A 51-year-old Batavia resident involved in a rollover accident on R. Stephen Hawley Drive yesterday is in guarded condition at Strong Memorial Hospital this morning.
At strong "guarded" means the patient is in the intensive care unit.
The driver of the vehicle was Gerald E. Nicholson. The initial report said Nicholson was trapped under his pickup truck after it rolled over in a cornfield to the east of the roadway. A trooper at the scene said it appeared Nicholson's truck came over the hill, heading north, on Hawley Drive and failed to negotiate the curve and Nicholson may have overcorrected.
Nicholson was transported by Mercy Flight to Strong Memorial Hospital.
A first responder said Nicholson was conscious and alert during extrication and sources described his injuries as apparently non-life threatening while he was at the scene.
State Police have not been forthcoming with information about the accident. We don't have the make, model or year of the pickup truck or any information on the status of the investigation.
UPDATE 1:35 p.m.: A State Police sergeant said Nicholson was driving a 2007 Ford F-150. It does appear he came over the hill, lost control and overcorrected. Citations have been issued but the sergeant didn't know the exact charges. The accident is still under investigation but DWI is not suspected.
Previously: Pickup truck driver taken by Mercy Flight to Strong after rollover accident by the college