An ambulance has been dispatched to Bank Street and Alva Place for the male victim of a stabbing.
Police are on scene.
No further information available at this time.
UPDATE 9:55 p.m.: The stabbing victim was approached by two males at the 7-11 store parking lot on East Main Street and "asked to purchase something" but police would not specify what that was. When the victim pulled out some money, he was stabbed in the shoulder and the money was taken. The suspects fled north on Elm Street, but that is not a certainty; the victim is not from the area. The suspects are described as a light-skinned male and a dark-skinned male, both wearing hoodies, one of which was dark and one of which was gray, but the victim could not specify which person wore what color. The victim attemped to drive to the hospital, but ended up at Bank Street and Alva Place, where he found a police officer and flagged him down.

Hope everyone is getting the
Hope everyone is getting the point... it's time to protect yourselves at all times.
Perhaps the City Manager’s
Perhaps the City Manager’s raise and other cotton candy spending can be cut from the budget and the money spent on crime prevention.
Most 7-11's have Surviellance
Most 7-11's have Surviellance Systems. I'm not sure about Batavia, maybe just in the store.
No exterior cameras at this 7
No exterior cameras at this 7-Eleven.
As a gesture of "caring about
As a gesture of "caring about community we do business in" 7-11 should consider investing in outside surveillance. Might come in handy when the store is robed. Because I'm sure that will be the next step.
Rich Richmond. Pray tell,
Rich Richmond. Pray tell, please explain how x-amount of budget monies could prevent this crime.
Gee Ed maybe some additional
Gee Ed maybe some additional traffic cameras on the intersections or some neighborhood cams. Additional monies for the police dept. Hey you could go back to basics even and offer rewards for people who give info leading to the arrest of people who do these things. They don't happen in a vaccum, and in today's selfish and money hungry society SOMEONE will take the money over the typical snitch mentality.
There are things it could be better spent on than the cotton candy bs that Brian pointed out that really does nothing but perpetuate the crap thats going on. How many times in the last year has this particular 7-11 been at the center of crap like this? Red Flag anyone?
it's scary what this city is
it's scary what this city is turning into.....a little rochester
I get the distinct feeling
I get the distinct feeling there is more to this story than is being reported. I find it hard to believe that this was a random crime.
Could be wrong of course, but
Could be wrong of course, but I agree with Tom Hunt.
I also think there is more.
I also think there is more. First of all, why would you not go into the store for help and have them call 911 instead of driving around and having to flag someone down!
This isn't the first time
This isn't the first time things have been going on around at this 7 Eleven. It's gotten pretty hairy of here. Several times now people confronted by kids asking for money. Kids running the street at all hours. I won't even go out after dark now. Remember it wasn't too long ago those kids shot a bb gun at another kid? SMH
Ed Hartgrove,
Ed Hartgrove,
Hearken-the 7-Eleven is a known and recognized trouble spot in the City and x-amount monies spent on greater POLICE PRESENCE may deter, discourage or prevent thugs with evil in their hearts from congregating and stabbing people in a venue of “easy pickings” where money is exchanged for goods and services.
People are rarely robbed in a Police Station or in the presence of the Police.
X-amounts of budget monies, wisely and responsibly spent for the installation of crime surveillance cameras in this known trouble spot to identify thugs and discourage the same.
When the Police arrive after the fact, they are reactive presence, and concurrently when they are there, they are a preventive presence. X-amounts of budget money spent for a raise for the City Manager or cotton candy spending will do neither.
So... Am I to believe that
So... Am I to believe that you would like police officer(s) to be stationed around/outside of said 7-11 full-time, or, only during hours of darkness? Not saying the "unwanted element" are the most intelligent people around, but, wouldn't the average person, even a crook, wait for the police to leave?
And, this is the 3rd time I've heard the "cotton candy" expression used in this thread.
Is there something going on up there, that I don't know about? Someone have a sweet tooth?
Here is an example of “cotton
Here is an example of “cotton candy spending” or if you prefer, what many here understood by that mentioned expression; tax money used for wasteful and frivolous spending; although your mentioned sweet tooth might include ice cream for a few dozen people at the most.
From April 1, 2014, to March 31, 2015, a private group called Vibrant Batavia wasted $38,004.07 of our tax money. They spent (73%) $27,879.69 in overhead; mostly on a salary for a part-time person; and $10,124.38 for events like pizza block parties and ice cream socials.
During that period of time, crime didn’t go down; it went up. Use that tax money or any money allocated for unnecessary frivolous spending such as this when we have a serious crime problem in the city, and use it for a greater police presence and crime surveillance cameras in high crime areas such as the 7-Eleven.
You are correct; the unwanted element (crook) is not the most intelligent people around, however, neither are they average.
Should I assume that when you ask me (“Am I to believe that you would like police officer(s) to be stationed around/outside of said 7-11 full-time, or, only during hours of darkness?”) that you, Ed, are of the opinion that we shouldn’t have greater police presence such as enhanced and staggered patrols in high crime areas as the 7-Eleven, or any patrols because it wouldn’t make any difference whatsoever?
Richard, don't forget the
Richard, don't forget the flowers to hang on the streetlights. I don't think the flowers ever stopped a crime.
Ed.....do you live here? Do
Ed.....do you live here? Do you shop at 7-11 or even drive by it on a regular basis? If you don't then why are you questioning people that do about where they want police to patrol and why? You have no idea how often police are or are not somewhere in this city.
You sarcasm about wanting police there 24/7 sounds arrogant and foolish as does your opinions of what we are displeased about our city council members are spending money on.
Perhaps when you have skin in the game so to speak someone will give your discussion points credibility, until then they amount to "farts in the wind"
Kyle has a great point. Ed is
Kyle has a great point. Ed is listed as living in Florida. Hard to know the day to day issues of things at a 7-11 here in Batavia from down there.
John; I didn’t know Ed lives
John; I didn’t know Ed lives in Florida,and that explains much.....too much sun perhaps? Flowers need water and sunshine. You’re correct about the flower pots on Main Street. It’s a shame we’re planting flowers in flower pots when we have perfectly good potholes throughout the City to plant flowers in for everyone to enjoy.
Hey, I live in Texas. Anyone
Hey, I live in Texas. Anyone with half a brain gets the hell out of Batavia as soon as they have a driver's license, unless they want to lose it.
Kyle, Rich. John is correct.
Kyle, Rich. John is correct. I live in Florida, now.
So, no, Kyle, I don't shop at 7-11 or even drive by it on a regular basis. So, I don't have MY "skin in the game", so to speak! But, I DO have family members that live in Batavia (the city), and, likewise, have many friends that also live there. On top of that, I have many more family members that shop in Batavia. So, yes, I believe I have "skin in the game". One doesn't have to actually live somewhere to be worried about the safety of those that do.
As for people complaining about what their "gov't' spends, it's incumbent on THEM to work for change, as best they can.
As I've pointed out, several times in the past, NY is out of control.
I don't have the exact figures I quoted a week or two ago, but, NY legislators earn somewhere around $80,000 for their "service". Compare that with New Hampshire legislators, who earn $100/year, as their salary. Or, try Florida, where their legislators earn $29,697/year + per diem. Did you know there's no state income tax in Florida? Did you ever wonder why? Well, part of the reason is because we (down here) don't have to pay over-priced legislators.
Did you ever wonder why Cuomo is pushing for a minimum wage of 15 dollars? Stop and think about how much more tax money NY will suck out of it's taxpayers, if the wages go up. The more NY'ers earn, the more the "gov't" can extrude from them. Do you honestly feel you're getting more/better services as the NY gov't gets more tax money, year after year? Are your roads, bridges, etc. being repaired any quicker?
Want to see which direction NY is heading. Just look at Detroit. As one talk-show guest put it, Detroit is a microcosm of what's happening all around this country. And, why? I believe a large part of that answer is because of the way the "progressives" push their policies. Hell, Bernie Sanders wants state colleges & universities to be tuition-free. Well, I've got news for you. Tuition-free sounds great, to the college enrollee, but, those professors and deans aren't gonna work for FREE. Somebody's gonna have to pay their salaries. Somebody's gonna have to pay the heat bill in the colleges. Somebody's gonna have to pay the guys cutting the grass, cleaning the windows. Where, pray tell, do you think THAT money's gonna come from? (Hint: TAXES)
But, it's like talking to the wall. Keep putting "progressives", like Cuomo, and Schumer, and Obama, and Hillary, and "Bernie" in office. It's all coming to a head. I'm glad I'm 68 years old. I MIGHT (probably won't, but MIGHT) be gone, before this great idea that our nation's fathers dreamed of falls into total collapse. I feel bad for my younger family members, but there isn't much I can do about it. I vote who I think is best to get us back on track, but, truthfully, I doubt that I'll be voting for the one that wins this November.
Interestingly, I heard a "left-wing media" commentator ask Hillary whether she was worried that she might "come under indictment" for her "email 'indiscretions' ", and she said that wasn't even a possibility, so she wasn't gonna even respond to the question. I think she's right. Pretty much like Trump said a couple weeks back, I think Hillary could stand up in broad daylight, on Broadway, and shoot/kill the president, and she wouldn't even be indicted. I think the "fix is in", and nothing anyone does can change it.
Here's one to think about. California allows people to use their CA driver's licenses for proof to vote. And, CA also allows illegal aliens (oops, sorry, "undocumented workers") to get CA driver's licenses. And, there's NO designation on said licenses that states whether the person is a U.S. citizen or not. Do you not think THAT is ripe for voter fraud? Yep, THE FIX IS IN!
Well, I live by the 7 Eleven.
Well, I live by the 7 Eleven... I also know there wasn't bad things happening until about 4 months ago. Police presence has only shown up when they are called. I have seen them patrol occasionally. Not in the neighborhood though. This neighborhood USED to be pretty quiet until that time. Now? Now I won't go out after dark unless I'm protected!
outdoor camera's at the store
outdoor camera's at the store people......its that simple
Geez - I noticed the "thumbs
Geez - I noticed the "thumbs-down" I received for my last comment.
C'mon, people. I really appreciate your concern for my ultimate demise, but, hey, we all gotta go, sometime. Please don't cry for me - Argentina's!
How`s the "high end" housing
How`s the "high end" housing across the street coming along? I was criticized for my comments on that a while back but like I said then, no doctors, lawyers or high end people are going to rent a place in this neighborhood long. I lived in that area for 8 years and witnessed more crap than you could believe. Drug deals, prostitution pickups, attempted burglaries, etc. That whole area between Gcasa and 7/11 is a bad spot and has been for years.