Town of Le Roy prepared to set public hearing on Comprehensive Plan
A 66-page updated Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Le Roy has been completed and is available for public review.
That's the word from Le Roy Town Supervisor Stephen Barbeau, who said he is hoping the Town Board -- at its meeting on Thursday night -- sets a Sept. 8 date for a public hearing on the document.
The Comprehensive Plan provides a framework for future public and private investment into a municipality.
Le Roy's strategy focuses on land use in the context of seven policy areas -- taking into consideration the community's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles to its quality of life. Those policy areas are residential living, local commerce, agriculture, community resources, leisure and culture, natural resources and regional cooperation.
"We're comfortable putting this out to the public," said Barbeau, noting that the plan, which hadn't been revised since 2001, has been posted on the Town's website -- "We've put a lot of work into this."
The plan was developed by members of the Le Roy Town Board, Le Roy Town Planning Board, Town of Le Roy staff, Genesee County Planning Department and County Legislator Rochelle Stein, with technical assistance from the firm of Clark Patterson Lee.
Barbeau also reported that he plans to present the Town's tentative 2017 budget at the Sept. 8 meeting.
"I am requesting information from the department heads," he said.
Barbeau mentioned that the Town will need to override the tax cap levy for 2017 due to the creation of a new southwest water district.
"We'll have to override it even though it (the water district) will be paid for by district residents," he said. "The cap is less than 1 percent this year."
He said that a recent audit of the Town's books showed "no significant issues" and that the Town is in "good shape financially." The Town has four major accounts -- Town and Village, Town outside of the Village, and two Highway Department funds (one for winter expenses and the other for summer expenses).