The executive director of the All Babies Cherished Pregnancy Assistance Center said about $4,000 was raised today for the nonprofit, pro-life organization through its second Fall Festival at the Batavia City Centre concourse.
"There are 90 vendors here and they're all doing well," Sue Sherman said during the event that ran from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. "They're selling their goods and it's a great representation of things that the community has to offer."
Sherman said ABC receives the vendor fees charged to the entrepreneurs, while "the proceeds they (vendors) make here are for the fruits of the their labor."
The procees comes at an opportune time for ABC, Sherman added, as it is setting up a house it has acquired to be used as temporary living quarters for the homeless women the organization serves.
"It will probably be between eight months and a year before we're able to open it for girls to live there. It's a work in progress but we're very thankful that we have one," she said.
The event has become one of the nonprofit organization's major fundraisers, she said, crediting volunteer Lucille DiSanto for her efforts in coordinating the show.
Program Coordinator Mona Doyon said she considered it "a blessing" to see the mall used again and being able meet and greet people.
She also said she is looking forward to ABC's virtual fundraising event this Thursday.
The agency will be hosting a free online fundraiser at 7 p.m. Oct. 28 in commemoration of its 25th year.
Le Roy resident Alexandra Andrews will tell her story as an abortion survivor.
A wife and mother of three, she said her testimony centers upon the ways God revealed His plan for her life, bringing her out of an orphanage in Russia to share a message of mercy, healing and forgiveness.
A registered nurse, Andrews is an active member at her church and serves on the ABC board of directors.
For more information, call 344-5660, go to www.allbabiescherished.com or www.facebook.com/AllBabiesCherishedPregnancyCenter/

All Babies Cherished Program Coordinator Mona Doyon, left, and Executive Director Sue Sherman.

Rochester Regional Health "Baby Cafe" employees Jay Balduf, left, and Linda Lee Stoiber greet Barb Worthington and her grandkids, Fae and Arlo Hoisington.

It's all about unique holiday decor at the Creative Crafts by Lori table. From left are Rochester area residents Donna Erickson, Lori Mariani (owner) and R.J. Kessler.

Delevan area residents Sue McKay (owner) and friend Kristi Cain at Grandma's Love Boutique, which features mittens, bows, stockings, washcloths and scrubbies.

Checking out the selection of items at the basket raffle table. Photos by Mike Pettinella.