Atticus the Cat missing around Hull Park and Ross Street in Batavia

Submitted photo.
Photo and information from reader Kayla Twardowski:
My sister Crystal Ishmael's dog went missing Monday morning, Dec. 14, on Alexander Road between Pike Road and Rose Road in Batavia.
Her dog is a Chihuahua, tan in color with white paws. She's 11 years old. Her name is Lady.
My sister's phone number is (585) 356-9774. She is very worried about her and wants her back home. Lady is her support animal. ... Just trying to put the word out there.
Sam managed to get his doggie door unlocked and then wandered off.
At about 4:15 p.m., Saturday, a man was seen trying to get him from the side of the road near a neighbor's house, according to a witness who contacted Debbie Douglas, and so that couple stopped to help him. The man said he was going to check with the farm down the road to see if the dog belonged there and if not, he would take the dog to the shelter.
Debbie has contacted the animal shelters in Genesee and Wyoming counties and Sam is at neither shelter.
The man who picked up Sam is described as older, with a thin build, gray hair, tattoos on both arms and driving a red Chrysler Pacifica. The witnesses are almost certain that he has a gray beard also.
"We just really want to find him," Debbie said. "We appreciate that someone cared enough to pick him up and is taking care of him."
If you can assist in getting Sam home, call Debbie Douglas at (585) 356-0820 or Tom Douglas at (585) 356-0824. I am attaching photos.
UPDATE 10:18 p.m.: Sam is home safe. A couple from Medina had him and returned him.
No, readers, your eyes do not deceive you. This photo is of a missing Siamese cat -- the very one and the same Siamese cat we alerted you to on Monday, July 23.
Little Mr. Smarty Britches -- actually his name is Kia, which is pronounced K-eye with a long i -- escaped his habitat again and is missing for the second time this week.
He is about 4 years old and is described as having "blue eyes, light brown body, black face."
He has been summering on Elmwood Avenue in the city at his owner's mother's house, in other words, at his grandma's place. His usual digs are in Spencerport, which goes a long way in explaining his wanderlust while in Batavia.
Spencerport is a village along the Erie Canal in the Town of Ogden. It is not a U.S. Top 10 micropolitan City like Batavia, with its enviable small-worldliness. So much to see and do! Whew!
At any rate, his grandma fetched him from his brief stint in the clink, otherwise known as the Genesee County Animal Shelter (a very fine place as far as shelters go). You'll recall he was put there by Batavia's finest, who intuited that this well-cared-for feline must belong to somebody.
But his return was shortlived. No doubt he spent the bulk of his time behind bars scheming on his next moves. And sure enough, the warm "welcome back home" had barely worn off, when he took the first opportunity to slip out the door -- and with dazzling speed, faster than you can say "lighting bug."
This reporter called his owner today, Shawn Bowman, and told him: "I see a pattern here."
"A pattern?" he replied.
"Yes, this is the second time in a week..."
Bowman was advised, that if his mother's neighbors succeed in spotting Kia and he gets back into the household's good graces, he should go to the Hogs for Paws event at Stan's Harley-Davidson on Aug. 11. At the benefit for the local shelter animals, he can get Kia microchipped and get a pet ID tag. He can buy a break-away collar from Genesee Feeds, which isn't far away, or maybe at Hogs for Paws, and voila! the Siamese mystery becomes less mysterious in the event of a three-peat.
Meanwhile, let's keep our eyes peeled. Even the mailman has been asked to keep a scout's eye out for Little Mr. Smarty Britches.
If you see the missing-found-missing-again cat from the Elmwood Avenue area, please call Shawn Bowman at 356-3680 or email him at
(Photo of Kia, courtesy of Shawn Bowman.)
This cat is named Ferdy. Ferdy is missing. He is visiting relatives on Brookville Road in Alexander, in the Old Creek Road area, while his mommy is in the hospital.
As you can see, he is a very large, long-haired orange and white male. Would you believe at times, as depicted here, he is not particularly motivated?
But, then again, freedom can be a powerful motivator.
Perhaps we'll never know if he had been hatching plans to leave captivity and for how long.
What it known is that, according to his temporary nanny Elizabeth Crittenden, "he popped the screen out of the window and escaped," in the predawn hours -- between 2 and 6 a.m. -- Wednesday.
Stealthily, in the dead of night, when all were sleeping soundly. This one is clever. Either that, or Ferdy clumsily fell to earth while lolling around on the window sill. He left, but since this is not his regular stomping grounds, he may not be familiar with the lay of the land and how to return, says a worried Crittenden.
The timing is suspect; the feline may have festive plans afoot for Labor Day Weekend. (An anonymous source told The Batavian he has a reputation as a bit of a bon vivant.)
Crittenden and her kin are hoping you'll report him without hestitation if you should spot him in your environs. This would foil Ferdy's fun, but he and his family and caretakers will be the better for it.
Crittenden's number is 585-590-2657.
UPDATE Sept. 2: At about 10:30 last night, Crittenden says "He just showed up on the back deck as casual as ever!" No fanfare, no "Burning Man" blowout for Labor Day, no tearjerker rescue story. Just chillin' in Alexander and wondering why all the fuss...
Please help us find our beloved cat Charlie who lives at the Genesee County Nursing Home and has been missing for about a week! Residents and staff miss him dearly!
Please contact Peggy Cook or Amy Mazerbo @ 585-344-0584.
Please! Please! Please! Ella Grace and her two sisters are very sad. Their new cat Syler is missing and was picked up near their home on Raymond Road, across from the Genesee County Park in mid to late July.
Syler just had three kittens, who now have no mother. Syler wants to come home.
Please find it in your heart to return her, no questions asked. You stopped at our neighbor's home but he did not realize that she was ours. Our whole family misses her dearly.
UPDATE 11:20 a.m., Tuesday: Syler has just arrived home. Syler was found July 27 on Lovers Lane by Jack Mirrione. Mirrione, a Byron resident, said the cat was in "pretty bad shape" he found her. Somebody had taped all four of her legs together and two of her legs were still taped when he found her. A skunk had sprayed her. He took the cat home and cleaned her up and fed her and was taking care of her when he saw this post and called Syler's family.
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