The VFW Post in Batavia is in a poor state of repair, and Rep. Chris Collins is pushing legislation that could help the post, and veteran's service organizations throughout the country.
Collins highlighted his legislation today with an appearance at the post.
Incoming Post Commander Ronald Jackett gave a tour of the building, with it's stained and missing ceiling tiles, corroded bathrooms and peeling paint.
Jackett estimates repairs -- including a new roof -- will cost $40,000.
To help raise funds for repairs, the post is selling tickets for a Harley-Davidson raffle, but he certainly welcomes the proposal being pushed by Collins to make Community Development Block Grant funds available to the nation's veterans services groups for building repairs and upgrades.
"Many of these organizations, such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion are able to fund themselves by offering their facilities for special events such as birthdays and weddings," Collins said. "Their facilities serve as community centers, bringing neighbors and families together for special events. These organizations should have the ability to repair their existing facilities and further ensure the safety of those using them for special occasions and gatherings.
Collins said by using CDBG funds, the program draws from an existing expenditure, rather than creating new spending that would add to the federal budget deficit.
Wherever the money comes from, it would certainly be welcome, Jackett said.
"I don't know how we're going to do on this motorcycle raffle," Jackett said. "It's very slow going. It's very important. If we don't get enough off this motorcycle raffle, we're going to be looking everywhere else we can to try to get funding."
The post hasn't been able to use its kitchen for more than a year. It used to be an important source of revenue, generating as much as $1,000 a week in sales.
The Harley is routinely on display at Chesley Auto on East Main Street, Batavia, where raffle tickets may be purchased.
The bill sponsored by Collins is similar to one introduced by other members of Congress in previous sessions, but never passed.

After their appearance at the VFW, Collins and Assemblyman Steve Hawley visited Ken Barrett Chevrolet, which was hosting a recruitment drive for the county's veterans' groups, with WBTA broadcasting from the dealership.
I am a Vet. I reside at a
I am a Vet. I reside at a local Senior Facility. Many resident here are Vets. Mostly Korea, and Viet Nam. Many are already members of the VFW, and publicly admit they haven't been there in a long time. Mainly due to aging, Health problems, Transportation problems, and last but not least money problems. I do not understand a Harley Motorcyle raffle? They are very nice and I wish I had one, but in Batavia(an aging community) I don't understand that prize. Money, Gas Cards, Bus Passes, and I am sure many other more practical prizes might have been more inticing. But I wish them well, and no I, won't be buying a Harley Ticket.
As far as Federal Funds. I
As far as Federal Funds. I can find many wastes of money Now!! This would be for a good cause. BUT, where do we draw the line.?? Do we fund every worthwhile organization that has their facility needing repairs?? That may be just mismanaged or corrupt. . ( I am not accusing the VFW of that) Who will determine the need and worthiness??
Fred, the Harley raffle is
Fred, the Harley raffle is apt to sell more tickets for the drawing and raise more money to go towards the aging hall, than prizes like gas cards, bus passes, etc.
The winner of the Harley can always put it up for sale, just saying.
The raffle is choice of
The raffle is choice of Harley or $10k in cash.
I hope you are right, and I
I hope you are right, and I do wish them well.
Harley raffles always do well
Harley raffles always do well
From the looks of some of the
From the looks of some of the photographs I'd say there is an obvious dereliction of simple housekeeping at the Edwards St Post. I'd be hard-pressed to agree to government money being thrown at an operation that so poorly managed. I'm not sure this is a reasonable service providing for our veterans?
I have a Question and I also
I have a Question and I also have a question of ethics on the Harley Davidson Raffle -- I originally purchased tickets for this VFW Post Harley Raffle and the DATE on my ticket says the drawing will be Saturday May 30th 2015 why was the drawing date moved out to Aug 29th when the most of the riding season is GONE already ? seems to me the Ethics here is in question the VFW isn't selling enough tickets so lets postpone the drawing until we have enough money -- POOR MANAGEMENT of designated Event -- and now they want the state to bail them out ????
Out of the ticket sales money, they have to pay for the bike, a 2015 Sportster starts at about $10k.
As stated before, the prize is the bike or $10k in cash(taxable income of course to the winner).
Raymond that being a Fact
Raymond that being a Fact that I am aware of BUT the tickets I have say the drawings are Saturday May 30th 2015 --- NOWHERE does it state that the Raffle will not be held on that date due to insufficient ticket sales -- So I am blaming the head of the ticket sales and post officers for false advertising and BAD ethics for changing the date of the drawings to August 29th -- what about all the tickets that were sold to people out of the area that are NOT aware of the CHANGE in dates has EACH one of them been Contacted and told of the CHANGE -- I Think NOT -- all of those tickets have names and telephone numbers on them -- so where is the Honesty in the VFW's change in plans for the drawings ????????????
Mike, the tickets are $20
Mike, the tickets are $20 each, so to take in $20000 they would have to sell 1000 tickets, with a goal of retaining a $10000 profit from the raffle, since $10000 is needed for the prize(bike or cash).
Are you saying the VFW should not try to sell the 1000 they need to in order to make a profit from the raffle, and should settle for breaking even just to satisfy one whiner?
Take your ticket back for a refund(lol) if you're that shallow of a person that is.
Raymond here is the Ticket that I purchased for the VFW raffle -- I know that the VFW is trying to make money by this raffle and I'm well aware of the cost payouts to that organization. BUT my point is STILL the date of the drawing has changed without notice to ticket holders such as myself and who knows how many others. SCENARIO -- May 30th 100 motorcycles pull into the VFW parking lot expecting a drawing for a new Harley to take place as well as the Cash prizes only to be told "NO DRAWING TONIGHT " UMmm that would be some Unhappy people --- I'm guessing Raymond that you may have an interest in this Raffle as an Officer of the VFW or member or maybe Raffle Committee because all you are defending is the COST that the VFW will have to incur for this raffle -- I am Questioning the DATE CHANGE and the ethics of it -- if THAT makes me a WHINER as you say then so be it