"We're not suggesting she live in luxury," said Public Defender Jerry Ader. "We're only talking about a residence that is not her daughter's couch."
In an accounting of Heidi L. Schollard's expenses, Ader says she's paying her daughter $250 a month to help with rent, plus utilities and transportation costs (Schollard is working for a temp agency, but doesn't own a car, so her daughter provides transportation.). With all of Schollard's other expenses, she still has about $742 left over, but she is unable to save enough for first month's rent and security deposit.
Ader said she is seeking not only a possible reduction in monthly restitution, but also at least a month's break from payments so she can save enough to move.
County Court Judge Charles Zambito said he did have enough information and detail to make a determination on the request. The case was continued to give Ader time to gather more documentation.
Zambito said Schollard was entitled to the court's consideration for reasonable restitution.
District Attorney Lawrence Friedman opposed any modification. He said the circumstances of Schollard's case hasn't changed since the day five years ago when then Judge Robert Noonan issued the $500-a-month order.
The fact that Schollard has $742 left over each month might mean she can actually afford to pay more and paying restution shouldn't be easy, says Friedman.
"Considering the age of the victims in this case, she could pay double the current amount and still not make any substantial restution in their lifetimes," Friedman said.
Friedman expressed concern that in a revised monthly budget, any speculation about her rent could lead to her saying she found an apartment she wanted at $700 a month.
Ader said the revised affidavit would not contain any speculation.
Schollard stole the money from two elderly victims between 2006 and 2011. She pled guilty in 2012 to three counts of grand larceny, 3rd, which are Class D felonies, and a single count of grand larceny, 4th, a Class E felony. She was sentenced to the maximum possible prison term by Noonan.
Friedman said Schollard is already on shaky ground for alleged willful failure to pay restitution and could face a return to prison as things stand. Ader disputed that point, but said he would argue it, if necessary, at a future date.
By this point, Schollard should have paid $1,500. She's paid $1,200.
(Inset is a file photo of Heidi L. Schollard.)
Are we supposed to feel sorry
Are we supposed to feel sorry for her after what she did to the innocent senior citizens. It should be hard on her, she is the criminal remember.
story reminds me of my mother
story reminds me of my mother saying to me.... "you can't get blood from a stone"...... go ahead and put her back in jail if you can judge and you still get nothing.......she stole money and it's gone, key word is " gone " .....money only grows on trees in oil rich countries.
If she robbed a bank of that
If she robbed a bank of that much money, she would still be in prison. She should pay it back a little at a time. I worked 3 part time jobs when I lost my position.
How come her sentence was so
How come her sentence was so much harsher than what local Attorney Randolph Zickl received? I wonder how much more financially capable to pay restitution Zickl is?? How much did Attorney Zickl's membership to "the good ole boys club of local lawyers" play in his sentence, and not getting any jail time???
Brian, while I also agree
Brian, while I also agree that his "connections" possibly influenced the Zickl case, he also stole significantly less money and he is quite elderly so those factors may also have counted in his favor for lighter sentencing.
WHAT did you say Gale? "He
WHAT did you say Gale? "He stole significantly less"!!! What the hell's the difference how much it is when it is a considerable amount [$75k+] and the victim is elderly and restitution will likely not be completed in the individual's lifetime!
They should have been in side-by-side cells.
Steve. You wrote, ".. leave
Steve. You wrote, ".. leave that girl the frick alone..". You are joking, I hope.
First off, this isn't a "girl". She's a 45-year-old woman. Perhaps you should go back and read the numerous articles written about the case.
Read the one from ( http://www.thebatavian.com/billie-owens/thief-who-bilked-elderly-victim… ).
Read the accounts from the victims' family members.
Her own brother-in-law said (of the court sentencing, in 2012), this has been a long time in coming and he wanted to witness the proceedings firsthand, so later on Heidi can't lie about what was said. He said she is a pathological liar.
The very first paragraph says, "... caregiver Heidi L. Schollard was described as ruthless, narcissistic, thoughtless, manipulative, dangerous, relentless, remorseless, predatory, cruel, selfish, without mercy and completely clueless as to the gravity of her crimes."
Try to imagine someone stole $265,131 from your elderly parent. Imagine having to say, "Because of this woman's conniving scheme, my mother isn't able to live out her years in the lovely home she had had all her life".
Try to imagine someone stealing, oh, let's say, $100,000 from YOU. Are you hinting that you wouldn't want that to be repaid?
That's what your ".. leave that girl the frick alone.." comment sounded like, to me.
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A comment was deleted for profanity.