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Photos: 2016 Tech Wars at GCC, Alexander Central School wins First Place for earning the most awards

By Steve Ognibene


The ninth annual GLOW Region (Genesee Livingston Orleans Wyoming counties) Tech Wars Competition was held today at Genesee Community College. Eighteen school districts participated in this year's four-hour event that incorporated technology, skills and competitiveness.

Hundreds of students from both middle and high schools competed in 20 different events. Pictured above is the CO2 cars lined up to be checked in.  

Top three schools that won the overall most awards: Alexander Central School, First Place; Dansville, Second Place; and Warsaw, Third Place.

Billie Owens

Thanks for the insight, Alvin. Now I can sleep in peace, knowing I've finally earned my keep.

The news business is not consistent. There are slow news days and chock-full weeks; depends on too many factors to name. It just is what it is.

Mar 17, 2016, 8:49pm Permalink

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