The St. Jerome Guild prepares the annual “Step into Spring” fashion show, basket raffle, and luncheon prepared by Michael Tomaszewski, on Sunday, May 5.
The Guild and Genesee Community College will host "Fashion Show Weekend" with Genesee’s annual fashion show, “Limitless” scheduled on Saturday, May 4.
The Guild is excited to highlight several clothing stores in Batavia: JCPenney, Kohl’s, and Marshalls. More than 20 models will feature the Jerome Jewelry Collection and fashions for toddlers, teens, women, men and seniors.
The event will be held at Fr. Slomba Hall, 19 Sumner St., Batavia, at noon. Presale only tickets are available for $20 at the Jerome Center Gift Shop, 16 Bank St., Batavia. For more information call 585.343.6030, ext. 4198.
The Guild continues to support UMMC/Rochester Regional Healthcare as a corporate donor giving thousands of dollars to capital fundraising initiatives over the years and has contributed countless volunteer hours on a variety of fundraising events. The proceeds in the amount of $5,000 from last year’s fashion show purchased four natal bassinets.
The Guild has offered an annual Health Career Professional Scholarship to hospital employees and high school seniors for decades. Currently, the scholarship is being awarded to outstanding employees who are continuing their education in the medical field.
The Guild’s volunteerism has served the medical community for more than 100 years. In years past, the Guild sponsored fundraisers for St. Jerome Hospital; such as, casino nights, formal dances, fashion shows, and Mother’s Day breakfasts to name a few.
Pictured above modeling for the fashion show, back row is (from left): Mariah Ognibene, Alyssa Ognibene; front row, Lena Ciszak and Mia Ognibene. Photo below at Jerome Center Gift Shop: Debbie Pellegrino gift shop volunteer, and Annette Labarbera, president of St. Jerome Guild.
Submitted by, Marilyn C. Dickinson, secretary St. Jerome Guild Inc. Board of Directors. If you have questions, contact 585.356.9398.