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Walnut Street man gets five years in prison for selling suboxone: 'I let drug addiction ruin most of my adult life'

By Billie Owens

A Walnut Street, Batavia, man who pled guilty to criminal possession of controlled substance, 4th, and criminal sale of a controlled substance, 4th, was sentenced today to five years in state prison.

Cody A. Bush, about 29, is a second felony offender. He admits that he sold a quantity of suboxone, a controlled substance, in and around the City of Batavia and the Town of Elba to an agent of the Local Drug Enforcement Task Force. He was already in jail on related charges with he was arrested in November on the Class C felonies.

His attorney, Thomas Burns, asked Acting Genesee County Court Judge Pietruszka to sentence him to two to two-and-a-half years in prison, with credit for time served, and the ability to avail himself to substance abuse treatment and other beneficial programs while incarcerated.

"He does suffer from a drug problem and an addiction," Burns said. "There is awareness that it is his responsbility...He admits he had no right to convey and sell the drug to another person."

Burns said his client struggles with "an inability to take himself away from controlled substances," and yet he is also responsible for parenting four children.

"I let drug addiction ruin most of my adult life," Bush told the judge when given a chance to speak before being sentenced. "For that I am ashamed and sorry."

In addition to a determinate prison sentence of five years and three years post-release supervision, Pietruszka sentenced him to 12 months in county jail, to run concurrently with the prison sentence, for criminal possession of a weapon, 4th.

Annual Mr. Batavia contest hits the BHS stage Friday evening

By Howard B. Owens

Article by Zachary Lee, an aspiring journalist and contestant in Mr. Batavia.

It’s finally here: the Mr. Batavia contest will be held at 7 p.m. April 15th — be there.

Mr. Batavia this year will be the biggest we’ve ever had; the occupancy of the auditorium at Batavia High School is around 800 and we intend to fill that to the point the auditorium doors are bursting.

Mr. Batavia is a community charity event; each candidate selects a nonprofit organization to represent with the charity of the contest the top three winners receiving money raised. In Mr. Batavia there are five different categories, each scored by selected judges from throughout the community. They are lip sync, talent, questionnaire, swimsuit, and tux walk. The guys also do a group dance in the beginning to get the audience hyped up for the contest.

Last year’s Mr. Batavia was probably one of the best we’ve ever produced here at BHS. Whether it was Brandon Smart’s Micheal Jackson tribute or Dylan Beckman’s dramatic reading of "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj, these performances were borderline legendary. The 12 candidates up for Mr. Batavia 2016 believe that they can do even better.

Lisa Robinson, event director and student government advisor said, “Mr. Batavia is an event where we raise money for community nonprofits. Everywhere this event gets larger and we believe this year will be easily our largest we’ve had. ”       

Here are the candidates and the nonprofit organizations they represent in the order they’ll perform:

  • Tyler Hale – Michael Napoleon Foundation
  • Noah Dobbertin – 25 Neediest
  • Adonis Davis – All Babies Cherished
  • Zachary Lee – Anna’s Wish
  • Trevor Sherwood – Batavia VA
  • Alex Mott – Golisano’s Children Hospital
  • Michael Hughes – Habitat for Humanity
  • Alex Canty – Volunteers for Animals
  • Ross Chua – Organization for Autism Research
  • Jake Kasmarek – Genesee Cancer Assistance
  • Josh Kurtz – Salvation Army
  • Dwayne Fonda -- American Red Cross

Mother of four facing up to 24 years in prison if she doesn't succeed in drug treatment program

By Howard B. Owens
      Laura Fletcher

A 42-year-old Batavia woman told Presiding County Court Judge Michael F. Pietruska that she's willing to risk the possibility of a 24-year prison term in exchange for one more shot at drug rehab.

Laura Fletcher, a mother of four with three still of school age, will need to stay on the straight and narrow for two years to avoid prison if she pleads guilty April 18 to a four-count grand jury indictment for allegedly dealing drugs.

She has two prior drug-dealing convictions.

"Looking at her history, that is quite a risk," Pietruska said.

Those two prior convictions are the reason, said ADA Will Zickl, that Fletcher shouldn't get another shot at drug treatment.

"There is a demonstratable objective history in this case that I think makes it a very poor argument to be made that she should be given a chance in this program," Zickl said.

In the indictment issued in November, Fletcher is accused of selling cocaine in May and June to agents of the Local Drug Task Force. She is charged with four Class B felonies, two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, and two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd.

She's been approved for the program by a panel in Erie County, along with a recommendation from a local counselor. 

Her attorney Lisa Kroemer argued that Fletcher is willing to assume a substantial risk, given her track record, that she's fully aware of the consequences of failure, and that she desperately wants to succeed in the program.

Fletcher could potential get a lighter prison term in a plea deal, instead of pleading guilty to all four counts of the indictment.

She tearfully told Pietruska she understood the risk, but was willing to take the chance for a new chance at a clean life.

Kroemer said Fletcher has had periods between arrests where she was able to maintain sobriety before succumbing to her addiction again.

The prior drug sales convictions were "simply to support her own addiction," Kroemer said. "It was not part of any profit-making scheme."

South Korean company will purchase solar wafers from 1366 Technologies

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd., (“Hanwha Q CELLS”) (NASDAQ: HQCL) and 1366 Technologies, Inc., (“1366”) today announced that they have entered into a supply agreement in which 1366 will supply up to 700 MW of wafers using 1366’s proprietary Direct Wafer™ technology to Hanwha Q CELLS over a five-year period.

This deal follows a year-long strategic partnership and collaborative R&D efforts to commercialize 1366’s Direct Wafer™ technology with Hanwha Q CELLS’ Q.ANTUM cell technology. 1366 will supply the wafers from its planned U.S. manufacturing facility in New York State, scheduled to be online in 2017.

The agreement ensues months of intense technical collaboration between the two companies during which a series of performance records for the Direct Wafer™ technology were achieved. Hanwha Q CELLS and 1366 jointly reached a maximum efficiency of 19.1% using Direct Wafer™products in Hanwha Q CELLS’ Q.ANTUM cell, as independently verified by the Fraunhofer ISE.

“This agreement with one of the world’s most respected and innovative solar manufacturers is, no doubt, a significant milestone for our business. It further demonstrates the compelling capabilities of the Direct Wafer™ technology and the readiness of this innovation, and establishes its long-term bearing on the industry,” said Frank van Mierlo, CEO of 1366 Technologies. “We’ve found a strong partner, Hanwha Q CELLS, and we are extremely proud of the work we’ve accomplished together.”

“This agreement aligns with our continuing efforts to bring about world leading technologies that enable solar energy to be more competitive and more affordable,” commented Seong-woo Nam, CEO of Hanwha Q CELLS.  “We are pleased with the progress we have made together during the past year and excited about the potential of 1366’s Direct Wafer™ products with Hanwha’s cell and module technologies to deliver further cost reductions and LCOE competitiveness to standard multi-crystalline wafer-based modules.”

Provided that 1366 meets certain terms and conditions related to its wafer qualification and timing of delivery as agreed by both parties, Hanwha Q CELLS’s commitment to purchase up to 700 MW of wafers over a period of five years will commence.

1366’s Direct Wafer technology is a transformative manufacturing process that offers significant advantages over traditional cast-and-saw wafer production technologies. The process makes wafers in a single step, pulling them directly from molten silicon instead of today’s multi-step, energy- and capital-intensive approach, resulting in significant wafer production cost savings.

Hanwha Q CELLS' Q.ANTUM technology is based on PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Cell) architecture and includes many additional technological features for maximum energy yield under real conditions. Q.ANTUM significantly enhances power output, low-light and temperature-behavior, while at the same time offering all of Hanwha Q CELLS' VDE certified quality standards like Anti-PID protection, Hot-spot protect, and Tra.Q laser marking.

Additional Note: Hanwha was part of a Series C funding round in 2010 that raised $20 million in venture capital to back 1366 Technologies. It was announced at that time that Hanwha planned to become a 1366 customer once production began. The latest available information online indicates that 1366 has raised more than $70 million from private investors.

Queen of Hearts BINGO winner gives back to her local community

By Steve Ognibene

I have been going for the last five weeks with my cousin Susie and knew it was in Envelope #1 said Cheryl Kowalik who’s tickets was drawn for a 50/50 chance to win the Queen of Hearts at last Friday Night Bingo.   The previous Friday April 1st there was still no winner after nearly one year has passed which narrowed the weekly drawing and two choices remained.  The event is held weekly at Resurrection Parish (St. Mary’s) church hall, 18 Ellicott St. Batavia. 

A huge line formed prior to the 430pm time when the doors opened said Cheryl who waited an hour to get her boards and tickets for the Queen.  Two weeks ago a friend of her had a ticket drawn but she did not pick number #1 which when she opened it and it was not the Queen, I felt like this was just reserved for me.  I was supposed to usher at Harvester 56 that night with my girlfriend Barb but knew from saying a lot of prayers, they would were heard and hopefully answered.

I won part of the split pot which was just before the queen that totaled $600.00 I split it with two other people and received two hundred dollars.  I went up at intermission and bought more tickets on the queen.  Already spent ten dollars but spent an additional fifteen on more tickets.  Two tickets that I saw that was left to chose from was 507 and 508 which I said that I will take those too.  Announcer Chad Zambito called the last three numbers being 507 and I said, It’s me, It’s me.  Once I stood up everyone who attended was excited and cheered me on, which I felt humbly thankful for a small community and did not get any negative comments spoke about.

I went up to Chad and said #1, #1, #1 please.  He said this woman knows exactly what she wants and when Kathy Goras opened the envelope with the queen revealed and I almost touched the ceiling which at my age I almost didn’t even think I could jump that high.  The total winning amount was $5904.00 after taxes Kowalik will get $4428.00.

Her future plans is to pay her some property taxes, donating to Batavia High Schools new foundation in her moms memory Ruth Kowalik who was a teacher at Jackson School so they have some start up money.  I have a girlfriend who I am donating money towards a dress for her daughter.  My birthday is this Thursday and treating my staff to lunch who I work with at Darien lake.  To Barb and Susie I am taking them to dinner at the Red Oiser.  My grandfather who helped build the church Ascension Parish on swan st. is in need of a roof .  the good lord provided me so I am donating some money towards their roof fund.

Photo above is business manager Marcia Huber handing Cheryl Kowalik her winnings at Resurrection Parish Rectory today.

Startup founder hopes to hop on the 'gig economy' rocket ship

By Howard B. Owens

A Le Roy resident has a fledgling tech startup he thinks has a chance to get big.

Billion dollar big,* he doesn't know, but he sees an opportunity and he's going for it. (*In the venture-capital investing world. a "unicorn" is a company with a billion-dollar valuation, and a "rocket ship" is a company that is growing fast.)

A couple of months ago, after much planning Antonio Calabrese launched Boonle, a site where aspiring graphic artists and other creative types can find entry-level projects and start building a resume. 

The concept is aimed at college students and new graduates, but anybody entering the workforce as a freelancer might find the site helpful, Calabrese said.

Small businesses without Madison-Avenue-type promotional budgets, as well as other startups, might also gravitate to the site for the chance to tap into some talent at little or no cost.

According to his research, the freelance market, also called the "gig economy" in today's digital parlance, is expected to become 40 percent of the nation's workforce in coming years. 

That's just a huge opportunity for a business like Boonle.

"I think we can harness a lot of that market because that's the newbie market, when things are starting out, and we plan on being that first stepping-stone for those entering the freelance market," Calabrese said. "I think we can own a big chunk of that."

So far, Calabrese, the company's sole owner and founder, has raised $100,000 in seed funding and is starting the search for another round of early-stage investors with a goal of raising from $500,000 to $1.5 million.

There's a lot of marketing needed to help get the word out about Boonle, especially on college campuses. He's hoping to complete a partnership deal soon with RIT, where he graduated from, and other colleges. He recently received applications from 25 students at universities around the nation willing to sign on as brand ambassadors to help sign up would-be freelancers. 

Calabrese came up with the idea for the business when he realized how hard it is for graduates who have yet to establish a professional portfolio to find work, and that there are a lot of smaller businesses that can't afford the rates experienced freelancers and agencies charge.

He acknowledges he's gotten a little criticism from those who think a site like Boonle lowers the fees digital designers and developers can charge, but he counters that the businesses that would pay more, and the designers who would charge more, aren't part of Boonle's target market.

"There is plenty of work to be done on projects that pay more," Calabrese said. "Those are the jobs that are still going to go to those with the skills to get higher-paying jobs."

Creative categories on the site range from logos and brochures to writing and photography and even music production. Basically, if you're a creator, you should be able to find a market for your work on Boonle.

"We're a platform to help people build a platform so they can eventually launch a career," Calabrese said.

Those looking for work set the price for the job, from free to something a bit more pricey, and then freelancers look at the job, decide if it's within their skill level, if the price is right for them at that stage, and then accept the assignment.

The potential employer has the option to reject the freelancer and the job goes back into the marketplace.

"The business can set the job for free if they don't have the budget for it, but the chances of it getting worked on go down if you set it for free," Calabrese said. 

If a business hires a particular freelancer, or several of them, they can present future projects to their pool of trusted freelancers, but the job goes out to the whole site if it isn't picked up within 48 hours.

On jobs that are paid, Boonle handles the transactions through PayPal, taking about a 30-percent cut, with a third of that covering PayPal's transaction fees.

In a future update, freelancers will be able to upgrade their accounts, once they've proven themselves, and get exclusive access to higher-paying jobs and avoid the fee being taken out for a small monthly subscription.

It's Calabrese's intention to keep his business based in Western New York. He's from Rochester with a lot of strong ties there, including ties to the tech-startup investing community, but he thinks as the business grows, wherever it's based in WNY, he won't have a hard time recruiting employees.

He said that while he was at RIT, a lot of students expressed an interest in staying in the area, even those not from here originally, but the kind of jobs they've been trained for are just in short supply in the area.

"When you're getting job offers from Google, Apple, LinkedIn and Facebook, who wants to stay in Rochester then?" he said. "But if there's a cool company here, and the cost of living is a lot less and we can still pay them somewhat competitive rates, then I think they would stay here."

Hawley: 'NYC liberals vote to keep energy bills high for New Yorkers'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

 Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today denounced Downstate members of the Assembly’s Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions who blocked legislation Hawley authored to eliminate an expensive surcharge on electricity bills in New York State.

Hawley has championed an initiative to eliminate the 18-A energy surcharge placed on utility companies and passed down to consumers since 2010.

“It is very troubling that Downstate politicians once again blocked an initiative that would have saved New Yorkers millions of dollars on their electricity bills,” Hawley said.

“In a state where property and income taxes are through the roof and Upstate jobs are disappearing, the middle class deserves a break. This is another example of the ongoing war to oppressively tax successful businesses, seniors and all New Yorkers.”

April is Sexually Transmitted Disease Awareness Month

By Billie Owens

Press release from Kristine Voos, Public Health educator for Genesee County Health Department:

April is STD Awareness Month. Do you know your STD status? If not, you need to GYT!

The annual GYT: Get Yourself Tested campaign is under way during Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Awareness Month, with online and on-the-ground activities across the country. GYT is a national campaign designed to promote sexual health and address the disproportionately high rates of STDs among young people.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 19 million new STD infections occur each year in the United States with almost half of them occurring in young people 15-24 years of age. In fact, one in two sexually active young people in the United States will contract an STD by the time they’re 25 — and most won’t know it. This is why it is important to GYT at least annually and more often if you or your partner participate in risky behaviors.

This month the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments, along with community partners want you to know where to get tested locally. If you are sexually active, GYT is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health. Make sure you have open and honest conversations about your sexual history and STD testing with your doctor and ask whether you should be tested. If you are not comfortable talking with your regular health care provider about STDs, there are other locations that provide confidential testing.

STD Testing Locations -- Call for details

To make getting tested more convenient Planned Parenthood now has an online appointment scheduling system. Visit and enter your zip code to find the health center nearest to you.

 · WorkFit Medical, 178 Washington Ave., Batavia, (585) 343-0334

· Batavia Family Care Center, 16 Bank St. (UMMC Jerome Center), Batavia, (585) 815-6760

Some of the consequences of not receiving timely testing and treatment can include infertility, loss of pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, compromised immune system, and damage to organs. It is also important to reduce your risk of contracting STDs through responsible behaviors.

· Abstinence: The most reliable way to avoid infection is to not have sex.

· Get Vaccinated: Vaccines are safe, effective, and recommended ways to prevent Hepatitis B and Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV vaccines for males and females can protect against some of the most common types of HPV. HPV vaccine is important because it protects against cancers caused by HPV infection. About 14 million people, including teens, become infected with HPV each year. HPV vaccines are recommended for youth starting at age 11 and adults through age 26. You should also get vaccinated for Hepatitis B if you were not vaccinated when you were younger.

· Reduce Number of Sexual Partners: Reducing your number of sex partners can decrease your risk for STDs. It is still important that you and your partner get tested, and that you share your test results with one another.

· Mutual Monogamy: This means that you agree to be sexually active with only one person, who has agreed to be sexually active only with you. Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is one of the most reliable ways to avoid STDs. But you must both be certain you are not infected with STDs. It is important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner.

· Use Condoms: Correct and consistent use of a condom is highly effective in reducing STD transmission. Use a condom every time you have anal, vaginal, or oral sex. If you have latex allergies, synthetic non-latex condoms can be used. But it is important to note that these condoms have higher breakage rates than latex condoms. Natural membrane condoms are not recommended for STD prevention.Contact your local Health Department (Genesee: 344-2580, ext. 5555 / Orleans 589-3278) to receive free condoms.

· Sterile Needles and Syringes: Persons who inject drugs can substantially reduce their risk of getting and transmitting HIV, viral hepatitis and other blood-borne infections by using a sterile needle and syringe for every injection.

For information on STDs contact your primary care provider, local health department or other STD testing location. You can also access accurate information online via NYS Department of Health, CDC and Planned Parenthood.

GCC's Sheriff's Office recognizes National Public Safety Telecommunicators' Week

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In 1991, a formal Congressional resolution acknowledged the vital role that telecommunicators play in emergency situations by proclaiming the second week in April as a week of annual recognition in their honor. National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week is a time to thank these men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving the public.

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office recognizes and commends the County’s 9-1-1 dispatchers for their dedication, professionalism and commitment to public service.

9-1-1 dispatchers are there 24/7,365 days a year for first responders and the public in time of need. Many people do not think about these seemingly nameless, faceless individuals until they experience actual emergencies themselves. In many instances, 9-1-1 dispatchers make the difference between life and death.

More than 82,000 events were dispatched in 2015, a daily average of 224, and 134,937 telephone calls were handled last year, which is an average of 369 calls per day. The Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center (Public Safety Answering Point-PSAP) is comprised of 24 men and women who dispatch to five local police agencies/New York State Police; 19 fire departments/Emergency Management Service; three ambulance services; as well as 41 other local, county, state, regional, and federal agencies.

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office recognizes these public safety professionals who have worked so hard during this past year. Every day, citizens depend on the skill, expertise and commitment of the 9-1-1 dispatchers. They are the first to take that phone call; the first to provide basic life support in a medical emergency, and also the first to dispatch needed fire, police or EMS responders for the call. They are to be recognized and commended.

Founding Day at GCC's Batavia Campus is Friday, cake-cutting ceremony will mark 50 years

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Founding a college is no simple task. Establishing Genesee Community College in the mid-1960s involved more than a decade of planning with hundreds of community members working hard in support of the innovative idea that Genesee and surrounding counties would benefit from having a college. As GCC recognizes its 50th Anniversary, numerous historical dates are being celebrated, as are the pioneering efforts and vision of its founding citizens.

Friday, April 15, 2016 is Founding Day at GCC's Batavia Campus, which will celebrate the exact date 50 years prior that the State University of New York officially approved and recognized the interests of the Genesee County Board of Supervisors to establish and sponsor a two-year college in Genesee County. It is one of many important dates in the College's history, and also the first event in the coming 18 months where GCC will reflect on its unique past while planning ahead for the future.

At 11 a.m. on Founding Day, the College community including students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni and friends will gather in the William W. Stuart Forum for a cake-cutting ceremony. In addition, a specially prepared historical photo show will run continuously until 2 p.m., and all visitors will have the chance to be part of a pending time capsule by briefly answer the inquiry: "What I found at GCC." Edited responses to this inquiry will be added to the soon to be launched 50th Anniversary Web site.

WGCC, the College's radio station will be broadcasting live, and the GCC Cougar mascot will pose for numerous photo ops. Lastly, the College will officially release the new 50th Anniversary logo featuring a creative blue and gold flame matching the College's colors that date back to the late 1960s with the insignia "The True-Blue Past – Our Golden Future." 

"This is the 'soft opening' to the College's Anniversary program," President James Sunser, Ed.D., said at a recent planning meeting. "It gives us the opportunity to publish and promote our calendar of upcoming events and the many opportunities we are looking forward to, including the new logo with a few surprises."

The next big College event is the official Groundbreaking Ceremony on Thursday, April 28, at 4 p.m. for the new Student Success Center and the Event Center. College and community leaders will gather to recognize the start of construction for these two new facilities, collectively valued at more than $21 million and totaling 75,000 square feet. In addition, the program includes the opportunity to officially kickoff GCC's 50th Anniversary Celebration, paying homage to the community leaders 50 years ago whose vision gave rise to Genesee Community College's long term success. Final plans for Groundbreaking Ceremony are in development and details will be available soon.

Law and Order: Sex offender arrested for allegedly failing to register change of address, Oakfield woman charged with DWI

By Billie Owens

Kevin C. Greene, 61, of Bloomingdale Road, Akron, is a convicted sex offender who is charged with failure to notify an address change within 10 days. He was arrested March 11 at noon for allegedly moving out of his residence in February 2015 and not filing an address change within 10 days. He was issued an appearance ticket and is to appear in Batavia City Court on April 26. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Det. Eric Hill.

Carmelina Munoz Chavez, 48, of Sunrise Parkway, Oakfield, is charged with driving while intoxicated. She was arrested at 12:40 a.m. on April 10 following a complaint of a motor-vehicle accident in the Town of Byron. The defendant's vehicle was located and upon investigation, the defendant was arrested for allegedly driving while intoxicated. She was issued an appearance ticket and is to appear in Oakfield Town Court on May 9. The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Ryan DeLong.

Man bailed out in drug case back in jail for petty theft: 'Refund, please'

By Billie Owens

The person who bailed Joseph M. Platten out of Genesee County Jail wants his or her money back -- sooner rather than later. And Genesee County Acting Court Judge Michael F. Pietruszka agreed this morning to release the funds.

Platten, 32, who lives on Warren Street in Batavia, pled guilty on April 4 to criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fifth degree.

He was one of six people arrested in January after an investigation into illicit drug sales by the Drug Enforcement Task Force. At that time, he was jailed without bail.

Originally, he was charged with two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 5th, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 5th. Platten allegedly sold a quantity of a controlled substance to an agent of the Drug Task Force while in the City of Batavia.

After accepting a plea deal on the single charge, bail was set at $1,000 and someone bailed him out.

While out on bail and awaiting sentencing, which had been set for May 31, Platten was arrested in the City of Batavia for petit larceny and he was sentenced to six months in jail.

Now he's serving that time and the person who posted bail in the drug case is requesting that the bail money be returned ASAP, said Platten's public defense attorney Lisa Kroemer. 

She also asked Judge Pietruszka to speed up sentencing on the drug charge.

"I hate to have him sitting there doing dead time on this file," she said.

"I think that can be done," replied the judge.

Platten, shackled and wearing an orange inmate jumpsuit, appeared in court with a razor-thin beard and shaved head, a tattoo visible on his neck. He is to return to court at 9:30 a.m. on May 6 for sentencing on criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fifth degree.

Batavia man sentenced to one to three years in prison for strangulation

By Billie Owens

A Batavia man who pled guilty to second-degree strangulation was sentenced to one to three years in state prison today by Acting Genesee County Court Judge Michael F. Pietruszka.

Joshua M. Gaudioso was arrested following a domestic incident Dec. 6 on Galloway Road wherein he strangled a female and threatened to kill her along with several family members.

"I can clearly see the gravity of my client's previous contacts in the criminal justice system," said his public defense attorney, Lisa Kroemer, who went on to tout the progress "Josh" seemed to be making in his treatment program and how well his counselor thinks he's doing.

"Josh got a lot out of it," Kroemer said.

She recommended a plan of intensive outpatient treatment until a bed in an in-patient facility becomes available. She asked the judge to consider allowing Gaudioso to be screened for acceptance into Drug Treatment Court with clinical supervision and a probationary sentence. She asked that today's sentencing be postponed until a screening and determination could be accomplished.

But Pietruszka was not swayed to grant her requests based on her client's previous behavior. The judge noted that Gaudioso has been on probation three times in the last 10 years and probation was revoked in each case. He was also on parole once and that, too, was revoked.

The judge issued four no-contact orders of protection, with the exception of minimal contact in one case for the purposes of facilitating visitation with his children. The victim's stay-away order will be in effect until April 12, 2027; the other three until April 12, 2024.

Gaudioso, who is about 5'8" tall and has strawberry-blond hair, wore a short-sleeved plaid shirt and khaki pants, wire-rimmed glasses and had a well-trimmed beard. He looked over at his parents in the gallery several times and repeatedly pushed his glasses up on his nose. He was very soft-spoken and when the judge asked him if he had anything to say before sentencing, he mumbled something about his progress in treatment.

Trapping and treating 42 cats first big success for program designed to deal with stray cat issues

By Howard B. Owens

It took three days, but a couple of weeks ago a group of volunteers, coordinated by the city, trapped 42 cats in the McKinley Street area and had them spayed or neutered, vaccinated and ear-tipped before releasing them back to the same location.

It was a big success, said Assistant City Manager Gretchen DiFante, for the city's fledgling effort to get a program up and running to deal with Batavia's community cat (commonly called feral cat) problem.

The City Council-approved effort was a bit bogged down because the city had been unable to find a volunteer to lead the all-volunteer committee to operate the program.

Recently, Ann Marie Brade, the county's animal control officer, volunteered to lead the group and has secured the permission of her employer, the Sheriff's Office, to take on the task.

There will be a meeting tomorrow of committee volunteers to organize the next steps.

The McKinley Street undertaking began with a phone call to city's animal control officer, James Sheflin, about a large colony of cats in the area.

That began a five-week effort to organize and coordinate the task.

"One of the keys to success for this was that this colony manager, which is what the industry calls them, if you will, really took responsibility for the cats," DiFante said. "That makes it a lot easier. Unfortunately, we don't have that kind of ease in attacking some of these colonies."

The animals were all treated at State Street Animal Hospital.

Because he also authorized income verification, the city was able to use available grant funds to pay for the veterinary care. 

"We were able to use that grant and we'd love to use that grant more, but that's not usually how it works," DiFante said.

Photo: Fox on the run in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

Eric Almeter sent in this photo of a fox he spotted trotting through Le Roy at Route 19 and Union at about 8:30 this morning.

Oven fire reported in apartment on Rochester Street, Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

An oven fire is reported at 42 Rochester St., Apt. #15, Bergen.

Bergen fire and Le Roy's ladder truck are dispatched.

UPDATE 9:23 a.m.: Churchville was also dispatched, was canceled, but a minute later, they were already on scene, so the Bergen chief canceled his department's ladder truck. Le Roy can proceed non-emergency.

UPDATE 9:32 a.m.: Burnt food, ventilation in progress.

Two-car accident, unknown injuries, blocking traffic in Bergen

By Billie Owens

A two-car accident with unknown injuries is reported at North Bergen Road and West Sweden Road. It is blocking traffic. Bergen fire and medics are responding.

UPDATE 6:18 p.m.: Responders are told to come in non-emergency mode.

Darien Town Justice honored to take part in wreath ceremony at 'Tomb of the Unknown Soldier'

By Billie Owens

(Submitted photo. Darien Town Justice Gary Graber is helping present the wreath to a sentinel guarding the "Tomb of the Unknown Solider.")

Press release:

On April 7 the New York State Magistrates Association had the honor to place a wreath at the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" at one of the nation’s most sacred shrines honoring veterans and their families who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. The Tomb of the Unknowns is in the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Hon. Gary Graber, who serves as Town Justice in Darien, Hon. Tanja Sirago, Hon. Harold Bauman and Hon. Dennis Quinn placed the wreath on behalf of the New York State Magistrates Association. They acknowleged that it was an honor and a humbling experience to be able participate in this ceremony honoring our NYSMA members who have served as well as all of those who serve in the Armed Forces both past and present.

The "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" includes the remains of unknown service members from World War I, World II and the Korean War. Soldiers from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (AKA "The Old Guard") keep a 24-hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year vigil at the Tomb. The wreath ceremony is memorial in purpose and patriotic in nature, dedicated to the memory of all those interred in the cemetery and to all those dying in the military service of the United States.

Photo: Young eagle finds a meal

By Howard B. Owens

A reader sent in this picture from Sunday afternoon of a young bald eagle that he spotted feasting on a fawn that was dead near the side of the road on Dodgeson Road near Ridge Road, Alexander.

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