Ronald M. Washburn, 62, of Vine Street, Batavia, is charged with sexual abuse 1st/child less than 11 years old. Washburn is accused of touching a child's sexual or intimate parts to gratify his sexual desire. According to police, Washburn was the child's babysitter at the time of the incident, which was reported on April 17, 2018. Washburn was a registered Level 1 sex offender, according to police, at the time of the alleged offense but his registration has since expired. The investigation has been ongoing since 2018 by Det. Thad Mart, Child Protective Services, and Justice for Children. Washburn was jailed on $5,000 bail, $10,000 bond, or $20,000 partially secured bond.
Kevin Weber and Christine Wyder, no ages nor residences provided by police, are charged with public lewdness. Weber and Wyder are accused of engaging in sexual intercourse in the front yard of a residence on Walnut Street at 6:39 p.m. July 23. Both were issued appearance tickets.
Linda L. Snyder, 39, of Batavia, abandonment of an animal and torturing or injuring an animal. Snyder is accused of striking a dog with a broom multiple times and leaving the animal outside at 3:30 a.m. March 11, at a residence on Highland Park. Snyder was issued an appearance ticket.
John J. Saddler, 34, of Batavia, is charged with petit larceny, criminal contempt 1st, burglary 2nd, identity theft 3rd, and grand larceny 4th. Saddler is accused of stealing property from a residence on State Street at 2:33 p.m. July 10, and in the process violating an order of protection. He was arraigned in City Court and jailed without bail.
Taiya J. Rolle, 18, of Batavia, is charged with attempted assault 2nd, reckless endangerment 2nd, and leaving the scene of a personal injury accident. Rolle was charged following an incident reported on Liberty Street, Batavia at noon July 4. He was arraigned in City Court and released on his own recognizance.
Adriana M. Ayala, 18 of Batavia, is charged with assault 3rd and criminal mischief. Ayala is accused of hitting another person in the face during a fight at a gas station on East Main Street at 8:58 p.m. on July 22. She was issued an appearance ticket.
Jacob J. Camerera, 31, of Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property 4th, unlawful possession of personal ID 3rd, and petit larceny. Camerera is accused of stealing and attempting to use another person's credit cards on June 4. He was issued an appearance ticket.
Ashley I. Hightower, 29, of Batavia is charged with unlawful fleeing a police officer in motor vehicle 3rd, failure to stop at a stop sign, illegal signal/less than 100 feet, speeding, and failure to obey traffic control device. Hightower is accused of multiple traffic infractions and when police attempted a traffic stop at 9:20 a.m. July 16, Hightower allegedly accelerated and refused to pull over. She is accused of fleeing from police from West Main Street, Batavia, to East Main Street, Batavia, before pulling over at Eastown Plaza. She was taken into custody and issued multiple traffic tickets and an appearance.
Brandon C. Dodd, 35, of Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, DWAI/drugs and insufficient tail lamps. Dodd was stopped at 10:41 p.m. April 26, by a Batavia patrol officer on East Main Street, Batavia. Dodd was arrested on July 14 and issued an appearance ticket.
Nathan W. Campbell, 41 of Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Campbell is accused of stealing beer from a business on Jackson Street at 4:17 p.m. July 24. He was released on an appearance ticket.
Megan A. Gregg, 28, of Batavia, is accused of failure to appear on an appearance ticket issued at 4:27 p.m., May 13 on Ellsworth Avenue. Gregg was arrested on a warrant. Gregg is accused of leaving drugs and paraphernalia in an area accessible to young children. She was arraigned in City Court and released under supervision.
Christian P. Pierre-Louis, 24, of Batavia, is charged with dog running at large. A dog reportedly owned by Pierre-Louis went onto another person's property and became aggressive with another dog. Pierre-Louis was issued an appearance ticket.
Sidney C. Underhill, 72, of Elba, is charged with two counts of criminal contempt 2nd, stalking 3rd, and trespassing. Underhill is accused of violating a stay-away protection order at 9 p.m., July 17, at a location on Vernon Avenue, Batavia, and on June 25 at 11:30 a.m., and of being on a property on Vernon Avenue without permission on Aug. 6 at 11 p.m. Underhill was arraigned in City Court and ordered held on $5,000 bail, $10,000 bond, or $20,000 partially secured bond.
Mattew R. Taylor, 39, of Batavia, is charged with trespass. Taylor is accused of being on a business party on East Main Street, Batavia, he was told not to enter at 8:50 p.m. July 24. Taylor was arraigned in City Court and ordered held on $100 bail.
Mattew R. Taylor, 39, of Batavia, is charged with burglary 3rd and petit larceny. Taylor allegedly stole merchandise from a gas station on East Main Street at 2:01 p.m. July 23, and had been previously barred from the property. He was arraigned in City Court and released under supervision.
Mattew R. Taylor, 39, of Batavia, is charged with trespass. At 2:20 p.m. July 23, Taylor was allegedly found on a property on East Main Street he was not allowed to enter. He was arraigned and released.
Mattew R. Taylor, 39, of Batavia, is charged with trespass. At 6:02 p.m. July 16, Taylor was allegedly found on a property on East Main Street he was not allowed to enter. He was issued an appearance ticket.
Alicia M. Lyons, 42, of Batavia, is charged with failure to appear. Lyons is accused of failing to appear in City Court on a trespassing charge. She was arraigned in City Court and ordered to appear at 1:30 p.m. July 28.
Alicia M. Lyons, 42, of Batavia, is charged with trespass. Lyons is accused of trespassing at a business on Jackson Street at 11:55 a.m. July 24. She was arraigned in City Court and ordered to appear at 1:30 p.m. July 28.
Alicia M. Lyons, 42, of Batavia, is charged with two counts of trespassing. Lyons is accused of trespassing at 3:45 p.m. July 15, at a convenience store on Jackson Street, where she bought a pack of black and mild cigars and left. She is accused of trespassing at a business at 6:38 p.m. July 18 and from being previously barred from shopping at that establishment. She was issued appearance tickets.
Michael R. Ostrander, 57, of Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. Ostrander is accused of violating an order of protection at 1:40 p.m. July 25 by making a phone call to the protected person. He was issued an appearance ticket.
Christine M. Page, 32, of East Rochester, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Page was reportedly babysitting a child less than 17 years old at 2:20 p.m. July 20 at a location on Bank Street, when the child consumed a candy bar containing THC causing an adverse reaction. Page was issued an appearance ticket.
Jacqueline R. Garrett, 43, of Albion is accused of inhalation of toxic vapors or fumes. Garrett is accused of being under the influence of toxic vapors she inhaled during an incident reported at 5:38 p.m. July 21. She is also accused of failure to appear in City Court for an incident in 2020. She was arraigned in City Court and released.
Jason E. Carpenter, 43, of Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Carpenter is accused of threatening another person at a location on West Main Street, Batavia at 7:57 p.m. July 17. He was issued an appearance ticket.
Tracy M. Fickes, 41, of Batavia. is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, driving without an interlock device, and improper left turn. Fickes was charged following a motor vehicle accident at 12:28 a.m. July 10 on Clinton Street. The vehicle struck a utility pole. Fickes was issued traffic tickets.
Latoya D. Jackson, 36, of Batavia, is charged with trespassing. On July 8, Jackson was advised by the management of a property on East Main Street to leave the location, which she did "reluctantly," police said. According to police, she returned a short time later and was arrested. She was issued an appearance ticket.
George J. Budzinack, Jr., 42, of Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Budzinack is accused of throwing a punch through a door and hitting a female victim in the face at 2:26 a.m. July 11 at a residence on Walnut Street, Batavia. Budzinack was arraigned in City Court and released on his own recognizance.
Roger M. Hofmeier, 21, of Batavia, is charged with aggravated harassment. Hofmeier is accused of having a disagreement with another person at 5:46 p.m. July 5 at a location on Ellicott Street, Batavia. He was issued an appearance ticket.
Daniel H. Mooney, 35, of Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass 3rd. Mooney is accused of entering a property on Cone Street at 4:19 p.m. July 19 without permission and remaining unlawfully. He was issued an appearance ticket.
Paul Duke Ehrmentraut, 53, of East Bethany Le Roy Road, Pavilion, is charged with grand larceny 3rd and offering a false instrument for filing. Ehrmentraut was arrested by Investigator Chad Cummings based on an investigation by Genesee County Social Services Investigator Robert Riggi. Ehrmentraut is accused of failing to report an adult offspring residing at his residence who was earning wages, which resulted in $7,290 in SNAP benefits Ehrmentraut was not qualified to receive. He was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and released on his own recognizance.
Katlyn Ann Cook, 27, of Williams Street, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny 3rd. Cook was arrested based on an investigation by Genesee County Social Services Investigator Robert Riggi. She is accused of failing to report income, which resulted in her receiving $6,427 in SNAP benefits she was not qualified to receive. She was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and released on her own recognizance.
Shannon Lisa Lopez, 45, of Columbia Avenue, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Lopez is accused of failing to pay for merchandise from Walmart. She was issued an appearance ticket.
Dustin Allan Loveland, 35, of April Way, Geneseo, is charged with criminal contempt 2nd. He is accused of violating an order of protection at 7:30 p.m. July 29, by failing to stay away from the place of employment of the protected party. Loveland was arraigned in Town of Darien Court and released on his own recognizance.
Latoya Y. Stanley, 34, of Independence Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon 4th, aggravated unlicensed operation 2nd, obstructed view, and using cannabis in a vehicle on a public highway. Stanley was stopped by Deputy Nicholas Charmon at 5 p.m. July 30 on Clinton Street Road, Batavia. Stanley was allegedly found in possession of metal knuckles. Stanley was released on an appearance ticket.
(name redacted upon request), 39, of East State Street, Albion, is charged with DWI, failure to stop at red light, driving left of pavement markings, open alcohol container, and aggravated unlicensed operation 1st. xxxx was stopped at 3:58 a.m. July 31 on Route 237 in Stafford by Sgt. Mathew Clor. She was issued traffic tickets.
Anthony S. Bosse, 30, of Indian Falls Road, Corfu, is charged with DWI and following too closely. Bosse was stopped at 9:15 p.m. July 27 on West Main Street Road, Batavia, by Deputy Kyle Tower. Bosse was processed at the Genesee County Jail and released on appearance tickets.
Sonya Marie Charache, 41, of Basom, is charged with petit larceny. Charache allegedly skipped-scanned multiple items at Walmart valued at $34.08. Charache was processed at the Genesee County Jail by Deputy Carlos Ortiz Speed and released.
Beth E. Jerome, 41, of Albion, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Jerome was stopped by State Police at 2:26 a.m. July 30 in the Town of Elba. She was released on an appearance ticket. No further details released.