Catrina Colvin and her family are hoping that their apricot-colored mini toy poodle has been spotted -- and perhaps rescued from the cold -- since he went missing at the corner of York and South streets around 7 p.m. Sunday in Pavilion.
Thomas Jefferson was in his yard for a few minutes, and when Catrina's mom opened the door for him to come back inside, the 7-pound fluffly pooch was gone.
"We're hoping and praying someone saw him walking down by the corner and picked him up to get him some warmth," Catrina said Monday. "After four hours of searching, he's still nowhere to be found. My kids are absolutely devastated and we're not doing so well ourselves."
At 14 years old and mostly blind, the family thinks that perhaps he became confused with the falling snow. He never stays out longer than a minute or two because he gets cold quickly, Catrina said.
"He's always been my baby boy and I can't imagine life without him," she said.
Her family has checked with the local animal shelters with no luck. Anyone with information or sightings is asked to please call her at 585-315-3971.

Photos are submitted of Catrina, top, her daughter Alli, and brother Roy with Thomas Jefferson.