Out of a decade’s worth of the annual Le Roy Winterfests that have happened in December, this is the first one that has drawn people together for an organized event, organizer Lori Steinbrenner says.
As a member of the newly formed FRESH Committee, which operates within Le Roy Business Council, Steinbrenner has been impressed with how much effort the village has put into the 2022 winter festival.
“It’s a great committee of business members; we’re really going after it and doing great things,” she said Wednesday. “The events committee is going strong; we’ve always had a Winterfest, but not like this. We’re putting on a united front. Anyone can come; the more the merrier."
Established just six months ago, the committee has organized an extravaganza of activities from noon to 5:30 p.m. Saturday in the village of Le Roy.
Don’t plan to rest and relax just yet, as the Jinglin’ All the Way Festive 5K heads out at 10 a.m., while local businesses prepare to offer assorted fun activities and additional vendors throughout the day. Steinbrenner, who owns Personal Preference salon, is hosting seven vendors at her shop, and others are likely to do the same, she said.
Santa Claus is going to have a busy day, from a visit at The Moose Club from 1 to 3 p.m., followed by 3 to 5 p.m. at the former Sweet Betty’s location, and then leading a parade at 5 p.m. from the old Bank of America parking lot to the Christmas tree, which is scheduled for lighting at 5:30 p.m.
There will be caroling around the tree with Le Roy Jr/Sr High School’s choir, s’more cones, Santa story time, hot chocolate from Dave Ehrhart and cookies from Le Roy Presbyterian Church. Tucked into the schedule is the Maddie Masters second annual one-mile walk, to begin at 3:30 p.m. at Sweet Betty’s.
Throughout the day, there will be a bounce house, balloon animals, business specials and craft and vendor sales. New this year is a horse and carriage ride, from 1 to 5 p.m. from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church parking lot along Wolcott Street to see the schools, Oatka Creek and Creekside’s “beautiful bubbles and Christmas trees,” Steinbrenner said.
Other activities include a kids obstacle course by BeyonDriven, crafts from noon to 5 p.m. and face painting from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Art of Mandy, and Woodward Memorial Library, from noon to 4 p.m., and Save-a-lot from 1 to 3 p.m., will also have face painting and kids’ crafts; and a store scavenger hunt and free hot chocolate and cookies, respectively.
Another new offering will be a poker run, set to run from 6 to 9 p.m. at five establishments: American Legion, The Moose, Capish! Brick Oven Pizza Ristorante, Sweet Betty’s, Smokin' Eagle BBQ & Brew. Wristbands are $10 each, and participants will get a cocktail and poker card at each stop before turning in their final hands for a 50/50 jackpot.
A three-piece acoustic band, Nate Coffey, will be performing at Smokin' Eagle to cap off the night.
Formed in June of this year, the FRESH Committee’s mission is to “promote commerce development, unity, beautification, and revitalization throughout the town and village of LeRoy,” with an emphasis on food and drink; retail; events and attractions; services; and enhancement.
“I wanted to bring some vitality, events and life to Le Roy,” Steinbrenner said, emphasizing that many business people have joined in to help. Click here for Winterfest details.
The Hope Center will also be having an offshoot Winterfest for families at 42 Main St., Le Roy, organizer Valerie Moore said. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, there will be oodles of games and prizes available for toddlers up to 12, including a bean bag toss, nerf target games, ice and candy cane fishing, ornament ball sorting, a snowman toss, lollipop matching game, snowball toss, snowball basketball and snowman dart board.
There will also be face painting, a snowman, snowflake, woodland animal and coloring craft; and goodie bags for each child.
“This event is a great way for families to spend time together doing some holiday activities and making memories,” Moore said.
Go HERE for more information.
File Photo of Winterfest's Jinglin' 5K, by Howard Owens.

File photo by Howard Owens. The 2017 tree lighting.