Press Release:
GLOW With Your Hands organizers are seeking additional volunteers to support the coordination of the third annual GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare on March 17. More than 650 students from Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming counties will learn first-hand about exciting career opportunities in the healthcare sector by meeting representatives and professionals from a variety of healthcare organizations, careers, and training programs.
Organizations such as M&T Bank and students from the Genesee Valley BOCES Health Career Academy have signed up for this year’s healthcare event, assisting as tour guides, lunch helpers, and an extra set of hands for GLOW With Your Hands committee members. Event organizers emphasized that these career exploration events are made possible thanks to the generosity of local organizations and individuals who dedicate their time to support local youth.
“It’s a tremendous testament to the success of this annual career exploration day that we have over 650 students attending, but at the same time, it takes a lot of volunteers to manage so many exuberant youths in one place,” said GLOW With Your Hands Co-Chair Karyn Winters said. “We are fortunate to have volunteers already registered, but we need more to cover all our bases.”
Representatives from hospitals and health systems and professionals in nursing, mental health, social services, and emergency responders will be on hand to interact with students to discuss potential careers and pathways into their respective fields. While some careers might begin immediately after high school, the students will also be able to explore educational pathways in the healthcare sector through BOCES and degrees available at local colleges and universities.
“The day after the event ends, we start to plan the next day for the event the following year which includes making sure our volunteers had the type of experience to help us again,” said Angela Grouse, GLOW With Your Hands Co-Chair. “We are so fortunate that most of our volunteers come back year after year, but you can never have enough!”
Registration for volunteers is available by emailing Karyn Winters at or filling out the volunteer form at