This cat is named Ferdy. Ferdy is missing. He is visiting relatives on Brookville Road in Alexander, in the Old Creek Road area, while his mommy is in the hospital.
As you can see, he is a very large, long-haired orange and white male. Would you believe at times, as depicted here, he is not particularly motivated?
But, then again, freedom can be a powerful motivator.
Perhaps we'll never know if he had been hatching plans to leave captivity and for how long.
What it known is that, according to his temporary nanny Elizabeth Crittenden, "he popped the screen out of the window and escaped," in the predawn hours -- between 2 and 6 a.m. -- Wednesday.
Stealthily, in the dead of night, when all were sleeping soundly. This one is clever. Either that, or Ferdy clumsily fell to earth while lolling around on the window sill. He left, but since this is not his regular stomping grounds, he may not be familiar with the lay of the land and how to return, says a worried Crittenden.
The timing is suspect; the feline may have festive plans afoot for Labor Day Weekend. (An anonymous source told The Batavian he has a reputation as a bit of a bon vivant.)
Crittenden and her kin are hoping you'll report him without hestitation if you should spot him in your environs. This would foil Ferdy's fun, but he and his family and caretakers will be the better for it.
Crittenden's number is 585-590-2657.
UPDATE Sept. 2: At about 10:30 last night, Crittenden says "He just showed up on the back deck as casual as ever!" No fanfare, no "Burning Man" blowout for Labor Day, no tearjerker rescue story. Just chillin' in Alexander and wondering why all the fuss...