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Two-car crash in Le Roy sends one woman to the hospital

By Philip Anselmo

Melissa J. Beaumont, 30, of Rochester, was taken to Strong Memorial Hospital this afternoon where she was treated for a neck injury and released following a two-car crash on Route 19 in Le Roy, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Beaumont was driving on Route 19 when she failed to negotiate a curve and lost control of the vehicle. Her car then slid into the opposite lane, colliding with a pickup truck coming from that direction. The truck, operated by James M. Smith, 45, of Warsaw, was pushed into the guard rail, then off the shoulder and into a snow embankment. Smith did not report any injury.

Car hits tree in Darien

By Philip Anselmo

While we were out covering the mobile home fire in East Bethany earlier this afternoon, we received reports of a two-car crash out in the town of Darien. Fortunately, nobody was injured, but one of the cars had apparently run into a tree. So, already on the road, we drove out to take a photograph. Here's the car and the tree:

Not exactly what we had expected.

While we were on the scene, however, we got to talking with a fellow who told us that this corner (County Line Road and Sumner Road) is a frequent site of accidents. What might the county do to make the roads safer here?

Minor injury to child in two-car accident on Alexander Road

By Howard B. Owens

A child riding in a vehicle northbound on Alexander Road suffered a minor injury when a southbound Jeep Grand Cherokee reportedly served into oncoming traffic.

The Jeep clipped the other vehicle and then careened into a telephone poll -- severing the poll about half-way up its length -- near 8804 Alexander Road.

The child was transported to a hospital for evaluation, according to Deputy Richardson, primarily, he said, as a precaution.

The Jeep was driven by Kayla Tyoe, and the vehicle had two additional passengers.  The other vehicle was driven by Tracy Cooper.

Richardson said the investigation is ongoing to determine what caused Tyoe's vehicle to reportedly cross into the oncoming lane.

UPDATE: The Daily just posted a story with a few additional details.

Trucks collide in Elba

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA reports on a two-truck accident at the intersection of Routes 98 and 262, with some diesel fuel being spilled.

The accident occurred just before 6:30.

School bus service was not disrupted, but traffic is being rerouted and motorist are being asked to avoid the area.

Tune into WBTA this morning for updates.

School bus accident in North Byron (Update)

By Howard B. Owens

We have few details about the accident at this time. No bus passengers were hurt. A person in one of the other two vehicles was reportedly injuried. We'll update this post either later this evening or tomorrow morning.

(UPDATE 5:59pm): Genesee County sheriff's deputies are still investigating the crash and have not yet put together a report. We have been told that no information will be available until that happens. We will be sure to pass along that info once it comes our way, hopefully by morning.

(UPDATE 7:59am): Genesee County sheriff's deputies released a report on the crash early this morning. The Byron-Bergen school bus was stopped on Route 237 in Byron. Its red lights were flashing, and a student was getting off the bus. Kathleen A. Miller, 44, of Byron, was stopped in her SUV behind the bus. James A. Wright, 51, of Le Roy, had been unable to stop in time and crashed into the back of the SUV, pushing that vehicle into the back of the bus. No students were injured on or off the bus. Miller was taken to the hospital for treatment of a minor head injury.

News roundup: Thruway crash backs up traffic westbound near Pembroke

By Philip Anselmo

A car collided with a jacknifed tractor trailer on the westbound portion of the Thruway this morning around 6:00am just west of Pembroke, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. The serious crash left the tractor portion of the truck on a guardrail and the trailer in the middle of the highway, blocking both lanes going west.

Other news stations are reporting that Thruway is blocked off between exits 48A and Exit 49. We could not yet find any updates on how long before the lanes reopen. We'll get you an update when that info becomes available.

In other news, Dan Fischer tells us that the Genesee County Health Department will be holding another "Fly Shot Clinic" from 9:00 to 11:00am this morning at the Senior Center on Bank Street. Did you mean "Flu" there, Dan? I think so. Funny typo, though.

UPDATE (9:50pm): WHAM News in Rochester reports that the left westbound lane of the Thruway was, in fact, re-opened shortly after 7:00am this morning, and the right lane was freed up about an hour after that.

Batavia man in critical condition after his motorcycle collided with a car

By Philip Anselmo

One Batavia man is in the hospital with serious injuries, another in the custody of Genesee County sheriff's deputies, following an accident between a car and a motorcycle last night in the town of Batavia.

54-year-old William Herrington III, of 7926 Slusser Road, was taken by Mercy Flight to Strong Memorial Hospital after his motorcycle collided with a car at the intersection of Route 5 and Powers Road, according to deputies. Herrington is being treated for a cervical spine fracture, a laceration to his spine and multiple facial fractures.

Deputies believe that the driver of the car, 37-year-old Kenneth G. Scinta Jr., of 3207 Pratt Road Lot #70, had tried to make a left turn onto Powers Road without yielding the right of way to Herrington. Scinta was charged with felony first-degree vehicular assault and two misdemeanor charges of driving while intoxicated and aggraveted DWI. He was also ticketed with failing to yield the right of way.

Scinta is in sehriff's custody without bail. He is scheduled to reappear in court today at 10:30am.

Herrington was reported in "guarded" condition this morning at 9:00am.

The accident is still under investigation.

News Update: Accident on Dodgeson road; Bellavia won't run

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA reports this morning:

  • Officials believe an accident on Dodgeson Road went undiscovered for several hours. At about 5:30 this morning, a wrecked car was discovered with the driver inside, conscious but trapped.  Power tools were needed to open the car.
  • David Bellavia won't challenge a GOP-endorsed candidate for congress. UPDATE: Here's the Buffalo News coverage.

Listen to WBTA AM 1490 for news updates throughout the day.

Alexander Fire Department and high school re-enacting DWI accident

By Howard B. Owens

Steve Ognibene, chief of the Alexander Fire Department, sends along this notice:

The Alexander Fire Department and the Alexander High School are re-enacting a DWI Accident as part of the Prom night experence. A Promm project will start at the Alexander High School Auditorium at 910 Am on Thursday May 29, 2008 followed by the accident at the Alexander Fire Departmemnt Recreation Hall at 920. Any help in coverage will help to get the message out to young people not to drink and drive.

LeRoy crash claims life of Rochester man

By Howard B. Owens

A one-vehicle crash in LeRoy early this morning claimed the life of Gerhard McBride, 56, of Rochester, the Genesee County Sheriff's office reported.

McBride was reportedly driving on Oatka Trail Road when his car left the road, struck a sign and several trees before coming to rest down an embankment.

He was pronounced dead at the scene by the coroner.

The cause of the crash is under investigation.

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