"Zeva" will soon need a new home.
The friendly pooch was reportedly left at an apartment at 17 Elm St., Batavia, after the owner moved out.
Somebody called police yesterday evening and reported the apparently abandoned dog and a police officer picked it up and took it to the shelter.
The address is the same apartment where another dog, on April 30, got itself stuck on the eve of a second-floor deck and then fell off when the owner was brought back to the residence by a police officer.
Today, the owner -- whom we're not identifying by name at this point because she hasn't been charged with a crime, and it's not certain she will be -- went to the animal shelter and signed the necessary paperwork to surrender ownership of Zeva.
She reportedly told staff she had left the dog rather than take it to the shelter because of a requirement that the owner acknowledges that the animal could potentially be euthanized. Animal Control Officer Agie Jaroszewski said the form is standard procedure for most shelters but doesn't mean the animal will be put down.
Alecia Kaus with Video News Service posted a report about the dog on Facebook yesterday and a women said the dog had been hers, but that the dog was being taken care of and that she retained access to the apartment until the end of the month.
"I was the owner," the woman wrote. "And to be clear again have posted all week about finding her a home and was just with her at 7 pm last night to walk her feed and water her."
There is not information available on the status of the other dog that was at the apartment April 30. Police have yet to determine what will happen with the case.
Below, photos from April 30.

This really upsets me and
This really upsets me and seeing that dog falling....oh my god. I hope he/she survived.
Take a look at the original
Take a look at the original post. The dog seemed fine.
Thanks Howard. Did not see
Thanks Howard. Did not see the link before. Glad the dog is fine.
Despite the fact that the dog
Despite the fact that the dog somehow survived, this is still a rather disturbing photo.