Under the state Agriculture & Markets law, Article 26, Section 353, the charge is a Class A misdemeanor. If found guilty, a defendant faces jail time of more than 15 days but not greater than one year. In addition, a fine of up to $1,000 can be imposed.
Frens was in court this morning wearing eyeglasses, a bright purple jacket, black cargo pants, black boots, and when her name was called, she stood unsmiling before Batavia Town Court Judge Michael Cleveland. An associate from the law firm of Friedman & Ranzenhofer, attorney Samuel Alba, accompanied her to the bench.
The prosecution requested and was granted a postponement in the dog neglect case so they could interview an animal control officer. Thus, it's now on the Batavia Town Court calendar for 1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 28.
Previously, on Oct. 22, the matter was held over so Frens could provide more documentation, ostensibly of her efforts to aid the 3-year-old Labrador retriever mixed breed prior to her arrest by State Police on July 10.
Maya was found by Frens' neighbors across the street from her Pearl Street Road home on July 9. They called the law after discovering the canine standing feebly by the roadside. The neighbors said the dog was extremely dehydrated and malnourished; it drank four bottles of water and ate multiple bowls of food right away. They said the dog's paws were in such bad shape it could barely walk.
Frens, who is in her mid-50s, went to retrieve the animal from the shelter the following day but was arrested instead (mugshot, inset photo).
Maya was subsequently diagnosed with multiple skin infections, mange, double ear infections that left her only able to hear a dog whistle, and uncut nails so long they were cutting into the pads of her paws.
Maya's very poor physical condition was caused by neglect, according to Volunteers for Animals, citing veterinary reports.
Maya was adopted a couple of months ago after vets and the volunteers got her health back on track.