S. Murray, NYS director of the USDA, former Rep. Chris Jacobs, Rep. Claudia Tenney, Assemblyman Steve Hawley, City Manager Rachael Tabelski, Police Chief Shawn Heubusch, Matt Wojtaszczyk, a detective and president of the Batavia Police Benevolent Society. Photo by Howard Owens.
Construction may have begun six weeks ago, but the "groundbreaking" -- a dignitary-studded event on Alva Place -- on a new home for the Batavia Police Department was held late Friday morning under clear blue skies.
The new police headquarters on Bank Street will be 20,000 square feet and cost more than $15 million. According to officials, the facility will be "state-of-the-art," compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and provide all the features necessary for a 21st-century police state.
It replaces a 167-year-old building, the Brisbane Mansion, once the home of one of Batavia's most historically important wealthiest families, then City Hall, then the police station.
Police say it is dilapidated, outdated, and totally inadequate to handle the demands of modern policing.
"For years, we have known that our current police station, which is housed in a 19th-century residential mansion, is an inadequate home for our police officers. However you slice it, the current facility does not meet the needs of a 21st-century law enforcement operation. Today, under City Council leadership, we're doing something about it. It has taken many years of planning and due diligence to get us here today. But we stand on this site breaking ground on the new facility. The city of Batavia police force will have a new modern police station, and residents will have an ADA-compliant building where they can seek services." -- Rachael Tabelski city manager. Photo by Howard Owens
Photo by Howard Owens
"I, too, want to acknowledge the city's workforce and the various department heads, not only for your hard work but for making today's groundbreaking a reality, for everything you do on a daily basis to provide services to the citizens and businesses of Batavia. In particular, I want to acknowledge the leadership of our city manager, Rachael Tabelski.This project has presented some difficult challenges. But Rachael and her team have once again demonstrated their excellent management and leadership skills as they keep this transformative project moving forward. " -- City Council President Eugene Jankowski. Photo by Howard Owens
"This is a big day and a great day for Genesee County and particularly the city of Batavia; you're finally going to have a well-running state-of-the-art facility where you can all actually go and work and not feel like you might have your roof caving in on you." -- Rep. Claudia Tenney. Photo by Howard Owens
"We recognize the vital role that our law enforcement officers play in keeping our community safe. Whether it be new and updated equipment, vehicles, or a new facility that is being built right behind us -- or right in front of you -- our police deserve the best of the best. This is a much-needed upgrade for the Batavia Police Department, and I'm excited to see the progress on this new state-of-the-art facility." --Assemblyman Steve Hawley. Photo by Howard Owens
"I understand that the current police station is located just around the corner from here at the Brisbane Mansion. It's about 170 years old. Well, that building has served its purpose over time. This new facility is going to provide needed security technologies and meeting and administrative space for not only the community but also the officers and the staff; the police department here in Batavia can enjoy. Speaking to you as a father, both of my sons are in law enforcement. I know personally what this facility means not only to the community but those individuals who work here. But it also means a lot to the families of these men and ladies in blue because, literally, these people in blue put their lives on the line every single day. " -- Brian S. Murray, NYS director, USDA. Photo by Howard Owens.
Photo by Howard Owens
"I felt in my brief time in service in the Congress, we felt that Batavia -- so strongly -- that Batavia is so poised for a true renaissance and rebound and that we wanted to do everything we could to play a role in helping in that regard. We were thrilled because, first and foremost, this is going to be for law enforcement and to keep our citizens safe, but it's also the piece of the puzzle of what you're doing here in downtown Batavia." -- former Rep. Chris Jacobs. Photo by Howard Owens
"I don't want to belabor it -- why (the Brisbane Mansion) is no longer functionally serves as a police station. We all know it's a very old and antiquated structure. We also know that policing today has changed dramatically, and the building no longer serves a purpose as far as public health and safety is concerned. We believe that a police facility should be a welcoming place for the community. The police station is the second most frequented city building aside from City Hall. People come and go all day long to retrieve reports, file complaints and seek guidance or advice from our staff. The way the new police facility is being constructed will allow it to function as a place where the community can gather and where the members of the department can do their work and protect to serve our community." -- Chief Shawn Heubusch. Photo by Howard Owens
"Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of law enforcement in Batavia. The groundbreaking for a new police station symbolizes our commitment to creating a safe and secure environment for all." -- Matt Wojtaszczyk, a detective and president of the Batavia Police Benevolent Society. Photo by Howard Owens
The Batavia Police Department honored the men and women who served the city of Batavia as peace officers on Wednesday at Officer Arthur J. Luplow's graveside.
Luplow served the city for 26 years, from the incorporation of the city in 1915 until his retirement in 1941.
He likely served as a village constable prior to incorporation.
He's described as a gentle giant—a big man who filled a big uniform once on display at the Holland Land Office Museum but whose final on-duty photo shows him holding the hands of two children, helping them cross a street.
Following his retirement, he was an exempt fireman and served as the organization's president. He was also active in Elks and a "formidable" cribbage player.
Luplow is buried in Grandview Cemetery.
There are approximately 50 people who retired from the police department buried in various cemeteries in Genesee County.
A pedestrian waits at a crosswalk at Ellicott Street and Jackson Street on Friday. Photo by Howard Owens.
Press Release:
As temperatures rise and more and more people are outside taking advantage of good weather there will be increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic as well. With that comes the potential for motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians.
Below are key points from New York State’s Vehicle and Traffic law on pedestrian safety. For more information visit (courtesy of the NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Committee)
When there are traffic-control signals:
A pedestrian has the right of way whenever a traffic signal shows a steady “Walk” or a walking person.
A pedestrian must not cross if the phrase “Don’t Walk” or the upraised hand is flashing, even when crossing signals display a countdown showing remaining time left to cross.
A pedestrian must not cross if the phrase “Don’t Walk” or the upraised hand is steady.
If a person has already started crossing on a “Walk” and the signal changes, then he or she can continue to a sidewalk or safety island.
When there are crosswalks*:
Pedestrians have the right of way if there is an intersection or any marked crosswalk on the road and no traffic signals.
Drivers must yield, slowing or stopping, to allow pedestrians to cross.
When there are no crosswalks*:
Drivers have the right of way if there are no intersections or no marked crosswalks on the road.
Pedestrians must yield the right of way to vehicles.
*Definition of crosswalk from NYS V&T Section 110: (a) That part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway between the curbs, or the absence of curbs, between the edges of the traverse roadway.
The City contains several mid-block crossings, similar to those found along the Ellicott Trail. These crossings are clearly marked and traffic must yield to pedestrians in these crosswalks.
On Monday morning, workers moved a construction fence off the sidewalk behind a group of office buildings on Washington Avenue, Batavia, that was erected late last week in preparation for the start of construction of the new Batavia police station.
Dr. Tom Mazurkiewicz said he and other businesses in the complex were upset with the placement of the fence and even just moving it off the sidewalk isn't good enough.
He claimed that city officials presented plans to the businesses showing the fence being placed in the parking lot, where space is striped for a second row of cars, keeping the first row open for business parking.
After the fence was erected, he said city officials told him OSHA requirements dictated the location of the fence and "the plan changed."
He doesn't believe there is an OSHA requirement for that particular placement of the fence.
"They're just lying about everything," Mazurkiewicz said. "It's a mess."
Brett J. Frank, the city's director of public works, declined this morning to comment on the situation, citing a meeting planned for Monday evening as the reason.
City officials will meet with representatives of the businesses, which are mostly medical offices, at 5:30 p.m. at the current Batavia police headquarters. Mazurkiewicz said the issue has also been added to the City Council agenda for Monday. That meeting starts at 7 p.m.
On Friday, City Manager Rachel Tabelski put out a statement addressing the parking issues:
“The City of Batavia Police Department will move from their 167-year-old converted mansion, known as the Historic Brisbane Mansion. There have been no less than five studies conducted since 1991 to determine the future of the police station in Batavia, as well as a citizen task force commissioned to investigate possible site locations. The location of the new facility was identified by the task force.
“Working with the construction team, the City will continue to provide the community and surrounding businesses, and their patrons with free parking with some restrictions in place. The safety of the construction workers and those using the Alva lot is the highest priority. At this time, the West Side of the Alva Parking Lot is available for medical/customer parking; the streets of Washington, State, Bank and Alva have free on-street parking as well.
“Patrons of Washington and State Street businesses without mobility issues are encouraged to park in the City Centre lot, leaving adjacent street parking for individuals who need access. The City recognizes that parking will be inconvenient, but the goal is to minimize the impact on businesses and residents. The City looks forward to project completion and appreciates everyone’s assistance and cooperation during the 18-month construction period.
The lack of parking is costing him business, Mazurkiewicz said. He had seven clients cancel appointments on Thursday and Friday and two on Monday morning.
He had one 90-year-old client try to walk from the open spaces behind Millenium Computer to his office, which is at least 150 yards across three grass outcroppings that disrupt the sidewalk.
He said city officials told him they would create three on-street handicap spaces, but Mazurkiewicz believes that many elderly patients either can't or won't parallel park if that's required to use those spaces.
"We need at least eight handicapped parking spaces," Mazurkiewicz said.
He said one customer told him, "I can walk 20 feet, but I can't walk 150 yards," and he added, "What about a mom with a baby in a car seat? That's 50 pounds. Is she going to carry it 150 yards?"
When asked what he expected in terms of parking availability once construction is finished, he said he didn't know. "They haven't told us," he said.
The city is building a $15 million, 21,000-square-foot facility at Alva Place and Bank Street. It is partially funded by a $2.5 million USDA grant and low-interest loan from the USDA.
Joanne Beck contributed to this story.
One of three grass patches that disrupt the sidewalk along the Washington Office office complex. Photo by Howard Owens.
A construction worker taps down asphalt in the parking lot of the construction site after digging a hole to inspect something under the asphalt. Photo by Howard Owens.
In a charity hockey game on Sunday at the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena, Batavia PD beat the City Fire Department pretty handily, 11-3, but more importantly, 598 people attended, and the event raised $2,660 for the David M. McCarthy Memorial Foundation.
Batavia Police Chief Shawn Heubusch and Assistant Chief Chris Camp review the proposed 2025 budget and a state report at City Hall. Photo by Joanne Beck
Become an accredited agency, clearly specify job responsibilities for each sergeant, have a desk officer to take walk-in complaints once the new police station is operational, hire and fill vacancies for two school crossing guards, bump up the patrol roster by five to 25 officers and add a full-time confidential secretary.
Those are the recommendations from a New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services study for the Batavia Police Department. Chief Shawn Heubusch asked for a staffing study in June 2023, and he got back several recommendations that are up for consideration. Heubusch reviewed the results with City Council this week during the police department’s budget session at City Hall.
What went into it The study took demographics, geography, and the area — the city has a total area of 5.2 square miles of landand 135 miles of roadway — within city limits, with major thoroughfares of east-west NY Route 5 and 33, north-south NY Route 63 and 98.
An owner-occupied housing rate of 49.3 percent with a median value of $108,100 per 2021 U.S. Census Bureau, and a population of 15,459, with 83.3. percent white, 5.8 percent Black, .1 percent American Indian and Alaska Native, 1.2 percent Asian and 7.4 percent two or more races. The median household income, again, per 2021 dollars, was $51,914, with 16 percent of the population at or below the poverty line.
The police department has been involved in community events, including Batavia Community Night Out, Shop with a Cop, and Trunk or Treat, plus a newer Batavia Police Flag Memorial. The department also assists in several other events by providing police presence, such as at 5K races and parades.
The police budget in 2023 was $4,374,567, with an average of $3,907,698 during the last four years, the report states, for services that include preventative patrols, traffic control and enforcement; criminal investigations; enforcement and crime prevention; community policing activities; interagency collaboration and work activities; and community education; plus first aid efforts of using automated external defibrillators, Narcan and assistance at structure fires, mental health transports when needed.
A detective division investigates cases involving all major felonies, homicides, serious assaults, cyber, sex and juvenile crimes. Detectives also assist patrols with other investigations as requested, and are responsible for following up on preliminary investigations initiated by patrol officers.
Working by the numbers There were 20,020 total calls for service in 2022 and 20,885 in 2021, reflecting “a lot of calls related to COVID,” Heubusch said. The average calls in both 2021 and 2022 during the day shift (7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) were 6,444, with the most being in the afternoon from 3 to 11 p.m., at 7,110, and a drop to 6,899 during 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
The DCJS uses a calculation to figure out how many posts are actually needed to fill three shifts per day. Using that formula, it recommended that 11 posts are needed, which was then calculated into officers, at seven for the day shift and nine for each of the afternoon and night shifts, for a total of 25 officers.
“We are currently authorized for 20,” Heubusch said. “That’s a big jump. Their numbers back this up.”
The formula indicates that 25 full-time uniformed personnel are required to respond to calls for service, the report states. This figure does not include patrol supervisory positions such as sergeants and/or corporals. This is the recommended minimum number, established by the application of the formula as being necessary to staff the Batavia Police Department to respond to calls for service, Heubusch said.
An overview of patrol activities showed wide differences for some tasks, such as 702 mental health calls in 2022 versus 658 in 2021 and 728 welfare checks in 2022 compared to 594 in 2021, and a few decreases, namely the 185 to 126 fraud complaints from 2021 to 2022, respectively. There were five more cases for detectives between the two years as well, up from, 325 to 330.
As is, training time, holidays, Workers Comp, “a lot of these factors are what’s driving over time,” he said. Overtime was conservatively estimated at $220,000 for the 2025 budget, and it “will probably be more,” Heubusch said.
Parking incidents and violations rose, from 1,712 to 1,725 and 612 to 884, respectively.
The department is in the process of becoming a DCJS-certified tactical team, Assistant Chief Chris Camp said, “and we hope to reach this goal within two years.”
“We’re really close; we just need to send a few more of our operators to our basic squad school,” he said. “Unfortunately, that’s a very time-consuming school, it’s a four-week school, and the offerings aren’t that much. So when they do offer them, we’ve got to make sure that we’re prepared to send somebody away for four weeks.”
The department is also working on an interagency agreement with Livingston County to operate as one tactical team when necessary, he said.
“That helps us towards becoming a certified tactical team,” he said. “We want to become certified, so we think it will open the door for us to get grant money at that point in time. One of the things that we sorely lack right now is the ability to apply for grants because we’re not a certified team.”
Upgraded technology has helped the department, in terms of time, money and space, Heubusch said, by allowing people to pay their tickets online more immediately, to submit and transmit video recordings to and from the police and district attorney’s office for use in investigations and legal proceedings, and ability to store records in the Cloud versus having physical storage at the station.
There is $22,750 budgeted for uniforms, and Heubusch made a special note for council that “no money is budgeted for additional officers” in that uniforms line. Council members have to make a decision about whether to add one or more additional officers to next year’s budget or plan it out for future budgets. City Manager Rachael Tabelski informed them on Monday that it would cost $84,500 per officer, plus medical expenses.
Council members Tammy Schmidt and Bob Bialkowski said they would not support any tax increases, and Council President Eugene Jankowski was in favor of taking any personnel changes slowly and holding off this year, he said.
Bialkowski said he thinks the department is “doing a great job,” however, there could be a better effort made with public outreach.
“I think a lot of people don’t realize what’s available … what your department is capable of,” Bialkowski said.
The department tries to educate the public and keep updated whenever possible, Heubusch said.
“We put press releases out on new programs that we have on a regular basis. We have a program that allows people to register their cameras with us so we know where they are,” he said. “We're trying to stay ahead of technology. And that's the one thing that I take a lot of pride in and pat ourselves on the back if you will, is our technology in the department is not very far behind the general public.”
Fall is in the air, with the return of school, football games, and security guards at VanDetta Stadium.
The city school district issued a reminder letter this week about proper protocols during games at the sports venue, including extra security, wanding for “unauthorized” items, and monitoring parking.
The district’s Board of Education has hired the firm Armor Security for the past two years to provide on-site security and wanding checks at the entrance, and Batavia City Police officers also provide coverage during games.
“Security at large gatherings has become more of a focus for police departments and school districts across the country as well as ours. We have increased security efforts or police presence at nearly all our special events and details, including BCSD’s home football games and other BCSD events that are projected to draw larger attendance,” Chief Shawn Heubusch said. “The ability to respond quickly and to effectively address any matter that may present itself at large gatherings is key to keeping the event safe and orderly. We take the safety and security of these events very seriously and enjoy a great working relationship with the District to make them as safe as possible.”
The district’s school resource officers also provide “enhanced security” in and around Van Detta and at other large events, he said. Their salaries and overtime costs are paid through the district as part of an agreement with the city of Batavia, he said.
Superintendent Jason Smith said that this year’s letter is a reminder of similar policies as last year, with the addition of also sending a copy to each school that Batavia will be hosting this year. The Blue Devils will be hosting Wayne Central at 7 p.m. on Friday.
“We continue to draw a large crowd at each home game, and the District is being both proactive again and reminding our supportive community members of our procedures that we successfully implemented last year. We also want our fans to park courteously to our neighbors, and I know our neighbors appreciate these efforts,” Smith said. “Safety continues to be a major district priority, and with our home games drawing such large crowds, it only makes sense that we continue to implement these proactive measures.”
The district began to charge a $2 fee for games last year, which is used to cover costs associated with hosting home football games, Smith said.
All of these security efforts have a price tag — a fee of $29 an hour per Armor Security guard at about five hours each per game, plus the time/overtime of city police officers and SROs. Those numbers were not available by the time of publication.
The district letter is below:
Dear BCSD Families,
With the 2023-24 school year in full swing, we are excited to announce that our state-of-the-art facility at VanDetta Stadium will once again be hosting athletic events.
We continue to make safety our number one priority for students, staff, and community members attending events at VanDetta Stadium. We’re anticipating large crowds throughout the season, and we want to make you aware of the enhanced safety protocols, guidelines, and expectations when attending our Varsity Football games:
All attendees will be wand-checked by our security team to ensure no prohibited items are brought into the facility.
VanDetta Stadium is located in a neighborhood, so please be courteous and do not block driveways, throw trash on the ground, or use foul language. Please be a good neighbor. Parking regulations will be strictly enforced by the Batavia Police Department.
All students ages 12 and under should be accompanied by an adult.
We will be charging adults a $2 admission fee for all Varsity Football games. Students and seniors ages 62 and over will have free admission.
We suggest you arrive early to avoid security delays upon entry.
We’ll also continue to have a security presence around the stadium during events. We’re once again collaborating with Armor Security this year to help support our administrators, athletic event workers, and the Batavia Police Department to make sure safety remains a priority at our events.
We cannot wait to welcome you back to VanDetta Stadium for another exciting season of Blue Devil events and cheer on our wonderful student-athletes. Let’s all do our part to keep our school grounds, students, faculty, staff, and community safe.
Thank you,
Jason Smith, Superintendent Timm Slade, Acting Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletics
After trailing the entire game, Batavia PD staged a comeback win in the bottom of the seventh inning to take the third meeting in a charity baseball game between the police department and the City of Batavia Fire Department.
The final score was 14-13 on Saturday evening at Dwyer Stadium.
Proceeds benefited the Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation.
Part of Community Night Out at St. Anthony's is free food for community members who attend. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Tuesday's turnout for Community Night Out at City Church's St. Anthony's may have been the biggest since the church first hosted the event in 2019, according to Pastor Ryan Macdonald.
"(We're) very blessed," Macdonald said. "Packed out event. I don't think we've ever seen this many people out at his event before. I'm thankful to have all these agencies here so the community understands what is available."
Community Night Out, formerly National Night Out, was an event Batavia put on at various locations in the city every year, but it seems to have a long-term home at St. Anthony's, and a partner in City Church, that has helped it grow.
Macdonald said he's thankful for all the sponsors who support the event and the event's charity this year, Batavia PD's K-9 program.
The event is an important community outreach program for Batavia PD, said Det. Matthew Wojtaszczyk.
"The purpose of our event is to bring the community out, as you can see, to build positive relationships with the community in a relaxed setting where we're not at a 911 call or an emergency call, a stress-free environment to just build relationships within the community," Wojtaszczyk.
Photos by Steve Ognibene
More than 400 people attended the Community Night Out. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ray Williams cutting hair. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Dan Calkins from Youth Bureau. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Det. Matthew Wojtaszczyk, Batavia Police department. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Det. Eric Hill, Batavia PD. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Pastors Ryan and Samantha Macdonald, St. Anthony's, City Church. Photo by Steve Ognibene
July 2023 File Photo of an incident at an apartment complex in Batavia shows concerned neighbors watching as city police officers walk a suspect to the patrol car. City officials have decided to hire another police officer an re-establish the Neighborhood Enforcement Team in an effort to curb nuisance and gun violence issues throughout the city. Photo by Howard Owens.
Recent incidents of violence — four gun shootings in the last three months — have pushed city officials to put a quick thaw on a hiring freeze that was locked until March 2024.
Instead, City Manager Rachael Tabelski has suggested bringing one more police officer on board and providing training, vehicles, and additional equipment for the new and a current officer to become a more intense Neighborhood Enforcement Team (NET) to assist the city police department and detectives to “more efficiently, proactively keep the community safer.”
“Because I think it's critically important that we have our zone cars that are out on calls. They respond very quickly to people's homes, and they're very responsive. But we need a proactive team to be in the neighborhoods doing gun and drug interdiction, and I think it's very important,” Tabelski said Monday during City Council’s conference session at City Hall. “So we're gonna find a way to make it happen in the budget next year.”
During her presentation to City Council, Tabelski emphasized that when state changes to the legal system occurred — including what's coined as “catch and release” for a quick turnaround jail and bailout time — Chief Shawn Heubusch warned her that more manpower was going to be required.
“And in the beginning, the chief told me, ‘we're going to need more, we're going to need more, we're going to need more,’ and I said, there's no money, there's no money, there's no money. Now, we're at critical mass. We can't allow this to happen in our city,” she said. “I don't think anyone here on council wants that to occur. I certainly don't. So we're gonna find a way to make it work.”
Tabelski recommended using video lottery terminal money (typically a yearly amount that comes from Batavia Down Gaming revenues) in the amount of $272,000 to pay for the salaries and benefits for the two officers for eight months ($117,000), purchasing and fitting two police vehicles ($120,000) and for uniforms and equipment ($35,000).
Councilman Bob Bialkowski asked what if the city doesn’t get the VLT aid next year, and Tabelski said she isn’t planning to use that resource next year anyway. Sales tax has been doing very well, she said, and perhaps cannabis sales will be bringing in more sales tax and will be able to help offset the cost, she said.
“We need to find a way to make it happen next year,” she said.
As for the equipment, that would be a one-time expense, Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. added.
“I know it will work. It worked in the past,” he said.
The method for attacking the problem of gun violence, repeat offenders and nuisance neighbors is a team approach, Police Chief Shawn Heubusch said. “It’s a one-off,it’s a very effective format,” he said. “You get to saturate a neighborhood. This is not a new concept. We did staff this way back in the day, and it was very effective.”
Councilwoman Kathy Briggs was on board with the plan.
“I support this. We need this,” she said.
By a unanimous vote, council agreed to proceed with hiring an officer and using VLT money for the extra expense.
After the meeting, Jankowski, a retired lieutenant with the city police department, shared his thoughts about what may be happening in the city and how this approach can help.
“It worked in the past, which I hope it does in the future. When there were pockets of areas of maybe a drug house or some type of disruptive behavior in a neighborhood, we were able to send that team in there. And they were able to make observations, work with the community, work with the neighborhoods, and find a resolution to calm everything down and put it to rest. So if that works as well as it did last time, we have several hotspots we'd like to target, and we're going to want to use there and see how well it works,” he said. “And we're going to monitor it monthly to make sure that we are making gains. If it's not working out, then we're going to have to regroup and try something different. But we're pretty sure this will help.”
The Batavian asked Heubusch if there was already a list of potential candidates for the new officer and how long it would take to get one ready for this task.
“So we have a list that we've been working off of to hire our last round of hires. We'd have to take a look at that list and see who we can pick from it. We would have somebody in the background, we'd be able to put somebody in the background fairly quickly because we have a list that's already established, he said. “Police Academy for about five months and then field training for about four months after that. So it's a lengthy process unless we're lucky enough to find somebody that's willing to lateral to the department to fill the position then it's just field training.”
The City of Batavia Police Department announced that Batavia Downs Gaming, Upstate Niagara/O-AT-KA Milk Products and WNY Heroes have signed on as Diamond Sponsors ($2,500+) for the department’s annual Batavia Police Community Night.
The event is in partnership with The City Church and will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. Anthony's, 114 Liberty St., Batavia. Batavia Police Community Night is an annual community-building campaign that promotes strong police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make safer neighborhoods.
Various organizations and groups once again will be participating in the annual event which will include free food, a bounce house, games for kids and more.
There are various sponsorship opportunities at the Bronze level ($249 or less); Silver level ($250 - $499); Gold level ($500 -$2,499); and, Diamond level ($2,500+). There will be several interactive displays and booths available. The sponsorship deadline is Tuesday, August 1, 2023.
“This event is aimed to enhance the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community,” said Batavia Police Chief Shawn Heubusch. “The support of sponsors is critical to this effort and we are extremely grateful for the generosity of various businesses across the city and region as they recognize the vital importance between law enforcement and the community we serve.”
Gold sponsors include Chapin, Genesee County Youth Bureau, Ken Barrett Chevrolet Cadillac, Mogavero's Auto and the Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union.
Silver sponsors include Batavia Teachers' Association, Batavia Original Pizzeria, GCASA, Genesee County Economic Development Center, Habitat for Humanity Genesee County, Horizons Health Services, Northside Deli, Salmon Orthodontics, Southside Deli, V.J. Gautieri Constructors, Inc., and the WNY Association of Chiefs of Police.
Bronze sponsors include Bob Bialkowski, Batavia Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol, Bohm-Calarco-Smith Funeral Home and Roman’s.
For more information and for those interested in a sponsorship opportunity, should contact Batavia Police Department Detective Matthew Wojtaszczyk at 585-345-6357 or at
Deputy James Stack with K-9 Rayzor, Deputy Andrew Mullen with K-9 Frankie, and Officer Stephen Quider with K-9 Batu. Photo by Howard Owens.
Press release:
On Thursday, a ceremony was held in the lobby at Batavia Downs Gaming as Batavia Downs presented both local K-9 Units with a check from money that went unclaimed at Batavia Downs.
When the money went unclaimed, Batavia Downs decided to sponsor the Department’s K-9 Unit as they have done in the past. Both the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department and the Batavia Police Department’s K-9 Units received $2,000 each.
“We’re happy to once again support the local K-9 Units,” said Henry Wojtaszek, President and CEO of Batavia Downs. “Now more than ever, it’s important for our local law enforcement to have the resources they need to keep local residents safe. These officers do so much for the community, and we’re glad to do our part to help.”
“We appreciate the support from local businesses like Batavia Downs, “said Genesee County Sheriff William Sheron, Jr. “These funds will help cover the K-9 unit’s expenses like food, training and equipment.”
“Public support and donations play an integral role in supporting our K-9 program,“ said Batavia Police Chief Shawn Heubusch. “These funds will be used to offset the cost of food, veterinary services, training, equipment and other K-9-related expenses.”
Henry Wojtaszek, CEO of Batavia Downs. Photo by Howard Owens.
The men and women who retired from the Batavia Police Department and are buried in local cemeteries were honored on Wednesday with flags placed by their headstones. The police department held a short service in the afternoon to commemorate the service of the former police officers. Photo by Howard Owens.
Today was another successful Drug Take-Back Day, said Batavia PD officers this afternoon at the drop-off spot on Alva Place in Batavia.
Four boxes were filled with unwanted prescription drugs so they can be safely destroyed. Det. Jason Ivison said Le Roy PD officers also dropped off several full boxes for disposal.
Batavia PD, the Sheriff's Office on Park Road, and the State Police on West Saile Drive, all operate drug drop-off boxes in their lobbies throughout the year.
Photo by Howard Owens. Officer Connor Borchert, Det. Jason Ivison, and Officer Peter Post.
As the Batavia Lions Club continues to move past the pandemic, we are reconnecting with our partners from past projects.
For many years the Club had been working with the Batavia Police Department and Adam Millers to refurbish bikes that have been recovered by the BPD and get them into the hands of children and adults who can use them. To that end, Detectives James Defreze and Matthew Wojtaszczyk (pictured above with Lions President Diane Hawn) visited the Club to review how bikes might be recovered and be eligible for donation to the Lions Club.
Many bikes are recovered each year that are damaged beyond repair. Those bikes are disposed of. If owners can be found for the usable bikes, they will be returned. If there is no way to determine ownership, they can be donated to an organization like the Lions. In past years those bikes have been refurbished and distributed to organizations such as The Salvation Army and ARC.
The detectives do encourage people to register their bikes with the BPD so if they are recovered, the bikes can be returned to the owner.
A relaxed discussion followed on several issues that the BPD faces every day and the complexity of modern law enforcement. Detectives Defreze and Wojtaszczyk were relaxed and informative in the give-and-take with the Lions Club. The Club looks forward to re-establishing the bike program and working with BPD to serve the community.
Top photo: Submitted.
File photo from 2014 Day of Caring outside Adam Miller Toys and Bicycles by Howard Owens, from front: John Huntzinger, Chuck Brenner, Bob Swanson, Tom Clark, Pier Chipollone, Dave Cuttia, John Roach and Van Scoy.