A house fire with heavy smoke and flames showing is reported at 37 Maple St. in the city. Fire crews are on scene. The road is shut down at Jackson and Maple. A resident has told a dispatcher she is going into the residence to retrieve her purse and she was adamently told not to do so. A second alarm is called.
Mercy medics are en route. Command says everybody's out of the house and they have water on the fire.
UPDATE 10:44 a.m.: National Fuel is called to the scene to shut off the natural gas pipeline. Two Town of Batavia engines called to stand by in quarters. Darien Rescue is called for mutual aid and Alexander's Fast team, too.
UPDATE 10:48: Mercy medics are standing by at Maple and Evans streets.
UPDATE 10:57 a.m.: Town of Batavia Engine #24 is called to the scene.
UPDATE 11:21 a.m.: Command asks dispatch to call for an inspector.
UPDATE 11:41 a.m.: A grandmother who has been renting the house for three years says the fire started outside but they don't know how it happened. She was inside with her grandchild, daughter and son and they all made it out safely. She had multiple pets and believes two of her dogs perished in the blaze and she is uncertain about the fate of her cats. She lost everything inside and had no renter's insurance. More T/K.
UPDATE 1:38 p.m.: The scene is turned over to the caretaker of the property and the city assignment is back in service.

City Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano comforts Bentley Sherman, who lived at the residence with his mother and grandmother.