Photo by Howard Owens.
There were plenty of jokes at Scott German's retirement party at Batavia Downs on Saturday night along with kudos for a job well done during his 21 years as county treasurer.
German retired four months shy of being Genesee County's longest serving treasurer, the culmination of 31 years total working in the treasurer's office.
But the goodbye was also a hello because German has taken the part-time job of Republican Election Commissioner at the Board of Elections.
"I'm happy that he's staying with county government," said County Manager Matt Landers, who started working for the county 21 years ago as German's deputy treasurer. "He's gonna help us out on the election side. So it's interesting. It's a retirement bash and going away, and I'll give him a big hug at the end of the night and say, 'I'll see you on Monday.'"
Kevin Andrews, the new county treasurer, got in a few zingers while roasting his former boss.
German only faced an election opponent once over his five terms, in the first year, he stood for election (after being appointed mid-term by then Gov. George Pataki). That doesn't mean, however, that there weren't write-in votes.
"I honestly can't remember which year this happened, but Scott shared with me that one year when he ran for office, one of the write-in votes against him for county treasurer was an old sock," Andrews said.
So, Andrews wrapped up one of his old socks and gave it to him as a present. Just so he would have a moment of that write-in vote (top photo).
Andrews also praised his mentor.
"Sincerely, though, you've always been supportive of me, especially when I have been overly self-critical," Andrews said. "I appreciate the many conversations that we've had over the years where you've offered advice or encouragement when I've needed it personally; Scott, I want to say that it has been a pleasure and honor working with you."
Legislature Chairwoman Shelley Stein praised German for the millions of taxpayer dollars his diligent work has saved the county and the millions he earned for the county through wise investments.
"You've been passionate and you have been aggressive in your approach to county government," Stein said.
Garrett Macdonald, a consultant with Three+1 based in Rochester (Macdonald is also a Genesee County resident and a second cousin of German's, though they never met until they started working together), helped provide German with the strategy to invest the county's cash reserves.
"There's very few treasurers where you walk into their office, and they look at you dead in the eyes, and they say, 'I want to do everything I possibly can to earn and save and help my taxpayers,' and that has been a stamp on Scott's legacy for Genesee County, doing whatever he possibly can to take care of his constituents and taxpayers," Macdonald said.
When German closed out the evening, he put some hard numbers on those accomplishments. He said the county, by investing reserves, has earned $21 million for the general fund and more than $28 million overall.
"In 2004, the county's fund balance was $5.4 million, and at the end of 2023 the fund balance is $22.2 million," German said. "The total fund equity in 2004 was $11.8 million, but at the end of 2023, fund equity was over $84 million. Personally, I am very proud of those numbers, and I have turned over to Kevin accounting that is in a very strong financial state. So Kevin, don't screw it up."
Hawley took note of all the praise for German's handling of the county's finances and mused that it would be nice if state government could do as well.
"We've heard about the fact that you saved taxpayers millions and millions of dollars," Hawley said. "You've also earned the county millions and millions of dollars. And we wish that some of your philosophy of governing and finances would translate to the state of New York, I'll give Kathy Hochul your best and tell her to read your upcoming book on how to make money and not have to spend money just because it's there."

Photo by Howard Owens.

Photo by Howard Owens.

Photo by Howard Owens