Press release:
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today held a press conference with Sen. Patrick Gallivan (R-Elma) in Albany calling for an expansion of New York’s charitable gaming laws to include measures such as allowing for the use of credit and debit cards as payment for raffles and allowing advertising and sales online for raffles and games of chance.
“Momentum is at all-time high to reform these outdated and detrimental restrictions,” Hawley said. “These reforms would benefit thousands of not for profits and organizations like Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary Clubs, churches, fire departments and foundations for children like the Buffalo Sabres Foundation. I thank my colleagues in the Senate for spearheading this charge in their house and am hopeful that we can pass these changes before session adjourns in a few weeks.”
Hawley has been influential in leading the fight to reform the antiquated laws the past few years and championed legislation included in this year’s budget that would allow television and internet advertising of raffles, the use of personal checks as payments and expanding the definition of “authorized organization” to include volunteer ambulance workers and organizations that have been in existence for one year, among other provisions.