Doug Goodwin's bike was stolen from County Building #1 (DMV/Probation) sometime between 8:15 and 9 a.m., Monday. It is blue Giant Roam 2 with yellow and white stripes.
It is a 27-speed bike with hydraulic disk brakes and is equipped with a giant headlight and speedometer and had an Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle sticker on it. The picture is of a similar bike. Goodwin is offering a $100 reward for the return of the bike. He can be reached at (585) 993-6761.
UPDATE 12:28 p.m.: As a result of a reader tip, Batavia PD has recovered Doug's bike. He says, "It's in the same mint condition that it was when it was stolen."
hopefully now he'll buy a
hopefully now he'll buy a lock for it