The Le Roy Police Department arrested a 47-year-old parolee who is thought to be responsible for the rash of larcenies from vehicles over the past few months.
Andrew L. Kosiorek, of 61 Myrtle St., Le Roy, (inset photo left) was arrested Wednesday, July 3, at about 11 p.m. after he was seen by an alert citizen allegedly prowling the North Street area of the village, attempting to enter numerous vehicles and actually entering at least two vehicles stealing items from within.
The alert citizen called 9-1-1 and directed the responding patrols to an area of South Street where Kosiorek had walked. Kosiorek was detained and then arrested by the patrols and allegedly found in possession of property recently stolen from vehicles on Church Street and North Street. Kosiorek was also allegedly found to be in possession of a crack cocaine pipe.
Based on other information gathered throughout this investigation, the Le Roy Police Department believes that Kosiorek is the person responsible for the rash of larcenies which has been steadily increasing since May 4.
Kosiorek was charged with two counts of misdemeanor criminal possession of stolen property, three counts of misdemeanor attempted petit larceny and one count of misdemeanor criminal possession of controlled substance for the crack pipe.
Kosiorek was arraigned in Le Roy Town Court and put in Genesee County Jail in lieu of $3,500 cash bail.
The Le Roy Police Department wishes to thank the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, the New York State Police and the citizens of Le Roy who constantly partner with the Le Roy Police Department to help add extra eyes and ears to help protect our community.