If our home was located in the Southwestern U.S. I would take a hard look at solar. With the lack of sunny days here, solar makes little sense for the installation cost. Even with ideal conditions, you are looking at more than 12 years to break even. Unless you are a big fan of feed-in tariffs and taxpayer funded incentives, other energy sources might be better suited to our area.
If I cover my roof in Solar
If I cover my roof in Solar Panels I can grow medicine in a spare bedroom.
If our home was located in
If our home was located in the Southwestern U.S. I would take a hard look at solar. With the lack of sunny days here, solar makes little sense for the installation cost. Even with ideal conditions, you are looking at more than 12 years to break even. Unless you are a big fan of feed-in tariffs and taxpayer funded incentives, other energy sources might be better suited to our area.
Approaching retirement,
Approaching retirement, subsequent downsizing and lack of sunny days .. No