Buying versus leasing recommended for 24 new voting machines to replace outdated equipment

File Photo by Howard Owens
As they begin their first new year working together as election commissioners, the duo of Scott German and Lorie Longhany had some crucial business to take care of right off the bat during Wednesday’s Ways & Means meeting.
They recently discovered a pricey need for the Board of Elections and recommended the purchase of 24 new Dominion voting machines for $254,700 plus $11,040 annual maintenance after year five to replace 28 scanners no longer supported by outdated equipment. German was hired for the Republican commissioner position to fill a vacancy left by Dick Siebert when he retired in December.

“I did not know this was coming when I first got there, and I'm not sure Lori was aware of that either, simply because my predecessor basically took care of the equipment that we had out there, and just something that really should have happened a few years ago,” German said. “We are currently leasing 29 machines, and that goes until 2030. So, at that point, we will probably be coming back and asking to either lease more or buy more.”
Longhany, the Democrat commissioner, added that the board was gifted two machines from Orleans County that went to another vendor, which brings the total up to 55.

“And that's really what we need. We need two scanners for each poll site, and we have 48. We have 24 poll sites that leaves us with two to three machines for early voting, and then we have eight scanners in reserve that we could bring out in case we have any malfunctions,” she said. “They're just scanners. They are not ICE machines.”
ICE is ImageCast Evolution, a hybrid voting device that combines optical scanning, ballot printing and vote-casting functions in one integrated machine.
Legislator Marianne Clattenburg asked if there are any grants available for this equipment. One would think that voting is such an important cause these days that there might be financial help, she said.
No, German said. But there is a silver lining, sort of.
“We will be coming to you in hopefully a few weeks to buy new iPads, the poll pads,” he said. “We do have grant funds for those, yes, but not for this.”
There doesn’t seem to be much of a choice because when the machines are no longer compatible, “then we get into trouble with the technologies,” Longhany said. German said that two of them went down last November on Election Day. Clattenburg then asked if that would require additional training.
“No, because we currently are releasing the exact machines that we'll be buying; it's actually going to be easier because now they only need to train the inspectors and coordinators on one machine instead of two,” he said.
All of the machines will be accessible to everyone, and technicians have said they’re easier to operate and to get into for maintenance, Longhany said.
The purchase was less expensive than to lease the new machines — $417,024. The cost will be paid for using 1% of county sales tax.
German and Longhany also reviewed IRS regulations requiring the Board of Elections to classify Election Day workers as county employees. To comply with this, the commissioners asked to add 100 coordinator and 200 election inspector positions to include alternates and amend the 2025 management salary schedule.
"This is something that should have been done, I'm guessing seven years ago, but my predecessor wouldn't let it happen. So it was manually taken care of in the treasurer's office," German said. "But now that I'm there, we need to be IRS compliant. We have sent letters out to all of our inspectors and coordinators so they understand that they'll be employees."
Coordinators will be at a rate of $360 for a 16-hour shift on Election Day and $171 for an Early Voting Day schedule, and election inspectors will have a rate of $320 for a 16-hour Election Day shift and $152 for Early Voting Day, with a rate of $60 for training.
Since funds were budgeted for 152 positions, there may need to be a budget amendment to cover training beyond the 152 positions.
A final recommendation was to create two senior clerks/machine technicians to provide proper supervision to other clerks/machine technicians. These two positions will be for 22 hours per week at $23 an hour, and two clerk/machine technician positions are to be deleted.
Committee members agreed to these measures, and a vote will go before the full Legislature on March 26.