Submitted photo and press release:
Earlier this month the SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) Student Club at Genesee Community College announced it would host the its first-ever drag show, "The Battle in Batavia," on Saturday, March 30, in the Batavia Campus's Stuart Steiner Theatre.
On Friday, the contest judges were named. Presiding over inaugural show will be:
- Gregory Hallock, Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council executive director;
- Rachel Kropczynski, owner of Monroe's Boutique;
- Thomas Priester, Ph.D., GCC associate vice president of Student Success;
- Kristen Schuth, GCC athletic director;
- Donna Rae Sutherland, GCC associate director of Marketing Communications;
- A sixth Drag Show Contest judge is yet to be named.
On Thursday, one of the professional show participants, Cassanova Theking (on left in photo above), was on campus to help to promote the show, and generate awareness of LGBTQ (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Questioning) community as well as support GCC's new scholarship program.
All proceeds from the drag show will fund the College's first and only LGBTQ Scholarship, which will provide financial assistance to eligible students facing emergency situations, or helping to offset financial hardships by covering the cost books, tuition, child care, or other obstacles to academic success. The scholarship will be available to students of the LBGTQ community at GCC facing such hardships and is the first of its kind.
"The Battle in Batavia" will feature a drag queen and king competition where professional drag artists from Buffalo and Rochester will skirmish amongst amateur drag queens and kings from the campus community.
Anyone interested in entering the fun-filled competition under the Amateur and GCC Alumni categories can easily sign up and there is no cost to enter. Click here to sign up.
The show begins at 6 p.m. with a reception in the Lobby of the Stuart Steiner Theatre where attendees can meet some of the contestants already in character. Refreshments will be provided.
At 7 p.m., the battle is on! Each contestant will perform his or her piece to music of their choosing. There will be two acts, and during the intermission a question-and-answer session will allow the audience to interact with the stars of the show.
Purchasing advance tickets is strongly advised! A single advance seat is just $5 in advance or $6 at the door, if available.
Discounted group rates are also available. A group of 10-19 people is $40; and a group of 20 or more people is $75. Tickets are available by calling (585) 345-6836; or emailing Kate Trombley, director of the TRIO Adult Educational Opportunity Center and advisor for GCC's Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) kbtrombley@genesee.edu; or by stopping by Office D208 at GCC's Batavia Campus.
This show is recommended for mature audiences only as it may include strong language or sexual innuendo.
Those not interested in competing, or unable to attend -- but who would like to support the important cause, can contribute as a sponsor or make a charitable donation. In addition, volunteers are being sought to work at the event and will receive free admission to the show. For further information contact Katherine Trombley, director of GCC's Adult Educational Opportunity Center at aeoc@genesee.edu or by calling (585) 343-0055, ext. 6836.
Next will be the pedo &
Next will be the pedo & necrophilia ball. WT...
This crap is getting out of
This crap is getting out of hand! You can`t turn the tv on at night anymore without seeing a gay reference. Now, they think they need to have a drag show at the college? This country has completely lost it`s mind!
Lower the voting age, amnesty
Lower the voting age, amnesty for all. Fanoches on tv. Two and half years - No Collusion. Sympathy for Gang-Bangers. And The Band Played On....
Putting soy into virtually
Putting soy into virtually all processed foods is helping to feminise men and make them more docile. The constant psychological infusions from your television helps the process. I did away with tv years ago. I read every label and even then I try to eat local sourced everything. But they have control of the seed and pesticides which can also be used for the same purposes. If you think that is just conspiracy theories I suggest that you READ and research. If you think government wouldn't conspire against you, why did the founding fathers create so many protections?
Many studies show no effect on estrogen levels from eating soy. But that is very misleading as the sterols that mimic estrogen plug into receptors and create hormonal havoc.
I vote for this country has
I vote for this country has completely lost it's mind.
Soybeans? I thought the
Soybeans? I thought the problem was
fluoridation. https://youtu.be/Qr2bSL5VQgM. Or is it chem trails? Nope. The problem is ...... hate? Yes! That is the issue! Phew, Glad we solved that mystery.
I feel like I'm living in the
I feel like I'm living in the bizarro world. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the twilight zone.
Mr burns, i see you haven't
Mr burns, i see you haven't researched. What a suprise. Hate! Another catch phrase to stymie opinions, for those who have nothing to offer the conversation. I have a problem with my fellow Americans who are so enamored with themselves that they waste their time indulging every whim while ignoring the many serious problems we face. That includes many diversions other than those the characters in the article indulge.
I am sorry Daniel, I should
I am sorry Daniel, I should have been clear. You do not seem to motivated by hate, but fear and confusion instead.
I have read that soy lowers sperm count in men. Sperm count is not virility or manliness as you may think.
Interestingly enough soy may actually help women get pregnant and counter act BPH in their bodies. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/soy-rich-diet-may-of…
I do fear for my children,
I do fear for my children, grandchildren, other loved ones, as well as for my fellow Americans, and the planet. I also fear for those around the globe who are victimized in my, and in your name, and with our coin. I fear virtually nothing regarding my personal well being. I could be wrong regarding soy but I prefer to err on the side of caution since it's something I can control. Caution is much different than fear. It's a question of balance. I have little to no faith that our government will do the right thing. I've been around long enough, and been involved long enough to know that the vast majority of those elected to represent us have ulterior motives. From locals to the top echelons. You can slumber in ignorance or fight for right. I prefer to fight. My 1st political poem came shortly after that distinct decision:
I've lived the American dream many times, it doesn't soothe my troubled mind -- when your silence allows & abets the violence, how can you be forgiven -- the sickening images they refuse to show have left me dream shattered -- but driven -- so kill your TV and join with me - for the sake of all mankind, as your maker will never recuse from his duty --- to tell you your entrance ------- is declined.
Your own post in #9 says
Your own post in #9 says exactly what I told you. If soy decreases sperm count in men and increases fertility in women.... You can claim all you want there is no connection of those two results have nothing to do with maleness and femaleness but I'll stick with common sense. Also haaaavaad is a prolific producer of swamp vermin. Check here:
The Guardian is a respected source. I'd suggest that you James, are fearful and confused. Too fearful to face the realities of our corrupted government.
Soy does reduce testosterone.
Soy does reduce testosterone.
Many factors affect testosterone production in a male, including social/cultural behaviors and other environmental factors.
Testosterone is not the same as sperm production/fertility. They are linked, but not exclusively. Other factors can raise or lower sperm count.
Testosterone is linked to sexual desire but increasing testosterone won't necessarily raise sperm count.
The idea of some government conspiracy to emasculate men is laughable on its face, as are 98 percent of all conspiracy theories.
Step away from the Alex Jones. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/670/beware-the-jabberwock
Our corrupted government is
Our corrupted government is what we deserve, it goes hand in hand with our corrupted society. When morality wanes corruption fills the void,
I don't deserve their
I don't deserve their corruption. As far as conspiracy theories being laughable, I don't think the people who were unwittingly used as guinea pigs for std studies by our own government think conspiracies are funny. I don't think it's funny that large quantities of enriched uranium disappeared from a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania while under the leadership of one zalman shapiro, an American jew with numerous contacts with israeli intelligence. Check here wise guy:
And here:
And here: https://www.nytimes.com/1977/10/25/archives/rolling-stone-magazine-says…
And here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_…
The stolen Uranium was detected by our CIA in samples taken down wind from israel's Damona nuclear facility. Around the same time israel's then prime minister Ben-Gurion was bucking JFK's demands for inspection of that facility.
Let me state the obvious:
Let me state the obvious: there’s a difference between actual wrong doing and conspiracy theories. It’s the difference between facts and fantasy.
How about the conspiracy to
How about the conspiracy to destroy the whistle blowers who have stuck their necks out to inform us as to the conspiracy to hide our military atrocities? You don't seem to have much to say about Chelsea manning (who was held incommunicado and torchered for whistle blowing) being jailed recently for refusing to testify in "secret grand jury proceedings." Or the fact that the government is trying to frame Assange. Where is your indignation at such attacks on free speech & freedom of the press? Blind eye. Hmmmm. Seems more important to ponder raising the age to buy smokes. As though that would make a difference. That would be laughable if it weren't such a dereliction of duty, press man.
Facts about past egregious
Facts about past egregious behavior is a sincere indicator of future behavior. Especially when no-one is held accountable. In the immortal words of george bush junior, "fool me once, shame on uh, um, fool me duhhh...
This is the second time at
This is the second time at least Howard, that you have tried to connect me to alex jones. I tried to watch him once years ago and couldn't take it. I explained that the last time you tried to link me to him. Simple attempt to discredit by association. Or are you simply fantasizing? When you can't dispute facts....
Regarding comments #16 and
Regarding comments #16 and #17, let me introduce you to the fallacy of composition.
Also, the fallacy of association
There are no facts to dispute. So, yes, I feel like I'm arguing with Alex Jones.
And I feel like I'm arguing
And I feel like I'm arguing with a goebbels wannabe. The facts that I've presented, you have pretty much acquiesced on. You continue to argue because you don't like those facts. Here is an update on some of (an extremely small portion) the cia's insanely inhumane games with people:
This shows how our slimey conspiratorial government continues to deny and cover up the unimaginable horrific games they play on unsuspecting, innocent people. The fact that they dig in their heels to this day leads any reasonable person to believe that it continues. The "transformation" of Bradley Manning seems quite in line with the experimentation recounted by "our" victims portrayed in the film.
Still crickets on your "fellow informers?" joseph???
YOUR fallacy blah blah is
YOUR fallacy blah blah is another diversion from reality. "Fruit of the poison tree" is and has been such an accepted, staple concept, that it is, in itself a legal defense. I could go on for days citing government wrongdoings, top to bottom, wherein the purps were never redressed. As well as the queering of queries to achieve the same result.
"The ONLY thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke... as quoted by JFK.
I didn't acquiesce to
I didn't acquiesce to anything. I largely contradicted you by showing reality is more complex than simplistic conspiracy theories.
There's no fruit from a poison tree because of the fallacy of composition.
"fallacy blah blah ... " so you're admitting logic and reason mean nothing to you.
One of the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory is it's riddled with half-truths and logical fallacies. Without those props, they fall apart. So far, that's all you've presented.
"The ONLY thing necessary for
"The ONLY thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke... as quoted by JFK.
Which is why I fight against the evil of conspiracy theories. As a believer in facts, logic, and reason, I see misinformation meant to lead people astray and determinantal to civil society.
Name a half truth that I've
Name a half truth that I've expounded. I have admitted that I "could be wrong" regarding soy. Logic dictates, as I have documented, that the very real possibility exists that I'm right. Those government entities who perpetrated the psychological experiments on innocent people had uses in mind when the experiments were designed. You claimed in the past that you were a policeman at some point. Also I believe you were from California. The CIA has a long and storied history with California cops and LAPD in particular. Ever work for LAPD? How about the cia? Here's a taste of that reality;
This is a rudimentary rundown of "suspected" activities. The witnesses and authors cited are credible. Most of them don't merely suspect. Just another in a loooooong line of misdeeds.
Still crickets on your fellow informers. Very unbecoming to ignore the plight of truly heroic truth tellers who are under the gun by our corrupted government. But then that's a running thread with our corrupted media.
Admitting you "Could be wrong
Admitting you "Could be wrong" about soy after making the statements you did is irresponsible. It is the same as asking "Do you still beat your wife", then later admitting that maybe he does not beat the wife at all.
Howard is spot on about the Alex Jones comparison. The half truths and illogical fallacies that are spread by your type are quite dangerous.
And by the way, kudos to
And by the way, kudos to Howard and The Batavian for even posting this photo and press release. I am sure it was known that it would stir up some and cause a debate on some level. If this appeared in San Francisco or NYC it would not even result in a raised eyebrow. To be posted on here for the people of GLOW is an admirable move and is quite commendable.
It all seems pretty simple to
It all seems pretty simple to me, if a drag show offends you, don't go to a drag show.
None so blind as those who
None so blind as those who will not see. Criticizing the government around here is bound to garner scorn, since the government employs half of all employees in the county. It is that simple David, as it is that simple to ignore my comment. Scott any statement "could be wrong." I've put forth very sound reasoning as to my statement. Irresponsible is to ignore the consistent behavior of our corrupted government in the face of constant and consistent criminality. I never complained about the article appearing, it's obviously news. I do absolutely think that Howard's failure to address the issues of our whistleblowers is egregious. As well as the failure to address the United Nations condemnation of Israel's murder spree on the Palestinian protesters. Including the murder of a clearly marked nurse and the targeting of children, journalists, and the disabled. For some reason I have the overwhelming sense that these things should be more of interest than the drags. And if they're not more important, you should be deeply ashamed.
Who cares, we need to be more
Who cares, we need to be more tolerant. No one is forcing anyone to attend, nor is any lifestyle being crammed down anybody's throat. Live and let live. May God grant me the knowledge to change the things I can, accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference. Really quite simple.
Boy, Daniel you really know
Boy, Daniel you really know how go off topic. We post about some silly cabaret performance and you wind up at the United Nations and heinous global acts and vast corruption. You ought to consider laughing more. Might I suggest a Sinbad standup routine on YouTube or a Laurel and Hardy talking picture perhaps.
Thanks for the suggestion
Thanks for the suggestion Billie. I Thought I threw some humor in along the way with the george bush junior "fool me once." But I guess some people actually like him and probably didn't laugh like I did. Your lightheartedness also gave me a few chuckles. Salute, blessed are the peace makers.
The march of the blissful
The march of the blissful Batavians.
Watch "Ron Paul: Deep State ‘more powerful than presidents’" on YouTube
Watch "Israel Beyond Apartheid - Susan Abulhawa, Keynote" on YouTube