BERGEN – The playground in Bergen’s Hickory Park has been really popular for decades, so when it became apparent the repairs needed would be incredibly costly, the Village Board and Mayor started looking for other solutions.
“We have replaced plastic parts in the past due to wear and tear and, unfortunately, vandalism, but replacement parts are becoming extremely expensive,” Mayor Anna Marie Barclay said. “In researching replacement costs for the playground, I found that, even with grant money, the cost would be between $30,000 and $40,000.”
Working with the DPW’s Zack Kuter, Barclay said they surveyed the playground for options. The structure was sturdy, so they decided to repaint it, rubber coat the walkways and use climbing ropes in place of damaged plastic tubes.
“Our staff will do the rubber coating, and the climbing ropes have been ordered,” Barclay said. “I asked members of the park committee to join me in painting the playground to further cut costs.”
On Sept. 14, Todd Cargill, Lynn Wilkins, Trustee Vickie Almquist and the mayor, all members of the Park Committee, painted from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with just time out for lunch.
“The playground is now a beautiful bright red,” Barclay said.
(Reader submitted photos.)