Press release:
The Genesee County 4-H Program would like to thank all of the businesses, families and friends who supported the 47th Annual Genesee County 4-H Market Animal Auction.
The auction was held Thursday, July 20th at the Genesee County Fair. Market goats, lambs, steers and hogs that were raised by local 4-H members were auctioned by William Kent Inc. The results of the auction are as follows:

(Melissa Keller with her Champion market goat.)
Champion Market Goat
Exhibited by Melissa Keller
Purchased by Pumpkin Hill Veterinary Clinic, Byron
Reserve Champion Market Goat
Exhibited by Cody Ehrmentraut
Purchased by Crossen’s Christmas Tree Farm, Basom

(Madelynn Pimm with her Champion market lamb.)
Champion Market Lamb
Exhibited by Madelynn Pimm
Purchased by Reisdorf Oil & Propane, Batavia
Reserve Champion Market Lamb
Exhibited by Melissa Keller
Purchased by Crossen’s Christmas Tree Farm, Basom

(Morgan Hofheins with her Champion market steer.)
Champion Market Steer
Exhibited by Morgan Hofheins
Purchased by Paul Marshall Produce, Elba
Reserve Champion Market Steer
Exhibited by Shianne Foss
Purchased by Alden State Bank, Alden

(Hudson Weber with his Champion market hog.)
Champion Market Hog
Exhibited by Hudson Weber
Purchased by The Red Osier Landmark Restaurant, Stafford
Reserve Champion Market Hog
Exhibited by Raegan Weber
Purchased by Kreher’s Farm Fresh Eggs, Clarence
The Genesee County 4-H Program would also like to extend a special thank you to the following businesses and friends for their donations to the 4-H livestock program this year: Baskin Livestock, Cedar Street Sales & Rentals, HTI Recycling LLC, Nutreco USA Inc., Purina Animal Nutrition, Scott Adams Trucking, Stephen Hawley & Assoc. LLC, The Nesbitt Family, Tompkins Bank of Castile and William Kent Inc.