(Photo above from left, back row (adults): Elba Troop 42222 leader Darcy Sewar, Oakfield Troop 42141 leader Jeanine Corbett, Laurie Shepland -- VP of Human Resources, Ian Wetherbee -- volunteer coordinator, and Norm Hubbard, Golf Tournament Committee chair. Girl Scouts, front row, from left: Ariana Wolff, Laci Sewar, Rylee Wissinger, Abby Gardner and Ava Flores.)
Chapin International, Inc., is hosting its upcoming 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, Aug. 8, at Terry Hills Golf Course, 5122 Clinton Street Road, in Batavia. Each year employees raise funds to support local organizations.
“In past years we have chosen the Domestic Violence group of the YMCA, Crossroads and last year the Boy Scouts,” said Norm Hubbard, Golf Tournament Committee chair.
This year’s selected charitable organization is Girl Scouts of Western New York.
The charity fundraiser started out raising $2,000 and last year we raised over $6,000 for the Boy Scouts. Each year it has steadily increased. There are 27 hole sponsors, along with many other local contributors. The more sponsors we get will equally be divided up and recognized throughout the tournament.
Below, Girl Scouts from Elba and Oakfield troops stuff 200 golf appreciation bags provided by Chapin.

With more than 750 mailings locally, we have three local car dealerships sponsoring a hole-in-one and chance to WIN a car as one of the special events: Castilone Chrysler Dodge and Jeep, Ken Barrett Chevrolet Cadillac, and Toyota of Batavia.
“There is no large prize for winning because we want to keep the charity in mind,” Norm said. "We recognize teams that are mixed, men, and women including Chapin’s employees. Other special events include closest-to-the-pin, longest drive, closest-to-the-line and a chance to win a set of golf clubs on the day of the event only."
The registration starts at 11 a.m. with a putting contest for a chance to sink a put and win a recliner from Max Pies Furniture as a Grand Prize. Multiple puts that sink go into a draw pool to decide the winner. There supplemental prizes, too, and lunch for everyone at noon so nobody is left out and everyone will walk away with a prize.
The golf shotgun starts at 1 p.m. and wraps up at 6, with dinner and awards following.
To register, sponsor or donate visit the tournament Web site at: http://www.chapincharitygolf.com/