[Editor's Note: Due to technical diffculties, the site has been down for about an hour and we have been unable to post anything until now.]
Shortly after 1 p.m. a pickup truck rollover accident was reported on Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley Drive near Batavia Stafford Town Line Road. The driver was pinned underneath the wreakage after being ejected.
Town of Batavia Fire Department responded to the scene along with mutual aid from Stafford Fire Department. State police and Sheriff's deputies were also on scene.
The male driver was reported extricated at 1:32 p.m. and it took medics 20 minutes to stablize him in an ambulance before he could be transported via Mercy Flight to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester.
It appears the gray pickup was northbound on Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley Drive and when it came over the crest of a hill by the MedTech Center, the driver may have lost control of the vehicle. There are skid marks in the middle of the road in front of the MedTech Center.
The pickup skidded off the roadway, flipped over, ejecting the driver and landing in a cornfield.
State police are investigating the accident.
Photos from the scene will be posted later today.
UPDATE 6 p.m.: The State Police have declined to provide any further information about the accident.
UPDATE 7:15 p.m. : non-life threatening injuries, according to a source.