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Tenney releases plan to defend Second Amendment rights

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) released her Second Amendment plan, highlighting her legislative accomplishments and how she plans to build upon these existing wins to safeguard our Second Amendment rights.

Tenney has recently supported multiple initiatives working to build upon NYSRPA v. Bruen, the most significant Second Amendment win in over a decade, which was a major step in restoring the Founding Father's vision for our Constitutional rights. The Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act, legislation she led to modify federal bankruptcy law to allow an individual debtor to exempt from their bankruptcy estate one or more firearms up to a total maximum value of $3,000. Tenney is also working to stop the Biden administration gun grab by cosponsoring H.J.Res. 44, the Pistol Brace CRA, to repeal the ATF's unconstitutional pistol brace rule. In 2012, pistol stabilizing braces were created to help disabled individuals, including many veterans, better stabilize their pistols while shooting. Now, the Biden administration is trying to ban these stabilizers.

"The Second Amendment is a constitutional right for all Americans, and as a Constitutional Conservative, one of my top priorities is to preserve and uphold this sacred right for all law-abiding citizens," said Congresswoman Tenney. "The Biden and Hochul administrations continue imposing unnecessary regulations that seek only to criminalize legal gun-owning citizens instead of keeping our communities safe. This plan highlights my efforts to safeguard our Second Amendment rights for members of our community and for generations to come. I will always fight against any efforts to infringe on the rights of all law-abiding gun owners."

To view Tenney's full Second Amendment Plan, click here.

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