A Ross Street man was stabbed to death last night outside of his apartment after trying to come to the aid of a woman who was under attack.
Police have identified the victim as Michael R. Paladino, 43. The suspect is Quinton Edmonds (above photo), a former parolee from Rochester who is well known to police, said Chief Shawn Heubusch.
Heubusch said the investigation at this time indicates that Edmonds was in a vehicle in the City when an argument began between Edmonds and at least one of the two women in the vehicle with him. The vehicle stopped on Ross Street and the argument continued outside the vehicle.
"Edmonds exited the vehicle and began striking one of the female subjects from the vehicle," Heubusch said. "Michael Paladino, who was in his apartment, heard the altercation taking place and went outside to intervene and assist the females. Edmonds and Paladino got into a physical altercation and Edmonds either stabbed or cut Paladino several times with a sharp instrument causing his injuries. Edmonds then fled the scene on foot."
The weapon has not yet been recovered.
Emergency dispatchers received a call of a disturbance at 5/7 Ross St. at 12:44 a.m.
Paladino suffered multiple stab and cut wounds to his upper torso and head.
"Paladino collapsed in the entryway of his apartment," Heubusch said.
The women in the vehicle fled the scene right away and a police officer saw a vehicle driving erratically and stopped it in the parking lot just east of St. Joseph School.
"At the time that the officer observed the vehicle driving erratically, he thought that he possibly had a DWI situation, so he pulled the vehicle over and at the exact same time dispatch was receiving phone calls of this disturbance that took place on Ross Street, Heubusch said.
"The officer was in the right place at the right time," the chief said. "The people from the vehicle identified Edmunds as he was approaching the traffic stop as the person that was involved in the disturbance. The officer did a remarkable job and taking him into custody all by himself and securing him for further investigation."
Edmonds is being charged with murder in the second degree and will be arraigned in City Court this morning while the investigation continues.
"We have interviewed multiple witnesses from that 5/7 Ross Street apartment," Heubusch said. "There were some other people within that apartment that did witness or heard what happened, so they are cooperating with us. We've taken statements from them.
"The officers are out today canvassing the area to see if there are any other witnesses that can come forward or any other potential video evidence that may be available from a home surveillance system or whatever it may be. They're also going to be working with the state police today."
Police are also actively searching for the weapon.
"This happened at one o'clock in the morning and the officers who were processing the scene, walking the area did the best they could to try and locate the weapon in question," Heubusch said. "But you know it is a very large area. There are officers out there now continuing the investigation looking for more physical evidence as well as, like I said, trying to find any video in the area and/or interviewing more witnesses and re-interviewing witnesses that may have been there last night."
Edmonds has asked for an attorney and is not providing information to police, Heubusch said.
Batavia police are well-acquainted with Edmonds, who is a frequent visitor from Rochester to Batavia, Heubusch said. While confirming that Edmonds was at one time on parole and has a criminal history, with at least one arrest outside of the county, Heubusch would not provide information on why Edmonds was on police radar prior to this incident.
State records indicate Edmonds was convicted in 2015 in Monroe County of criminal possession of a weapon, 2nd, and sentenced to two and a half years in prison. His parole ended in April 2018.
Paladino was transported by Mercy EMS to UMMC. He was pronounced dead at 5:05 a.m. by Coroner Don Coleman.
Heubusch said a family member was with Paladino when he died.
"It appears that Michael Palladino was trying to do the right thing and help somebody out," Heubusch said.
Before last year, Batavia had gone years without a murder in city limits, then there were two last year and now one in 2019. Heubusch said, though, he wouldn't call that a trend.
"Well, again in this particular case, we had a Good Samaritan that appeared to be trying to intervene in another physical altercation," Heubusch said. So as far as this one goes, this person was not from the City of Batavia. That's my understanding. His last known address is in Rochester. We do have that influence from Rochester that comes out here so I can't really speak to a trend."
The one common theme, Heubusch noted, is the murder suspects are all on, or were on, parole.
"There are a lot of people on parole in Genesee County," Heubusch said. "We've had good fruitful meetings with the parole officers and the administrators of the area, this parole area out of Rochester. There is a large caseload for the parole officers not just for Genesee County but across the state.
"And I think that is one of the issues that need to be addressed at the state level is the general caseload of parole officers. With the closing of prisons and the decriminalization of marijuana, potentially, I think the state, the governor's office, is setting up local jurisdictions for more violence, quite honestly."
Video from the scene last night:
First off Mr. Paladino should
First off Mr. Paladino should be considered the best of the best of what God had in mind when creating man in his image. Stepping out of his comfort zone and up to the plate to confront the danger that invaded his neighborhood is a trait that should be admired and held in reverence with, if not above the most celebrated of our heroes. Words applied to the life of Robert Kennedy came to mind immediately. "He saw wrong and tried to right it." Condolences to his friends and family, who should be comforted by God's judgment of people who exhibited such character.
We are all in danger while
We are all in danger while parolees like this are roaming our streets . Sympathies to the Paladino family.